The National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB) has been established by Government of India to coordinate with all matters relating to Medicinal Plants and Support Policies and Programs for growth of trade, export, conservation and cultivation. The board is working under Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha & Homeopathy (AYUSH). Government of India set up National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB) on 24th November 2000. Currently the board is working under the Ministry of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha & Homoeopathy), Government of India.
Deputy Director (Medicinal Plants) Deputation (including short-term contract).
Pay Scale : Pay Matrix Rs.78800- 209200/- in Level-12 (Pre revised 15600-39100 GP 7600)
Eligibility conditions
Officers under the Central/State Government or Union Territories or Universities or Recognized Research Institute or public Sector Undertakings or Semi Government Autonomous or Statutory organizations:
(a) (i) Holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent cadre or department; or
(ii) With five years' regular service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in scale of pay of Rs. 15,600-39,100/- plus grade pay Rs.6,600/- (pre revised scale of Rs, 10,000-15,200/-) in the parent cadre or department; and
(i) Master’s degree of Botany or Pharmacognosy or Agriculture or Agronomy or Forestry from a recognized University or Institute or equivalent;
Note: Period of deputation (including short-term contract) including period of deputation (including short - term contract) in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization or department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed four years. The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall be not exceeding (56) fifty-six years as on the closing date of receipt of applications.
Senior Research Assistant Deputation (including short-term contract).
Pay Scale : Pay Matrix Rs.35400- 112400/- in Level-6 (Pre revised Rs.9300-34800 GP Rs. 4200)
Eligibility conditions
Officers under the Central/State Government or Union Territories or Universities or Recognized Research Institute or public Sector Undertakings or Semi Government Autonomous or Statutory organizations:
(a) (i) Holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent cadre or department; or
(ii) With three years’ service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in the pre revised scale of pay of Rs.9,300-34,800/- plus grade pay Rs.4,200/- (pay matrix 35400-112400/-, Level-6 of 7th Pay Commissioner equivalent in the parent cadre or department; or
(iii) With six years service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.5,200-20,200/- plus Grade Pay Rs.2,800/- (pay matrix 29200-92300/-, Level-5 of 7th Pay Commission) in the parent cadre or department; or
(b) Possessing the following educational qualifications and experience:- Essential:-
(ii) Master’s degree of Science in Botany or Pharmacognosy or Forestry or Agriculture or Horticulture or Medicinal Plants or Bio-Technology or Pharmacy (with Pharmacognosy as a main subject) from a recognized University or Institute or equivalent
Note: Period of deputation including period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held
immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization or department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed three years. The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall be not exceeding (56) fifty-six years as on the closing date of receipt of applications
Deputy Director (Medicinal Plants) Deputation (including short-term contract).
Pay Scale : Pay Matrix Rs.78800- 209200/- in Level-12 (Pre revised 15600-39100 GP 7600)
Eligibility conditions
Officers under the Central/State Government or Union Territories or Universities or Recognized Research Institute or public Sector Undertakings or Semi Government Autonomous or Statutory organizations:
(a) (i) Holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent cadre or department; or
(ii) With five years' regular service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in scale of pay of Rs. 15,600-39,100/- plus grade pay Rs.6,600/- (pre revised scale of Rs, 10,000-15,200/-) in the parent cadre or department; and
(i) Master’s degree of Botany or Pharmacognosy or Agriculture or Agronomy or Forestry from a recognized University or Institute or equivalent;
Note: Period of deputation (including short-term contract) including period of deputation (including short - term contract) in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization or department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed four years. The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall be not exceeding (56) fifty-six years as on the closing date of receipt of applications.
Senior Research Assistant Deputation (including short-term contract).
Pay Scale : Pay Matrix Rs.35400- 112400/- in Level-6 (Pre revised Rs.9300-34800 GP Rs. 4200)
Eligibility conditions
Officers under the Central/State Government or Union Territories or Universities or Recognized Research Institute or public Sector Undertakings or Semi Government Autonomous or Statutory organizations:
(a) (i) Holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent cadre or department; or
(ii) With three years’ service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in the pre revised scale of pay of Rs.9,300-34,800/- plus grade pay Rs.4,200/- (pay matrix 35400-112400/-, Level-6 of 7th Pay Commissioner equivalent in the parent cadre or department; or
(iii) With six years service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.5,200-20,200/- plus Grade Pay Rs.2,800/- (pay matrix 29200-92300/-, Level-5 of 7th Pay Commission) in the parent cadre or department; or
(b) Possessing the following educational qualifications and experience:- Essential:-
(ii) Master’s degree of Science in Botany or Pharmacognosy or Forestry or Agriculture or Horticulture or Medicinal Plants or Bio-Technology or Pharmacy (with Pharmacognosy as a main subject) from a recognized University or Institute or equivalent
Note: Period of deputation including period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held
immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization or department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed three years. The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall be not exceeding (56) fifty-six years as on the closing date of receipt of applications
Applications should be sent through proper channel in the prescribed Proforma (Annexure-lll). While forwarding the applications, concerned department should send the up-to-date ACRs of last five years and Vigilance clearance certificate of the applicant. It may also be ensured that no major/ minor penalty has been imposed on the concerned officer.
It may also be certified by the forwarding authority that the particulars furnished by the applicant are correct and that no disciplinary/vigilance case is either pending or contemplated against the applicant. It is requested that vacancy may be given vide publicity among Central Govt. Offices, Universities, Recognized Research Institutes, Public Sector Undertakings, Semi- Govt., Autonomous bodies and Statutory Organizations etc. and the particulars of eligible officers who are fulfilling the eligibility prescribed and who are willing to be considered for deputation and also possessing requisite experience and whose services can be spared by the parent department may kindly be forwarded to this office within 60days from date of publication of the advertisement in Employment News. Applications received after the last date or without the ACRs or otherwise found incomplete will not be considered. No applicant will be permitted to withdraw his / her name after selection (This advertisement and other details / annexures are also available on the website of the board i.e.
Published on: Employment News 15 - 21 December 2018
The applications should reach within 60 days from the date of publication of this Advertisement in Newspapers.
Government of India
National Medicinal Plants Board
Ministry of AYUSH
Room No. 309, 3rd Floor,
AYUSH Bhawan, ‘B’ Block,
GPO Complex, INA,
New Delhi-110023
National Medicinal Plants Board
Ministry of AYUSH
Room No. 309, 3rd Floor,
AYUSH Bhawan, ‘B’ Block,
GPO Complex, INA,
New Delhi-110023