ONGC invites applications for post of Pharmacist@ Click Here for more details

ONGC, a “Maharatna” Public Sector Enterprise, and India’s flagship energy company is engaged in Exploration and Production of Oil & Gas in India and abroad. A global energy major, it contributes 70% of India’s domestic Oil production & 62% of Natural Gas Production. ONGC’s annual net profit was Rs. 19,900 Cr. (approx.) during Financial Year 2017-18. Currently, ONGC through its subsidiary ONGC Videsh Ltd, is India’s largest Transnational Corporate with overseas investment of over 28.36 billion USD in 20 countries. ONGC Represents India's Energy Security through its Pioneering Efforts.
Post : Pharmacist Grade-IV (Allopathy)
Minimum Essential Qualification
**Diploma in Pharmacy of Min. 2 Years duration. Should be registered with Pharmacy Council. Tests Apply.
Basic Pay Scale (Total Emoluments)
Rs. 11,000-24,000/-* (Total emolument would be Rs. 29,000/- approx. per month.)
Total emoluments include:-
(a) Allowances @47% of Basic Pay under Cafeteria Approach.
(b) Dearness Allowance. (c) HRA/ Company Accommodation.
(d) Contributory Provident Fund.
(e) An annual increment of 3% is admissible on basic pay
Skill Test:
Skill Test related to Pharmacy
Age Criteria
Date of Reckoning of age limits shall be 01.01.2019 i.e. the last date of receipt of On-line application. Date of Birth as mentioned in the SSC/ Matriculation Board Certificate will only be considered as valid proof.
General - Min. 18 Years to Max. 30 Years
OBC - Min. 18 Years to Max. 33 Years
SC/ST - Min. 18 Years to Max. 35 Years
I. Crucial date of eligibility: Applicants must ensure that they are eligible to apply for a post as on date(s) mentioned, failing which their candidature will be rejected.
II. A candidate can apply for post(s) in any one level (A-I/ A-II/W-1) through a single registration/online application by choosing the essential qualification in the dropdown list in online application form.
III. In case the candidate is eligible for multiple posts, the candidate will have to give his choice of posts in the order of preference in online application form. No change in the order of preference will be considered later. A candidate who is eligible to apply for multiple posts & does not want to apply for more than one post, may choose only one post. It may be noted that for all the posts candidate has to appear only for single Exam (Computer Based Test), which will be based on one’s essential qualification discipline. Marks scored by a candidate in the CBT in a certain discipline shall be applicable for all the relevant post(s) chosen by candidate while filling up the single online application against this advertisement.
IV. For candidates who are selected for more than one post, one will be issued offer letter to a post as per one’s order of preference and as per the merit. A candidate can receive a maximum of one offer only.
V. The certificates for essential qualification mentioned against each post should be recognised by respective statutory authority (ies).
VI. Candidates who are Ex-Servicemen, and whose experience of service in the Armed forces has been equated with any of the essential qualification(s) mentioned in this advertisement by the Government of India, can apply against the relevant posts. Such Ex-Servicemen candidates shall have to produce an equivalency certificate stating that their qualification has been equated with the prescribed essential qualification in this advertisement, failing which their candidature will not be considered.
VII. An Ex-Serviceman who has already secured employment under Government of India will be permitted the benefit of age relaxation as prescribed in this advertisement for securing another employment. However, such candidate will not be eligible for the benefit of reservation for ex-servicemen earmarked for various posts in this advertisement. This shall however not apply to those ex-servicemen who have been re-employed or are employed by private companies/autonomous bodies or by public sector undertakings/ government offices on casual/contract/temporary/ad-hoc basis and who can be removed from such service at any time by their employer concerned.
VIII. If sufficient number of eligible and suitable Ex-Servicemen candidates are not available to fill up the posts reserved for them, then the vacant posts may be filled up other candidates.
IX. Ex-Servicemen candidates have to produce a valid Discharge Certificate at the time of Skill Tests/ Uploading of Documents.
X. For posts where no vacancies are earmarked for reserved category, the reserved category candidate can apply against unreserved vacancies. However, a candidate may indicate actual category in the online application so as to avail the fee concession. Their candidature shall however be treated at par with General category candidate.
XI. Some of the posts in this advertisement have been identified suitable for PwBD candidates out of which few posts have been reserved for PwBD candidates for the specified disability. The disability for which the post has been identified/ reserved has been indicated against each post. PwBD candidates may apply for the posts identified suitable for them. However, the benefit of reservation shall be given only to those PwBD candidates for whom the posts have been reserved as per the Disability. PwBD candidates shall however be eligible for age relaxation irrespective of the fact whether the post is reserved person with disabilities or not, provided the post is identified suitable for the relevant category of disability.
XII. Certificate of Disability should be issued by Notified Medical Authority in case of Person with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) applicable to posts as mentioned above. The minimum degree of disability in order for a person to be eligible for any concessions/benefits would be 40%. Candidates will have to produce the original certificates at the time of various stages of selection process.
XIII. Departmental candidates applying within same level/ pay scale shall not be considered.
XIV. Departmental candidates fulfilling the requisite qualifications will be given first consideration irrespective of their position in the merit list.
XV. For the posts mentioned above where one of the qualifications prescribed is a Certificate/Diploma of minimum duration of 6 months in Computer Applications in the Office Environment, a B.C.A. or an M.C.A. shall not be accepted in place of a Certificate/ Diploma of minimum 6 months. Even if the Graduation is B.C.A., the required certificate of minimum duration of 6 months is mandatory. The Certificate/ Diploma should be attributable to Computer Applications and should clearly mention that the candidate should have studied applications in the office environment, for example working in Spreadsheets (Excel), Word documents, Power point presentation etc.
XVI. For the post of AT (Electronics), one of the qualifications prescribed is M.Sc. in Physics with Electronics. The candidate must possess the degree of M.Sc. in Physics with Electronics. Any variation in name from the prescribed nomenclature will not be acceptable.
XVII. For posts where Trade Certificate in Electrician trade is the prescribed qualification, a Trade Certificate in Wireman trade will not be considered.
XVIII. Graduation should be from a University/Institute recognized by UGC/ AIU. Engineering Diploma should be of minimum 3(three) years duration and recognized by AICTE. Trade Certificate should be issued under the aegis of NCVT/NCTVT/SCVT. Qualifications acquired through distance learning shall also be accepted provided they have been recognized by the relevant statutory bodies.
XIX. For the posts of Pharmacist Gd.-IV (Allopathy) registration with the Indian/ State Pharmacy Council is a must.
XX. The candidate MUST possess the essential qualification(s) mentioned against each posts, e.g. for a post where essential qualification is Diploma in Engineering, a candidate not possessing the same shall NOT be eligible to apply even if he/ she possesses a B.Tech/ M.Tech in Engineering. Similarly where a specific duration has been prescribed for example, 3 years Diploma, then the candidate must have pursued a 3 year Diploma course. However, if the candidate had pursued a 3 year Diploma course but has been granted an exemption from appearing in certain subjects or has been granted a lateral entry in the 2nd year of the 3 year Diploma, then such qualifications shall also be acceptable.
XXI. Appointment of selected candidates will be subject to their passing the company’s Medical Examination as per standards laid down under ONGC Medical Examination of Employees Rules, 1996. Details of the rules are available on ONGC’s Website at
XXII. Candidates must possess essential qualification(s) with a minimum score of 40% marks to be eligible to apply for post(s) in this advertisement.
XXIII. The jobs are transferable to any onshore/offshore location in the country.
General/OBC Candidates : Rs. 370/- as Registration fee (Fee- Rs. 299.20/- plus Bank charges- Rs. 60/- plus GST-Rs. 10.80/-)
SC/ST/PwBD/Ex-servicemen : No Fee (Hence, no challan will be generated after filling up the online application)
1. Start of Online Applications 12/12/2018
2. End Date for Online Applications 01/01/2019, 18:00 Hrs.
3. Start of Exam (CBT) (Tentative) Last week of January 2019
4. Last date for deposition of Fee 02/01/2019

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