This Institute intends to engage services of the following posts on contract & Co-terminus basis for the projects of Reproductive Child Health (RCH) and Tribal Health Care Research Project (TSP) initially for a period of six months which may be extended at the discretion of the competent authority.
Post : Pharmacist
Qualification, experience :
i) Essential: Diploma in Pharmacy/D.Pharm. (Ay) from recognized University or Institution with two years experience in recognized Ayurvedic Hospital or B. Pharm.
ii) Desirable: Experience in Ayurvedic hospital
i) Essential: Diploma in Pharmacy/D.Pharm. (Ay) from recognized University or Institution with two years experience in recognized Ayurvedic Hospital or B. Pharm.
ii) Desirable: Experience in Ayurvedic hospital
Age limit :
Age not exceeding 27 years as on date of interview
Age not exceeding 27 years as on date of interview
Monthly remuneration : Rs. 16,000/-
Interested candidates fulfilling the essential qualifications and age limit may apply in the prescribed proforma along with self attested copy of certificates in support of age and essential qualification and two passport size recent photographs. The candidates are required to appear for written test/interviews at the above mentioned address. The candidates who are called for interview will be required to carry their original testimonials for verification. The interested candidates must reach the venue on 10-12-2018 at 10.00 am for registration on the stipulated date and beyond that, no candidate will be entertained.
1.The engagement would be purely on contractual basis and co-terminus with the projects and no claim for continuance of regular appointment will be entertained.
2.The eligibility of candidates in respect of age will be determined as on date of interview and Relaxation in age for SC/ST/OBC candidates as per Govt, of India Rules.
3.No TA/DA will be paid for attending the written test/interview.
1.The engagement would be purely on contractual basis and co-terminus with the projects and no claim for continuance of regular appointment will be entertained.
2.The eligibility of candidates in respect of age will be determined as on date of interview and Relaxation in age for SC/ST/OBC candidates as per Govt, of India Rules.
3.No TA/DA will be paid for attending the written test/interview.
Date and Time of Written Test/Interview : 10-12-2018 at 10.30 a.m
Rajiv Nagar, Kavithas, Payakapuram, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh 520015
Rajiv Nagar, Kavithas, Payakapuram, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh 520015