Project Coordinator required at centre of Excellence supported by Ministry of Tribal Affairs @ Apply Online Now

Online Applications are invited for project based positions purely on temporary basis in the Centre of Excellence (supported by Min. of Tribal Affairs) to support and strengthen active research in the field of Tribal Development.
Post: Project Coordinator @Rs. 40,000/- pm (Consolidated)
No of Post: 1 UR
Age limit: 40 years
Essential Qualification: Master Degree with 55% of marks in Anthropology / Sociology & Social Work / Botany/Zoology/Environmental Science/ Pharmacy/ Development Studies / Tribal Studies / Folklore / AIHC & Archeology & History / Museology and Conservation / Philosophy & Tribal Worldview / Linguistics / Political Science and with consistently good academic record.
Desirable Experience: At least five years of experience of research including Ph.D. candidates with Ph.D. and working experience in Project(s) will be preferred.
Nature of Duties or Project: Survey and collection of data on ethnomedicine/ traditional medicine and other; data analysis, report writing; project coordinator and any other activity to be assigned by the University
Post: Project Assistant @ Rs. 15,000/- pm (Consolidated )
No of Post: 2 UR
Age limit: 35 years
Essential Qualification: Master Degree with 55% of marks in Anthropology / Sociology & Social Work / Botany/Zoology/Environmental Science/ Pharmacy/ Development Studies / Tribal Studies / Folklore / AIHC & Archeology & History / Museology and Conservation / Philosophy & Tribal Worldview / Linguistics / Political Science and with consistently good academic record.
Desirable Experience: Experience of working in project and working with communities
Nature of Duties or Project: Survey and collection of data on ethnomedicine/ traditional medicine and other; data analysis, report writing; project coordinator and any other activity to be assigned by the University
Terms & Conditions:
1) Candidate must bring all original Degrees, Mark sheets, testimonials, certificates relating to his/her age, qualification, experience and caste etc. at the time of interview. In case the candidate fails to submit the original documents at the time of verification, he or she shall not be allowed to appear at the interview and his candidature shall be treated as cancelled.
2) Experience and qualification will be reckoned as on the last date of submission of application.
3) Candidates intending to apply for different posts are required to apply separately.
4) In absence of hard copy of online application form along with self-attested necessary supporting documents, the candidature shall not be considered for screening/interview etc.
5) No TA/DA will be paid for attending interview before the selection committee.
6) Application Fees : NIL
7) The date for determining the eligibility of all candidates in every respect shall be the closing date as prescribed in the advertisement for receipt of the applications. In other words no candidate shall be allowed to appear interview if he/she does not possess the minimum qualification and experience etc. as on the closing date of the application for a particular post.
8) It is the responsibility of the candidate to assess his own eligibility for the post for which he/she is applying in accordance with the prescribed qualification, experience etc and submit his/her application duly filled-in along with desired information, documents and other supporting materials as per the advertisement. Suppression of factual information, supply of fake documents, providing false or misleading information or any other undesirable action by the candidate shall lead to cancellation of his candidature. In case, it is detected at any point of time in future even after appointment that the candidate was not eligible as per the prescribed qualification, experience etc which could not be detected at the time of interview due to whatever circumstances, his/her appointment shall be liable to termination forthwith as per this clause without any notice and also based on his undertaking.
9) The appointment shall be co-terminated along-with the project.
10) Candidates are advised to visit the University website regularly for updates related to recruitment.
11) The date of interview, venue and time shall be displayed in the University website. No personal correspondence shall be made for calling the candidates for appearing interview.
(i) (a) The University reserves the right to fill or not to fill up the posts advertised for any reasons whatsoever and reserves the right to withdraw the advertisement either partly or wholly at any time without assigning any reason to this effect.
(b) The University reserves the right to increase or decrease or withdraw the vacancies according to the circumstances.
(c) Interim enquiries shall not be entertained.
(d) Canvassing in any form shall deemed to be disqualify the candidature of the candidate.
(e) Applicants are required to apply online separately for each post.
(ii) For any clarification, the candidates may contact the Recruitment Cell of the University by sending mail to in case of any grievance.
Eligible Candidates should fill Online Application through IGNTU website
The Opening date of online application is 14.12.2018. The closing date for submission of online application is 04.01.2019 and candidates are required to download the same and to bring hard copy of the application form along with all testimonials in original and one set of self attested photocopy with recent 02 nos of passport size photo at the time of appearing interview.

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