Associate Consultant - Procurement & Logistics in Ministry of Health & Family Welfare - NACO

Post : Associate Consultant - Procurement & Logistics
Minimum Qualification : Post Graduate in Commerce/Science/Arts or Graduate in Pharmacy/Engineering or MBA. Diploma in Material Management will be an added advantage.
Nature of Experience : Minimum 3 years of experience in Procurement & Logistics/Supply Chain Management in Govt / Autonomous body/Reputed Organisation. Experience in Procurement and Supply Chain Management of health products will be an added advantage
Proficiency in the usage of computer (MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS Access) and strong presentation and communication skills (written & oral) is essential for all the positions.
1.Only Indian Nationals are eligible for applying.
2.Engagement of Consultants will be on full working day basis and their place of work will be New Delhi except for the Regional Level Positions.
3.Documents to prove Qualification, Experience, Age etc. have to be produced in original at the time of interview.
4.Age limit: Not exceeding 60 years as on 01.04.2018 and having sound health to undertake extensive field visits.
5.Mere submission of applications shall not give any right to be called for interview/selection.
6.The appointment of consultants is purely on contractual basis.
7.Indicative monthly consolidated remuneration is given below:
Associate Consultant :  Rs.50,000/-
8. Proficiency in the usage of computer (MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS Access) and strong presentation and communication skills (written & oral) is essential for all the positions.
In case of any technical issues/errors while applying, write to

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