Pharmacist at Office of the Superintendent - Walk in interview

Hooghly District Unit of National Informatics Centre, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Govt. of India, was established in the year 1990.  Since its inception NIC, Hooghly has been busy in playing a catalytic role to cultivate IT culture in the government departments of the district. As the office is situated in the Collectores premises, it has become integral part of the District Administration.  NIC, Hooghly plays a dual role in implementing State and Central Government IT projects and helping the local administration in exercising day to day IT activities in the district.
Post : Pharmacist
Consolidated Remuneration : Rs.10000/- (Ten Thousand Only) per month.
Minimum Qualification
a) Diploma/Bachelor/Masters on Pharmacy from any recognized university
b) Maximum age limit is 65 years as on 01.08.2018
Intending candidates are invited to appear at the venue and report by 10.00 A. M on 12.09.2018 for walk-in interview with an application in enclosed format along with two passport size colour photographs, self attested photocopies of documents regarding age and qualification as well as original Certificates and testimonials in support of their candidature.
No candidate will be entertained to appear in the interview unless reported by 10.00 A.M and in this regard decision of the selection committee is final.

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