Uka Tarsadia University (UTU), established in 2011, by Gujarat State Private University amendment act 25 of 2011, is located on the Bardoli- Saputara state highway at Bardoli, Di: Surat, Gujarat, India. The university has taken rapid strides and is emerging as one of the leading universities in the field of higher education in Gujarat. UTU leads a culture that supports teaching learning excellence and has 15 constituent institutes, 4 departments under 7 faculties offering 76 career oriented academic programmes at diploma, undergraduate, postgraduate & doctoral level. The university offers a comprehensive array of academic programs across the disciplines of Management, Commerce, Engineering & Technology, Architecture, Design, Applied Science (Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biotechnology, Micro-biology), Computer Science, Pharmacy, Nursing and Physiotherapy. University is committed to provide need based, industry focused education nurturing in an inclusive environment.
This International Conference aims to provide a knowledge sharing experience in the area of “Nanotechnology and Ocular Drug Delivery.” It is with utmost happiness to stretch out our warm temptation to join the International Conference on “Nanotechnology and its Application to Ocular Drug Delivery Systems”, on 28 - 30th January 2019 at Maliba Pharmacy College, Surat, Gujarat, India. This conference incorporates keynote introduction, plenary lectures, invited talks, oral presentations and poster presentations. This conference would unite people occupied with fields of nanotechnology, ocular drug delivery, ocular pharmacology, ophthalmology and drug delivery systems. The highlights of the conference include nanotechnology, drug delivery through contact lens, challenges in ocular pharmacokinetics and modalities in ophthalmology. The conference would also have open panel discussions with experts from academia and industry to discuss on current challenges in nanotechnology and ocular drug delivery.
This International Conference aims to provide a knowledge sharing experience in the area of “Nanotechnology and Ocular Drug Delivery.” It is with utmost happiness to stretch out our warm temptation to join the International Conference on “Nanotechnology and its Application to Ocular Drug Delivery Systems”, on 28 - 30th January 2019 at Maliba Pharmacy College, Surat, Gujarat, India. This conference incorporates keynote introduction, plenary lectures, invited talks, oral presentations and poster presentations. This conference would unite people occupied with fields of nanotechnology, ocular drug delivery, ocular pharmacology, ophthalmology and drug delivery systems. The highlights of the conference include nanotechnology, drug delivery through contact lens, challenges in ocular pharmacokinetics and modalities in ophthalmology. The conference would also have open panel discussions with experts from academia and industry to discuss on current challenges in nanotechnology and ocular drug delivery.
The conference will also provide the opportunity to scientists, students, academician and research scholars from various organizations to put forth their innovative ideas and research findings by means of deliberations, discussions, oral and poster presentations.
International Conference on
"Nanotechnology and its Application to Ocular Drug Delivery Systems"
28 - 30th January 2019
Thrust Areas
• Advances in Ocular Drug Delivery
• Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology
• Colloids & Interfaces Medical Devices & Related Technologies
• Computer Aided Drug Design, Synthesis of Drug & Drug Discovery
• Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
• Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacy
• Pharmacovigilance & Pharmacy Practice
• Impurity Profiling
• Standardization of herbal drugs
• Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology
• Colloids & Interfaces Medical Devices & Related Technologies
• Computer Aided Drug Design, Synthesis of Drug & Drug Discovery
• Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
• Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacy
• Pharmacovigilance & Pharmacy Practice
• Impurity Profiling
• Standardization of herbal drugs
Call For Paper
The abstracts (research only) in the mentioned thrust areas are invited. The paper must be an original contribution that has not been published previously or not under consideration for publication or presentation elsewhere. Abstract can be submitted by email to or before December 31, 2018 as per the format available on the conference website ( All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Review Committee and intimation of the acceptance will be sent to the presenting author through email by January 05,2019. All accepted posters will be presented at Poster presentation session during the conference. Presenting authors have to register themselves for the conference on receipt of acceptance mail, if not, the abstract will be cancelled and will not be considered for publication in the abstract book. Authors of the selected posters will be called for Oral presentation on day-2 of the conference. The best paper will receive exciting prizes. All the accepted abstracts will be published in the special issue of Journal of Pharmacy and Applied Sciences (JAPS) [ISSN 2395 - 6097(PRINT), ISSN 2395 - 6100(ONLINE). All the presenting authors will also be invited for submission of full paper.
Winner : Rs 11,000/-
Runner's Up : Rs 5000/-
The abstracts (research only) in the mentioned thrust areas are invited. The paper must be an original contribution that has not been published previously or not under consideration for publication or presentation elsewhere. Abstract can be submitted by email to or before December 31, 2018 as per the format available on the conference website ( All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Review Committee and intimation of the acceptance will be sent to the presenting author through email by January 05,2019. All accepted posters will be presented at Poster presentation session during the conference. Presenting authors have to register themselves for the conference on receipt of acceptance mail, if not, the abstract will be cancelled and will not be considered for publication in the abstract book. Authors of the selected posters will be called for Oral presentation on day-2 of the conference. The best paper will receive exciting prizes. All the accepted abstracts will be published in the special issue of Journal of Pharmacy and Applied Sciences (JAPS) [ISSN 2395 - 6097(PRINT), ISSN 2395 - 6100(ONLINE). All the presenting authors will also be invited for submission of full paper.
Winner : Rs 11,000/-
Runner's Up : Rs 5000/-
Registration Details
Regular registration upto 10 January, 2019
Foreign Delegates : $100
Indian Delegates Academia/lndustry : Rs 2500
Indian Delegates Students : Rs 1200
Regular registration upto 10 January, 2019
Foreign Delegates : $100
Indian Delegates Academia/lndustry : Rs 2500
Indian Delegates Students : Rs 1200
On Spot Registration After 22 January 2019 (Subject to Availability)
Foreign Delegates : $150
Indian Delegates Academia/lndustry : Rs 3000
Indian Delegates Students : Rs 1500
• Registration entitles you to Registration kit, attendance in all sessions and proceedings of the symposium and hospitality during the conference. Online registration is also available at
• Registration fee is non-refundable. However, change in nomination can be permitted only on request.
• Registration fees would be accepted either cash or DD/Cheque to be made in favor of "Maliba Pharmacy College" payable at bardoli.
• Electronic Transfer NEFT/RTGS: Maliba Pharmacy College. HDFC Bank A/c: 02091000008509.
IFSC: HDFC0000209. Submit Transaction Details/ScreenShot of payment to
• Registration fee is non-refundable. However, change in nomination can be permitted only on request.
• Registration fees would be accepted either cash or DD/Cheque to be made in favor of "Maliba Pharmacy College" payable at bardoli.
• Electronic Transfer NEFT/RTGS: Maliba Pharmacy College. HDFC Bank A/c: 02091000008509.
IFSC: HDFC0000209. Submit Transaction Details/ScreenShot of payment to
Maliba Pharmacy College,
Uka Tarsadia University
+91 82386 51055
Maliba Pharmacy College,
Uka Tarsadia University
+91 82386 51055
For registration: You can contact Dr. Bhavin Vyas [Joint Secretary] by Cell + WhatsApp
at (+91) 9879629765 or by email at
at (+91) 9879629765 or by email at
Last date of registration: 10th January 2019