Post : Pharmacist - 01 (SC-01)
Application are invited from eligible candidates for the following posts in prescribed proforma to be filled up on contractual basis at office of the Superintendent, Saheed Laxman Nayak, Medical College & Hospital, Koraput. The details of different posts, minimum qualification, number of vacancy, remuneration and recruitment procedure are as follows. The reservation policy shall be as per ORV Rules
Minimum Qualification :
Must have passed +2 Science Examination under Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha / equivalent course and passed Diploma in Pharmacy course from any of the 3(Three)Medical College & Hospital of the State or any other recognized private institutions duly approved by AICTE and examination conducted by the Odisha Pharmacy Board and registered his/her name in the Pharmacy Council in the State & have possessed valid registration certificate as on the date of advertisement.
Must have passed +2 Science Examination under Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha / equivalent course and passed Diploma in Pharmacy course from any of the 3(Three)Medical College & Hospital of the State or any other recognized private institutions duly approved by AICTE and examination conducted by the Odisha Pharmacy Board and registered his/her name in the Pharmacy Council in the State & have possessed valid registration certificate as on the date of advertisement.
N.B: The contractual Pharmacists engaged under the central plan schemes , state plan schemes & externally aided schemes shall be allowed one percent extra mark of the total marks for each completed year of continuous service subject to the maximum of fifteen percent which will be add to the marks secured by them for deciding the merit position.
Remuneration : RS.9500/-P.M
Eligibility Criteria:
i] Nationality-She/He must be a citizen of India.
ii] Age Limit-She/He must have attained the age of 21 years and must not be above age of 32 years on the date of this advertisement. Provided that the upper age limit in respect of the reserved categories of candidates, women, sportsmen, Ex-Servicemen and persons' with disabilities shall be relaxed in accordance with the provisions of Act, Rules, orders of instructions for the time being in force for their respective categories.
Provided further that the Pharmacist engaged on contractual basis under the Central Plan Schemes, state Plan Schemes and externally aided Schemes who are below the age of 45 years and have completed at least one year of continuous service shall be allowed to take part in the recruitment process of the concerned category of post.
i] Nationality-She/He must be a citizen of India.
ii] Age Limit-She/He must have attained the age of 21 years and must not be above age of 32 years on the date of this advertisement. Provided that the upper age limit in respect of the reserved categories of candidates, women, sportsmen, Ex-Servicemen and persons' with disabilities shall be relaxed in accordance with the provisions of Act, Rules, orders of instructions for the time being in force for their respective categories.
Provided further that the Pharmacist engaged on contractual basis under the Central Plan Schemes, state Plan Schemes and externally aided Schemes who are below the age of 45 years and have completed at least one year of continuous service shall be allowed to take part in the recruitment process of the concerned category of post.
iii) Knowledge in Odia-the candidates must (a) be able to read, write and speak Odia,(b) have passed middle school examination with Odia as Language subject; or (c) have passed Matriculation or equivalent examination with Odia as medium of examination in nonlanguage subject; or (d] have passed in Odia as Language subject in the final examination of Class-Vll for a school or educational institution recognized by the Government of Odisha or the Central Government; ( e ) have passed a test in Odia in Middle English School standard conducted by the school and Mass Education Department.
iv) Marital Status:- If married, the candidates must not have more than one spouse living; Provided that the candidates can be exempted, if Government may satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such candidates or there are other specific grounds for doing so, exempt any person from operation of this Rule.
v) Minimum Educational Qualification:- The minimum educational qualification for the different posts shall be as specified in column 4 of the advertisement.
vi) Physical fitness- the candidates must be of good mental and physical health ad free from any physical defects likely to make her/his in capable of discharging her/his normal duties in the service.
vii) A candidate, who after such medical examination as the Government may prescribe is not found to satisfy the requirements as specified in (vi] above shall not be appointed to the service.
Procedure for selection by the Board:
The Board shall (i) scrutinize all the applications, prepare a date base of all the applications and prepare a provisional merit list of the candidates of respective categories against the vacancies advertised;
Provided that the contractual Staff Nurses & Pharmacists engaged on contractual basis under the Central Plan Schemes , State Plan Schemes and externally aided Schemes shall be allowed one percent extra mark of the total marks for each completed year of continuous service subject to a maximum of fifteen percent which will be added to the marks secured by them for deciding the merit position.
(ii) Publish the provisional merit list in the website indicating the dates of verification of their original certificates, mark sheets and such other certificates as would be required by the Board.
(iii) Draw the final merit list containing the names of the candidates against the number of vacancies advertised after due verification; provided that if two or more candidates secure equal marks as per the career assessment made then the following step shall be taken in order of preference, namely:
(a) Candidates who secures more marks in Diploma in pharmacy Examination shall be assigned higher position.if the marks are same then;
(b) Candidates who secures higher mark in Physics in +2 Science shall be assigned higner position. If the marks are same then;
(c) Candidates who secures higher marks in Chemistry in +2 Science shall be assigned higher position. If the marks are still the same then;
The Board shall (i) scrutinize all the applications, prepare a date base of all the applications and prepare a provisional merit list of the candidates of respective categories against the vacancies advertised;
Provided that the contractual Staff Nurses & Pharmacists engaged on contractual basis under the Central Plan Schemes , State Plan Schemes and externally aided Schemes shall be allowed one percent extra mark of the total marks for each completed year of continuous service subject to a maximum of fifteen percent which will be added to the marks secured by them for deciding the merit position.
(ii) Publish the provisional merit list in the website indicating the dates of verification of their original certificates, mark sheets and such other certificates as would be required by the Board.
(iii) Draw the final merit list containing the names of the candidates against the number of vacancies advertised after due verification; provided that if two or more candidates secure equal marks as per the career assessment made then the following step shall be taken in order of preference, namely:
(a) Candidates who secures more marks in Diploma in pharmacy Examination shall be assigned higher position.if the marks are same then;
(b) Candidates who secures higher mark in Physics in +2 Science shall be assigned higner position. If the marks are same then;
(c) Candidates who secures higher marks in Chemistry in +2 Science shall be assigned higher position. If the marks are still the same then;
(d) Candidates older in age as per date of birth shall be assigned higher position.
Select List: (1) The Board shall forward the list of the candidates prepared as per SI. No.6(iii) to the Appointing Authority for approval and after receiving the Approval the same from the select list.(2) The select list shall be in force for a period of one year extension of validity of the select list beyond one year shall be with the due justification and by Government approval.(3) Appointment of the candidates to the post in service shall be made in the order in which their names appear in the select list.
1. Methods of recruitment: Direct Recruitment.
2. The vacancies are to be filled up subject reservation for women candidates and physically handicapped/Ex-Servicemen/Sports person as per rules.
3. The vacancies are tentative may increase or decrease as per the decision of the authority.
2. The vacancies are to be filled up subject reservation for women candidates and physically handicapped/Ex-Servicemen/Sports person as per rules.
3. The vacancies are tentative may increase or decrease as per the decision of the authority.
Last Date : 3rd September, 2018