Junior Project Fellow at Forest Research Institute

Junior Project Fellow/G&T1 /Dr. Santan Barthwal, Scientist -F
Name of Project : Molecular Mechanism of Rhizome Growth and Development in Dendrocalamus strictus funded by ICFRE
Qualification  : First class M.Sc. in Plant Biotechnology Desirable : Good working knowledge in the area of transcriplome analysis
Stipend per month : Rs. 16000/- (Sixteen Thousand ) only.
Junior Research Fellow/ Project Assistant (Research) forest Botany Dr. Sangeeta Gupta , Scientist- G
Name of Project : Wood Culture in Himachal Pradesh funded by Indian National Science Academy
Essential Qualifications:
For JRF:
M.Sc. in Botany/ Wood Science & Technology/Forestry with NET (LS) qualified only.
For : Project Assistant (Research)
M.Sc. in Botany/ Wood Science & Technology/ Forestry
Desirable : Research Experience in Wood Anatomy
Note :
Depending on the suitability of candidates on the basis of qualification and Interview, only one post will be filled up finaly JRF or PA (Research),
Stipend per month : 
For JRF 18000/- (Eighteen Thousand ) only.
For PA (Research) Rs. 14,000/- (Fourteen Thousand) only

Junior Research Fellow/ Chemistry & Bioprospecting / Dr. A.K.Pandey, Scientist-G
Name of Project : Phytochemical evaluation of Habenaria edgeworhii Hook.f.ex. Collett and Habenaria intermedia D.Don the important Astavarg Species funded by NMPB.
Essential Qualifications:
First Class M.Sc in Chemistry/ Organic Chemistry/Pharmaceutical Chemistry/ Analytical Chemistry/ First Class M. Pharma in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Desirable : Work experience phytochemieal analysis of medicinal plants.
Stipend per month : 
16000/- (Sixteen Thousand only)
Tenure:    Tenure will be initially is one year or up to project completion period whichever is earlier and may be extended as per ICFRE rules.
Age:    Upper age limit for SI.No.Of 02 & 03 is 28 years as on 01/06/20!8. which is relaxable up to 5 years for candidates belonging to SC/ST, Women, Physically Handicapped and OBC.
General Condition: Award of the fellowship is governed by the Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education. Dehradun rules and don't guarantee subsequent employment in any Institute under the Council.
Interview will be held on 04.10.2018 at 09.00 a.m, in the Board Room of FRI Main Building, P.O. New Forest, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun-248006. The interested and eligible candidates must bring the copy of bio-data along with recent passport size photograph, self attested copies of all educational certificates and relevant documents for submission to the office of Group Coordinator (Research), P.O. New Forest, FRI, Dehradun.
No separate letter will be issued for attending the interview and No TA/DA will be paid for attending the Interview, Candidates are requested to report at 9:00AM on 04.10.2018 in the Board Room of FRI Dehradun.

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