Require Junior Research Fellow at Regional Centre for Biotechnology @ Click Here for more details

The Centre has been recognized as an 'Institution of National Importance' through an act of Indian Parliament, for biotechnology education, training and research. The Centre is also regarded as a "Category II Centre" in terms of "the principles and guidelines for the establishment and functioning of UNESCO Institutes and Centres".
Post: Junior Research Fellow
Title of Project: “Identification of novel regulators and nodes of response mediating powdery mildew sporulation on legumes".
Principal Investigator: Dr. Divya Chandran, Assistant Professor, RCB
Duration: Initially for a period of 1 year and will be extended on annual evaluation of performance till the completion of the project.
Essential Qualifications: M.Sc. degree in Life Sciences/Bioinformatics with NET qualification and minimum 60% marks in qualifying exams. Practical knowledge of basic molecular biology techniques including nucleic acid extraction, cloning, and gene expression analysis in plant systems is essential. In addition, a strong motivation and commitment towards research is required.
Age limit: Should be below 28 years on the date of application. Age relaxation is applicable as per Govt. rule.
Fellowship Rs.25000/- + 30% HRA per month
Interview Date and Time: Candidates will be required to appear for interview in person on 8th January, 2019 at 10:00 am. Candidates arriving after 11:00 am will not be considered.
Note: No TA/DA will be paid to attend the interview.
Application procedure: Please bring duly filled application form, updated CV, and documents indicating prior experience in Plant Biology. Also provide names of at least 2 referees along with their contact information and phone number.
Regional Centre for Biotechnology,
NCR Biotech Science Cluster,
Faridabad-Gurgaon Expressway,3rd Milestone,
Faridabad 121001 Haryana.

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