23rd Annual National Convention of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India THEME: “INNOVATIVE TEACHING AND LEARNING STRATEGIES IN PHARMACY – REQUIREMENTS & BARRIERS” OCTOBER 5-6th, 2018

APTI is an association founded by eminent pharmaceutical scientists and teachers like Prof.ML Shroff and Prof. G P Srivastava among others. It has over the years achieved its prime aim, which is providing a forum for interaction among pharmacy teachers of the country. The association has succeeded in raising the standard of pharmacy education in the country through interaction and exchange of ideas. To cope with the advances in technology, teachers must be equipped with knowledge and competence. The APTI is playing a stellar role in spreading the awareness among the pharmacy teacher fraternity by conducting conventions and seminars.
Objectives of Convention
  • The focal theme of the convention is “Enhancing the Quality of Pharmacy Education and Research to meet Global Challenges” with the following objectives.
  • To identify global challenges/issues in Pharmacy Education and Research.
  • To develop innovative and creative approaches to enhance the quality of Pharmacy Education and Research.
  • To focus on thrust areas for development based on future needs of Pharmacy Profession and Industry.
To focus on Teaching and Research Methodologies for enhancing the quality of Pharmacy Education and Research.

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