Required Pharmacists (238 posts) in Health and Family Welfare Department - Government Jobs

The earliest known inhabitants of the region were tribals called Dasas. Later, Aryans came and they assimilated in the tribes. In the later centuries, the hill chieftains accepted suzerainty of the Mauryan empire, the Kaushans, the Guptas and Kanuaj rulers. During the Mughal period, the Rajas of the hill states made some mutually agreed arrangements which governed their relations. In the 19th century, Ranjit Singh annexed/subjugated many of the states. When the British came, they defeated Gorkhas and entered into treaties with some Rajas and annexed the kingdoms of others. The situation more or less remained unchanged till 1947. After Independence, 30 princely states of the area were united and Himachal Pradesh was formed on 15th April, 1948.

No of Posts : 238 posts
Department : Health and Family Welfare Department, Shimla-9.
Pay band plus grade pay : pay band plus grade pay Rs. 5910- 20200+3000 GP Consolidated emoluments Rs. 11160/- Anywhere in Himachal Pradesh with the initial appointment in the interior and tribal areas.
Reservation against each category : Reservation shall be available according to roster point.
Duration of vacancies : Purely on contract for three years the contract various
Health Institutions of the State.
Probable date by which the vacancies will be filled : On the availability of the post or any time after holding the interview within the live period of the selection panel.
Qualification : 
(a) i) 10 plus 2 in Science from a recognized University/Board.
ii) Degree or Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized University or an Institution duly recognized by the Central/ State Government.
iii) Must be registered with the Pharmacy Council of the concerned State/Central Government.
(b) Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.
(c) Note-withstanding the provision contained in sub Rule a(i) supra the candidates who have done diploma in Pharmacy prior to 12-09-2001 and are matriculates shall not be rendered ineligible.
Age Limit : Between 18-45 years
i) Preference will be given to Himachali candidates. Those candidates who are not willing to serve in the interior/tribal area of Himachal Pradesh need not apply.
ii) The candidates shall have to bring with them their degree/diplomas and certificates in original with attested photocopies thereof and also latest certificate. They shall also have to produce original certificate of belonging to SC/ST/OBC/IRDP issued by BDO/competent authority concerned on the form prescribed by the HP. Government.
iii) The name and particulars/applications of the candidates must reach in this Directorate from the concerned non tribal exchanges/area latest by 23.09.2018 and from tribal areas respectively by 7.10.2018.
The concerned Employment Exchange Officer(s)/ candidates will ensure that only the candidates of the concerned subject be sponsored upto the date(s) and the year of passing of diploma/degree in Pharmacy as per their prescribed Minimum qualification i.e.10+2 in Science and who have done diploma in Pharmacy prior to 12-09-2001 and are matriculates. The candidates must be registered with HP. Pharmacy Council. It is mentioned here that the name/candidates of Ayurveda diploma or SCVT Diploma holder may not be sent to this Directorate.
Last Date : 23th September, 2018

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