Associate Professor (Homoeopathy Pharmacy)
Advt. No : 57/18-19
No of Posts : 01
Education Qualification :-
Possess - A Post Graduate degree in Homoeopathy in the concerned subject Pharmacy against each posts shown in Homeopathic Pharmacy obtained from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or State act in India; or any other educational institution recognized as such or declared to be deemed as a University under section 3 of the Universities Grants Commission act, 1956.
Experience: -
Possess - Have at least Four years teaching experience as Assistant Professor / Lecturer, class II in the Homeopathic Pharmacy subject as Associate Professor/Reader in a Medical Institution running degree course or in a Homoeopathy College recognized by the Central Council of Homoeopathy or the Central Government.
The basic knowledge of Computer Application as prescribed in the Gujarat Civil Services Classification and Recruitment(General) Rules, 1967; andAdequate knowledge of Gujarati or Hindi Or Both
Pay Scale:- Rs.67,700-2,08,700(7th PAY COMMISSION LEVAL-11)
Age: Not more than 44 years. Age will be considered as on last date of application.
Lecturer (Homoeopathy Pharmacy)
Advt. No : 64/18 - 19
No of Posts : 01
Education Qualification :-
A Post Graduate degree in Homeopathy included in the second schedule of the Homeopathy Central Council Act.1973 or a post-graduate medical degree in concerned subject recognized by the Medical Council of India as shown in the annexure below obtained from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or State Act in India: or any other educational institution recognized as such or declared to be deemed as a University under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956: Provided that preference shall be given to those candidates who holds experience of working as R.M.O. or House Physician either in the Homeopathic Hospital attached to a Homeopathic Medical College recognised by the Central Council or the Government or Medical College recognised by the Medical Council of India or the Government
The basic knowledge of Computer Application as prescribed in the Gujarat Civil Services Classification and Recruitment(General) Rules, 1967; andAdequate knowledge of Gujarati or Hindi Or Both
Pay Scale:- Rs.53100-167800)(7 th PAY COMMISSION LEVAL-9)
Age: Not more than 44 years. Age will be considered as on last date of application.
Possess - A Post Graduate degree in Homoeopathy in the concerned subject Pharmacy against each posts shown in Homeopathic Pharmacy obtained from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or State act in India; or any other educational institution recognized as such or declared to be deemed as a University under section 3 of the Universities Grants Commission act, 1956.
Possess - Have at least Four years teaching experience as Assistant Professor / Lecturer, class II in the Homeopathic Pharmacy subject as Associate Professor/Reader in a Medical Institution running degree course or in a Homoeopathy College recognized by the Central Council of Homoeopathy or the Central Government.
A Post Graduate degree in Homeopathy included in the second schedule of the Homeopathy Central Council Act.1973 or a post-graduate medical degree in concerned subject recognized by the Medical Council of India as shown in the annexure below obtained from any of the Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or State Act in India: or any other educational institution recognized as such or declared to be deemed as a University under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956: Provided that preference shall be given to those candidates who holds experience of working as R.M.O. or House Physician either in the Homeopathic Hospital attached to a Homeopathic Medical College recognised by the Central Council or the Government or Medical College recognised by the Medical Council of India or the Government