Recruitment for Pharmacists (13 posts) in Government Medical College - Shivpuri

Government Medical College in Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh is the seventh medical college in the province proposed to be started by the department of medical education, Government of Madhya Pradesh
Pharmacist Garde - 1
No of Posts : 02
Pay Band + Grade pay : 5200-20200+2800
Minimum Age Limit :  18 years
Education Qualification : 
1) 12th pass with biology chemistry and Physics 10 + 2 system including above subject
2) D.Pharm
3) Registration Madhya Pradesh Pharmacy Council
Retirement of Age : 62 years
Pharmacist Garde - 2

No of Posts : 11
Pay Band + Grade pay : 5200-20200+2400
Minimum Age Limit :  18 years
Education Qualification : 
1) 12th pass with biology chemistry and Physics 10 + 2 system including above subject
2) D.Pharm
3) Registration Madhya Pradesh Pharmacy Council
Retirement of Age : 62 years
Appplication form Register post/Speed Post or Individually submit in the incoming outward branch director's office, Gwalior Manasik Arogyashala, Jail Road, Gwalior
Appointment of the application for the medical board and the name of the application and reserved unreserved category should be clearly mentioned in the envelope of the application form.
In any case applications received after the prescribed date and time will not be considered.
LAST DATE : 27th August, 2018 till 5:30 pm

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