Requirement of M.Pharm,& M.Sc work as Junior Research Fellow - NIFTEM

NIFTEM is the brainchild of the Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) Government of India. MoFPI in its Vision document-2015, envisaged creation of a world-class institution to cater to the various stakeholders such as entrepreneurs, food processing industry, exporters, policy makers, government and existing institution. NIFTEM will work actively for assisting in setting up food standards, businesses incubation and can also include knowledge sharing. It would also be an apex institution in the field of food technology and management, networking and co-ordinating with other institutions in the same field in India and Abroad.
Applications are invited in the prescribed format (Annexure-1) for the position of junior research fellow (JRF) (01 no.) on purely contractual basis (for the period of 01 year initially which would be extended by another 01 year based on satisfactory performance) to work in the externally funded (MoFPI, Govt. of India) research project
Title of the Project: “Effect of thermal processing on proximate composition and antioxidant activity of Indian edible brown seaweed Sargassum wightii and development of nutraceuticals and functional food from it”
Essential qualification
Master’s degree with 60% marks in the areas of Biochemistry/Food Technology/Food Science/ Biotech/Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology/Veterinary Pathology/Pharmacy (M.Pharm.- Pharmacology/Toxicology/relevant sub disciplines). Candidates with experience in HPLC and laboratory animal handling & experimentation/prior work in these areas will be preferred.
Age : Maximum 30 years for male and Maximum 35 years for female (relaxation for SC/ST/OBC as per Government rules).
Fellowship per month : Rs. 25000/- + HRA (@08%)
• Interested candidates are requested to appear for a walk in interview at NIFTEM DMR room on 14.09.2018 at 10.30 am.
• The candidates should report and register their names at NIFTEM reception at 10.00 AM on 14.09.2018. No TA/DA shall be paid and no separate call letters will be sent for attending the interview.
• It is advised that advanced application shall be submitted in the given format (Annexure I) in soft copy (PDF format) to latest by 13.09.2018 by 05.00 pm.
• Candidates can also directly appear for the interview on the specified date, time and venue.
• Candidates should bring filled in application form in duplicate.
• The attested copies of the certificates and testimonials should also be attached with the application form.
• Original certificates should be produced for verification at the time of interview.
• Candidates are advised to keep visiting NIFTEM website for any change in date/time of the walk in interview; no separate letters/communication will be issued, if date/time changes.
• Decision of the NIFTEM administration with respect to all matters shall be final and binding.
Plot No. 97, Sector 56
HSIIDC Industrial Estate
Kundli, District-Sonepat

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