Uttarakhand State Council for Science and Technology invites applications for Junior Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow, Project Assistant

Junior Research Fellow (01 no. with NET) Or Junior Research Fellow (02 no. Non-NET)
Qualification & Experience : M.Sc. in Chemistry/ Environmental Sciences/ Geo-informatics/ Biochemistry with or without NET or equivalent qualification (as per DST, GoI norms)
Project Name : “Modeling for Enhancing Water Quality in Uttarakhand using Geospatial Technology” (WTI-DST)
Emoluments/month : Rs. 25,000.00 + 20% HRA per month for NET Qualified Or Rs. 14,400.00 including HRA for Non NET
Senior Research Fellow (SRF 01 no.)
Qualification & Experience : More than 2 years of research experience in water quality with good publications having M.Sc. in Chemistry/ Environmental Science/ Applied Sciences
Project Name : Development of Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance (WQM&S) Model in Selected Rural Areas of Uttarakhand
Emoluments/month : Rs. 33,600.00 pm (including HRA)
Project Assistant (01 no.)
Qualification & Experience : B.Sc. with PCM/ CBZ or Other Graduate Degree with Chemistry/ Applied Science
Project Name : Development of Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance (WQM&S) Model in Selected Rural Areas of Uttarakhand
Emoluments/month : Rs. 8,000.00 pm (Consolidated)
Junior Research Fellow (01 no.)
Qualification & Experience : 
Essential Qualification: Post Graduate Degree in Life Sciences/ Biological sciences/ Forestry/ Statistics and related relevant discipline with a minimum of 55% aggregate marks from a recognized University.
Age: up to 28 years
Desirable Qualification: Prior work experience in the relevant area. The candidate should be willing to take Field assignments.
Project Name : Centre of Excellence on forest based livelihood in Uttarakhand
Emoluments/month : Rs. 25,000.00 per month (consolidated)
Junior Research Fellow or Junior Project Fellow (01 no.)
Qualification & Experience : 
Essential Qualification: Post Graduate in Basic Sciences, Life Sciences, Agriculture Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Geography or Statistics.
Age: Maximum upto 28 years
Desirable Qualification: Experience in the data collection and compilation and good hand on graphical representation and statistical interpretation.
Project Name : Preparation of Resource Atlas for the Himalayan State of Uttarakhand
Emoluments/month : Rs. 25,000.00 + HRA per month (for JRF) or Rs. 16,000.00 + HRA (for JPF)
Food Engineer/RA-II (01 no.)
Qualification & Experience : 
Ph.D. degree in Food Engineering/Food Nutrition / Biochemistry/ Microbiology or M.Pharm/M.Tech/M.Sc. degree in Food Engineering /Food Nutrition/ Biochemistry/ Microbiology with three year research experience.
Project Name : “Enhancing livelihood of Himalayan communities through action research and transforming wild produce into high value product” (NMHS)
Emoluments/month : Rs. 38,000.00 per month consolidated
Candidates possessing the requisite qualifications & experience must send their applications in the prescribed format with necessary self-attested copies of certificates/marks as on before 20 December, 2018 (5.00 pm)in the name of “Administrative Officer, Uttarakhand State Council for Science and Technology (UCOST), Vigyan Dham, Jhajra, Dehradun-248007”. Applicants should clearly mentioned post and project name on the top of envelop.

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