Apply for Scientist, Research Associate, Technical Assistant at National Institute of Virology

The National Institute of Virology is one of the major Institutes of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). It was established at Pune, Maharashtra State in 1952 as Virus Research Centre (VRC) under the auspices of the ICMR and the Rockefeller Foundation (RF), USA. It was an outcome of the global programme of the RF for investigating the Arthropod Borne viruses. Since the studies on arboviruses and their arthropod vectors involve most of the basic principles and techniques of general virology, entomology and zoology, these viruses were also considered to be an ideal group, to begin with, for intensive training and research in virology in our country. The RF withdrew its support in 1967 and since then the Institute is entirely funded by the ICMR.

Project Scientist B [Non- Medical]
No of Post : 01
Project : Strengthening/promoting evidence-based advocacy for influenza prevention and control in India (INSPIRE-II)
Emoluments : Rs.48,000/- + HRA
Essential Qualification : First Class Master’s Degree in Life Sciences with two years experience in related field. OR Second Class Master’s Degree with Ph.D in relevant subject. OR BDS/B.V.Sc. degree with one year experience.
Desirable :
1. Doctorate Degree in Life Sciences (Biochemistry / Microbiology / Biotechnology / Virology)
2. Additional Post Doctoral Research/ teaching experience in relevant subjects.
Age Limit :  35 Years
Project Research Associate-I
No of Post : 02
Project :
1. Health Technology Assessment study on RT-PCR for H1N1 in India [Duration of this study would be eight months, approx.]
2. Identification, Characterization and Validation of Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibodies against Hepatitis E Virus – SERB (DST)
Emoluments : Rs.36,000/- + HRA
Essential Qualification : Ph.D. in Life Sciences
Desirable : 1. Experience in cell culture and related techniques
2. Hands-on experience with molecular biology techniques including cloning, expression, real time PCR, generation of phage display library
Age Limit :  40 Years [02 Years relaxation for women candidates]
Project Technical Assistant
No of Post : 04 (02-OBC, 02-UR)
Project :
1. Monitoring of dengue and Chikungunya viruses circulating in India for changes in the serotypes, genotype and lineages utilizing Viral Research & Diagnostic Laboratories Network [02 posts]
2. Scaling up of facilities for production of Diagnostic kits/reagent for detection of JE, Den, & Chikungunya Viruses [02 posts]
Emoluments : Rs.31,000/- + HRA
Essential Qualification : Graduate (three years degree) in Life Science subjects with three years work experience or Master’s degree in the above subjects.
Desirable :
1. Laboratory experience in Molecular Biology/Tissue culture techniques/Bioinformatics, Virological techniques, Serology, handling infectious agents and fieldwork.
2. Knowledge of computer applications and data management.

Age Limit :  30 Years
Terms and conditions: -
1. Number of vacancies may vary.
2. These positions are meant for temporary extramural projects for appointment purely on temporary contract basis and co-terminus with the project.
3. Age relaxation against reserved positions will be as per Govt. of India norms. No relaxation against unreserved positions.
4. Cutoff date for age limit will be as on the date of walk-in-interview.
5. Reserved category candidates must produce their Caste Validity Certificate. OBC candidates must possess a latest valid non-creamy layer certificate.
6. Separate application should be submitted for each post/ reservation.
7. Qualification & experience should be in relevant discipline/field and from an Institution of repute. Experience should have been gained after acquiring the minimum essential qualification.
8. Mere fulfilling the essential qualification does not guarantee the selection.
9. Persons already in regular time scale service under any Government Department / Organizations are not eligible to apply.
10. Stipend/consolidated salary of the project personnel may vary from time to time.
11. No TA DA will be paid and candidate has to arrange transport/accommodation themselves for written test/interview.
12. Director, NIV reserves rights to consider or reject any application/candidature.
13. Submission of wrong or false information during the process of selection shall disqualify the candidature at any stage.
14. Project personnel cannot be permitted to register for Ph.D., due to time constraints.
15. Payment of salary/stipend/consolidated emoluments to the project staff shall be depending upon availability of funds from funding agency of the project. 16. Project personnel will normally be posted at the study site; however, they may be posted to other study sites in the interest of research work, they are liable to serve in any part of the country.
17. The personnel engaged on project mode shall not have any claim on a regular post in this institute or in any Department of Government of India and their project service will not confer any right for further assignment.
18. The Project Investigator and/or Appointing authority reserves the right to terminate the service of project personnel even during the agreed contract period or extended contract period without assigning any reason.
19. Leave shall be as per the Institutional policy for project staff.
20. NIV reserves the right to cancel/modify the recruitment process at any time, during the process, at its discretion.
21. The decision of the Director, NIV will be final and binding.
22. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification
Note: Candidates must report for verification of documents sharp at 08:00 hours on the respective date of interview/test. Candidates arriving late and/or without documents will not be entertained. The Interview/test may continue till late evening or following day/s depending upon the number of candidates appearing. No accommodation can be provided for any candidate.
Please be informed that, applications need not to be sent through email or any other mode of correspondence. Interested candidates must attend personally for the interview/test.
Interested candidates may appear for the interview/test with all documents in original in proof of their identity, date of birth, educational qualifications, experience etc. and one set of self attested photocopies of the same, C.V. and duly filled in application form in the prescribed format and a recent passport size colour photograph.
Date of interview/test
Project Scientist-B (Non-Medical) : 26th December, 2018
Project Research Associate-I : 26th December, 2018
Project Technical Assistant : 28th December, 2018
Venue : National Institute of Virology, 20-A, Dr. Ambedkar Road, Camp, Pune 411001.

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