Require Pharmacist (Group-C) (District Cadre) (3 posts) at CDM&PHO Malkangiri

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates in the prescribed format for filling-up of the following paramedical posts under the CDM&PHO Malkangiri on contractual basis with consolidated remuneration.
Post : Pharmacist (Group-C) (District Cadre)
No of Posts : 3 Nos. (ST-03)
Minimum Qualification : Must have passed +2 Science Examination under Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha/ equivalent and Diploma in Pharmacy from any of the 3 (three) Govt. Medical college and Hospitals of the State/ any other private institutions duly approved by A.I.C.T.E and examination conducted by the Odisha Pharmacy Board.
Consolidated Remuneration : Level-7, Cell No.1 of the pay matrix table under ORSP Rules, 2017.
I. Nationality:- She must be a citizen of India.(In support of which he/she must produce valid Residence Certificate/ Nativity Certificate issued from the competent authority issued within one year)
II. Age limit:- (a) She/he candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not be above the age of 32 years on the date of such advertisement for the post;
Provided that the upper age limit in respect of all the reserved categories of candidates referred as per ORV Act rule in force shall be relaxed in accordance with provisions of the Act, rules, orders of instructions for the time being in force, for their respective categories.
Provided further that the Pharmacists engaged on contractual basis under the Central Plan Scheme, State Plan Scheme and Externally Aided Schemes who are below the age of 45 years and have completed at least one year of continuous services shall be allowed to take part in the recruitment process as specified in rule 10 of these rules for filling up the post of Pharmacists.
(iii) Knowledge in Odia- The candidate must -(a) be able to read, write and speak Odia,
(b) have passed middle school examination with Odia as language subject: or
(c) have passed Matriculation or equivalent examination with Odia as medium of examination in non- language subject; or
(d) have passed in Odia as language subject in the final examination of Class- VII from a school or educational institution recognized by the Government of Odisha or the Central Government; or
(e) have passed a test in Odia in Middle English School standard conducted by the School and Mass Education Department.
(iv) Marital Status:- If married, the candidate must not have more than one spouse living; Provided that the Government may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such candidates or there are other specific grounds for doing so, exempt any candidate from the operation of these rules
General Conditions
1. The authority will not be responsible for any postal delay.
2. The applications received other than Speed Post/ Regd. Post will not be entertained.
3. Selection will be done strictly on the basis of merit as per career assessment for the post (as per cadre rule and guide lines issued for each post)
4. Number of Vacancies and category may vary at the time of giving appointment.
5. The engagement is on contractual basis & purely temporary and can be terminated at any time without assigning any notice and assigning any reason thereof.
6. The application received incomplete in any respect after due date will not be considered.
7. The application envelope received without superscription for the post applied for on the top of the envelope will be rejected out rightly at the time of receipt without assigning any reason thereof.
8. No undertaking regarding submission of any documents later on will be entertained.
9. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all the applications and modify/ cancel the advertisement without assigning any reason thereof.
Interested candidate is to download the application form and to submit duly filled application with supporting documents through Speed Post/Registered Post only addressed to Chief District Medical & Public Health Officer, Malkangiri, At/Po/Dist- Malkangiri, PIN- 764048. The envelope must be clearly superscripted “Name of the post applied for________at the top of the envelope.
The application for the above pharmacists posts must reach to the undersigned on or before - 20.12.2018. The applications received after due date will not be entertained. The applications received without superscribing the name of the post applied for_____at the top of the envelope will be rejected out rightly at the time of receipt without assigning any reason thereof. The undersigned reserves the right to cancel any or all the applications without assigning any reason thereof. Vacancies and Categories may vary at the time of engagement.

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