Pharmacists in Department of Health & Family Welfare Darjeeling @ Click Here for more details

Department of Health & Family Welfare, District Darjeeling invites application from the eligible candidates as per criteria mentioned with attached notification against the vacant posts.
Post : Pharmacist
No of posts : 2 (Two)
Place of posting : (U-PHC) under Darjeeling Municipality
Remuneration : Rs 16,860 per month
Minimum Qualification : The candidates should Two years Diploma in Pharmacy (D.Pharm)(ALLOPATHIC) recognised by the government of west Bengal and registered as "A" Category Pharmacist under the West Bengal Pharmacy Council Weightage will be given for the higher qualification.
The candidates must have Proficiency in local language and must have efficiency in computers including MS Office and internet.

Age : 40 years
Mode of Selection : Total 100 Marks
D-Pharma : 65(based on % of marks obtained in the examination )
B-Pharma : 75(based on % of marks obtained in the examination)
M-Pharma : 85(based on % of marks obtained in the examination)
Computer Test : 15
Candidates must obtain at least 50% marks in computer test to qualify Note: For the above mentioned position the applications must be permanent resident of West Bengal .age relaxation will be given for the reserved candidates as per govt.norms.
Application must be sent in scanned and PDF version in prescribed proforma attached herewith to the e-mail If recruitmentnuhmdarjeeling@gmail.comon or before 02/01/2019 ( speed post/ registered post/ courier service not required along with self attested all testimonials in support of age, caste, qualification, experiences etc in scanned and PDF version. The candidate should mention the name of the post applied for at the space mentioned as subject. The cut off date for calculation o age will be 02/01/2019.
Gorkhaland Territorial Administration,

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