Post : Senior Research Fellow
Under the project ‘Establishing the advanced centre for diagnosis and management of primary Immunodeficiency Disorders (PID) ’’
Qualifications & Experience
Essential : M.Sc. In Life Science / Microbiology / Genetics / Molecular Biotechnology / Biochemistry With With 2 Years Research Experience.
Essential : M.Sc. In Life Science / Microbiology / Genetics / Molecular Biotechnology / Biochemistry With With 2 Years Research Experience.
Desirable : Experience In Molecular Biology.
Age : Below 28 Years
Stipend : Rs. 28,000 + 30% Hra
Application and selection procedure: Candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria are requested to fill their application from download from NIIH website and ICMR Duly filled application along with the excel sheet (both may be downloaded from the website) should be emailed to on or before 05.01.2019. The Candidates are required to report to the Institute on 08.01.2019 at 9.00 am with the application form and one set of self attested xerox copies of certificates in support of age, qualification, experience and category (if applicable) for verification.
Terms & Conditions:
1. The post are to be filled up only on purely temporary basis.
2. Above said post will be stationed at NIIH, Parel, Mumbai 400012.
3. Since the post are purely temporary, the incumbents selected will have no claim for regular posts and benefits of provident fund, CCA, Leave Travel Concession,Medical Claim etc. are not applicable under the rules.
4. Age is relatable upto 5 years for Government servants in accordance with the instructions issued by DOPT from time to time in this regard.
5. No.TA/DA etc. will be given to attend the nterview or joining of post and out stationed candidate should make his/her own arrangement for stay for Interview and joining of post, if offered.
6. Qualification and experience should be from a reputed and recognized organization.
7. The decision of Director is final in all aspects of recruitment.
8. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
1. The post are to be filled up only on purely temporary basis.
2. Above said post will be stationed at NIIH, Parel, Mumbai 400012.
3. Since the post are purely temporary, the incumbents selected will have no claim for regular posts and benefits of provident fund, CCA, Leave Travel Concession,Medical Claim etc. are not applicable under the rules.
4. Age is relatable upto 5 years for Government servants in accordance with the instructions issued by DOPT from time to time in this regard.
5. No.TA/DA etc. will be given to attend the nterview or joining of post and out stationed candidate should make his/her own arrangement for stay for Interview and joining of post, if offered.
6. Qualification and experience should be from a reputed and recognized organization.
7. The decision of Director is final in all aspects of recruitment.
8. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
Prior information of attending of Tests/Interview is required by e-mail up to 05.01.2019. No candidate shall be entertained after 10.00 am on the test day.
13th Floor, New Multistoreyed Building, K.E.M. Hospital Campus, Parel, Mumbai - 400012.
13th Floor, New Multistoreyed Building, K.E.M. Hospital Campus, Parel, Mumbai - 400012.