P'vigilance Practice: Challenges & Future Consideration, 6 October 2018 @Ujjain

Conference Credit: Two hours by MP Medical Council, Bhopal. 
Date: 06th Oct 2018; Saturday

Venue: R.D. Gardi Medical College, Ujjain, M.P. India 456006

The Need:

Medicines & therapeutics have reduced the disease burden considerably. Though they are life saving improve the quality of life of the diseased. Still they may cause some undesirable effects also defined as adverse effects or Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs). The first step towards preventing ADRs is to identify them, treat them and report them so that appropriate risk evaluation and mitigation strategies might be planned. This very scientific activity encompasses the essence of Pharmacovigilance. This is also prerogative of Pharmacovigilance Programme of India, being in existence in our country since 2010. 

In India Pharmacovigilance has developed significantly in recent times and will continue to develop in response to the new challenges it faces. The major challenges of Pharmacovigilance program in India is under-reporting and lack of awareness. The outcome of current knowledge, attitude and practice studies on adverse drug reactions and Pharmacovigilance among medical and paramedical fraternity is inadequate. The risk minimization measures for medicinal products are necessary to address the important safety issues which may not be practically achieved through routine risk management measures alone.

With the easy access to variety of medicinal products and increasing public expectations of safety, there is a great need for careful strategic planning, adopting a holistic approach to meet the challenges in routine Pharmacovigilance practices. We need continuing and dynamic progress in every aspect of Pharmacovigilance to improve public health and safety. There is a need to develop a robust Pharmacovigilance system in the health setups to fulfill the objectives of benefit and risk evaluation of medicinal products and to develop the effective risk minimization plans.


The major aim of this seminar is to discuss the challenges being faced in current Pharmacovigilance practices in the healthcare organizations, to highlight the gap in the training of medical fraternity and discuss the ways forward to develop a robust Pharmacovigilance system. It is also designed to invite regulators and health care practitioners from govt. and private health care facilities to discuss the challenges through regulatory perspective and to come up with practical solutions to implement good Pharmacovigilance practices in urban and rural hospitals and healthcare centers.

Guest of Honour: Shree Shobhit, Honorable Deputy Drug Controller, Govt. of MP, Bhopal

Program Schedule:
08:00 AM - 9:00 AM: Registration

9:00 AM - 9:30 AM: Inauguration

9:30 – 10:30 AM: Pharmacovigilance, Haemovigilance & Materiovigilance Programme of India: Introduction and scope

Speaker: Representative from Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission, Ghaziabad.

10:30 AM – 11:00 AM : High Tea

11:00 AM – 12:00 Noon: Pharmacovigilance: Objectives, Ways Ahead & Challenges

Speaker: Dr. S. P. Dhaneria, Dean (Academics) & HOD, Dept. Of Pharmacology, AIIMS Raipur

12:00 Noon – 01:00 PM: Role of Pharmacovigilance in Drug Regulations

Speaker: Shree Shobhit, Deputy Drug Controller, Govt. of MP, Bhopal

01:00 PM – 02: 00 PM: Lunch

02:00 PM – 03:00 PM: Good Pharmacovigilance Practices: An NABH Hospital Experience

Speaker: Dr. S. P. Jaiswal; Quality Manager, Consultant-Immunology, Head-Clinical Research, Choithram Hospital & Research Center, Indore.

03:00 PM – 03:30 PM: Challenges in ADR reporting: Physician’s Perspective

Speaker: Dr. B. L. Bamboria, Asso. Professor, Department of Medicine, R D Gardi Medical College, Ujjain.

03:30 PM – 04:00 PM: Antimicrobial Resistance: A global Challenge

Speaker: Dr. Megha Sharma, Asso. Professor, Department of Pharmacology, R D Gardi Medical College, Ujjain

4:00 PM – 4:15 PM: Tea Break

4: 15 PM – 5:00 PM: AEFI Surveillance 

Speaker: Dr. Ashish Pathak; Professor, Dept. Of Pediatrics, RD Gardi Medical College, Ujjain

5:00 PM – 5: 30 PM: Discussions and vote of thanks 

Registration: Either through google forms or registration form attached with the brochure.
Registration URL: https://goo.gl/forms/3noDGG2LvGDdSTvL2

Registration Fee & Payment details:
Registration fee: Rs 300

Registration Closes: 2nd Oct 2018

Late registration: With fee Rs 500 till 05th Oct 2018

Note: Registration is compulsory. The Coordinators, Pharmacovigilance associates of all AMCs in India, faculty, PG students and other staff of R.D. Gardi Medical college are exempted from registration fee, please mention NA in amount and transaction ID section and select date of registration in date of transaction section.

Account Details: 
Account Name: Sunil Kumar Thakur

Bank Name: Bank of Baroda

Account No.: 49220100000255

IFSC Code: BARB0FREEGA (Fifth character is zero)


Account Name: Sunil Kumar Thakur

Bank: Paytm Payments Bank

Account No.: 919770778121

IFSC Code: PYTM0123456 (Fifth character is zero)Note: If you like to pay through QR code please whats app to 9770778121

Contact persons:
Dr. Sandeep K. Adwal (Asst. Professor, Pharmacology and AMC Deputy Coordinator): +91 9893705300 (Whats app), Mr. Sunil Kumar Thakur (AMC Pharmacovigilance Associate): +91 9770778121 (Whats app)

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