Invitation for 6th Biennial Conference DDNPTM-2018 And a Mini Symposium on "Traditional Chinese Medicine" :
Following upon the success of the 5th International Conference DDNPTM-2016 (Please navigate through photo gallery), the Department of Natural Products at NIPER, has decided to continue the same platform. This year the theme of the conference is 'Innovations'. Innovations are keystone to the process of discovery. It is vital to innovate if we want ot explore the vast array of compunds hidden in the natural resources and ofter deciphered but locked in our traditional knowledge. I am pleased to announce and invite all stakeholders from academia, industry, clinical research organization, R&D institutions and regulatory agencies all around the globe to this biennial event.
This meeting will offer real opportunities to discuss fresh issues, adancement in discovery tools to tackle complex problems and find workable, cost effective solutions to set new trends in research interacted with natural products and traditional medicines to meet the ever increasing global health care needs.
The Sixth DDNPTM conference will be held from 15 to 17 November, 2018 at National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) SAS Nagar, Mohali, Punjab-160062. Within DDNPTM-2018, a mini symposium on "Traditional Chinese Medicine" will be jointly organized with Sichuan Academy of Chinese Medicine Sciences on 16.11.2018. Get yourself registered for DDNPTM - 2018.
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) is the first national level institute in pharmaceutical sciences with a proclaimed objective of becoming a centre of excellence for advanced studies and research in pharmaceutical sciences. The Government of India has declared NIPER as an 'Institute of National Importance'. It is an autonomous body set up under the aegis of Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Government of India. The Institute is conceived to provide leadership in pharmaceutical sciences and related areas not only within the country, but also to the countries in South East Asia, South Asia and Africa. NIPER is a member of Association of Indian Universities and Association of Commonwealth Universities.
The Sichuan Academy of Chinese Medicine Sciences (Sichuan Institute of Chinese Materia Medica) is a public scientific research institute established by the Sichuan Provincial People's Government in 2007 by merging the former Sichuan Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine (established in 1984) and Sichuan Institute of Chinese Materia Medica founded in 1930. The Sichuan Institute of Chinese Materia Medica was one of the oldest established Traditional Chinese Medicine research institute in the country. The original Sichuan Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine was established in 1984 and is one of the seven major Chinese medicine research centers in the country. The Theme of Traditional Chinese Medicine is "International cooperation and development of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and traditional medicine industry in South Asia."
Looking forward to meet you in November, 2018 at Tricity - The City Beautiful (Chandigarh with Panchkula and Mohali) of modern and vibrant India