K.L.E. Society’s, Gurusiddappa Kotambari Law College, Hubballi is organizing a National Seminar on Emerging Issues and Trends in Intellectual Property Rights. The Seminar will be held on 9th February, 2019. The National Seminar aims to focus on the issues of evolving technology and its impact on IPR policies. In particular, it aims to identify discrepancies in the intellectual property regime with special reference to digital technology; and to find ways to plug these irregularities.
The law college is now accepting Research Papers to be presented in the seminar. It can be submitted by professionals, students and academicians. Interested persons can register themselves by the 19th of January by paying a registration fee. The Abstract must be submitted by 17th January, 2019 and the full paper, by 30th January. Exceptional papers will be handpicked and published in a book.