Pharmacy Lecturers in Government Polytechnic Colleges : Public Service Comission

Applications are invited On-line from Non – teaching staff of the department of Technical Education who are appointed by promotion as Lecturers in Government Polytechnic Colleges.
Post : Lecturers
Educational Qualification
A First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy from an University in India recognized by UGC or AICTE
Scheme of Examination
PART-A: Written (Objective Type) Examination:
Paper-1 General Studies & Mental ability 150 Marks. 150 Qns. 150 Minutes
Paper-2 Concerned Subject 300 Marks. 150 Qns. 150 Minutes
PART-B: ORAL TEST (Interview) 50 Marks
Applicant must pay Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only) towards application processing fee and Rs 200/- (Rupees Two Hundred only) towards Examination Fee

Mode of Payment of Fee:
i) The Examination Fee mentioned in the above paragraph is to be paid online using Payment Gateway using Net Banking/ Credit card / Debit Card. The list of Banks providing service for the purpose of online remittance of Fee will be available on the Website. 
ii) The fee once remitted shall not be refunded or adjusted under any circumstances. Failure to pay the examination fee and application fee (in non-exempt case) will entail total rejection of application.
iii) IPOs / Demand Drafts are not accepted.
iv) In case of corrections Rs.100/- per correction will be charged. However changes are not allowed for Name, Fee.
STEP-I: Candidates applying for the first time for any notification has to first fill the OTPR application carefully to obtain OTPR ID. While filling the OTPR, the candidates has to ensure that there are no mistakes done. The Commission bears no responsibility for the mistakes, if any, made by the candidates.
STEP-II: The Applicant has to Login in the Commission’s website with the User Name (OTPR ID) and the Password set by Candidate. After Login, the Applicant has to click on the “Online Application Submission” present in the bottom right corner of the commission’s website
PAYMENT PROCESS: The Applicant now has to click on the payment link against the Notification No.08/2018. The Basic details required for calculation of the Fee will be prepopulated from the OTPR data. The Applicant has to verify all the details that were displayed. Once the Payment form is submitted, the respective details (Used for Calculation of fee ) will not be altered in any stage of application processing. Hence if any details are to be changed, applicant should use the Modify OTPR link, modify the details, save it and again click on application payment link.
STEP-III: After checking all the data and ensuring that the data is correct the applicant has to fill application specific data. Once all the data is filled appropriately, the applicant has to submit the payment form. On successful submission, the payment reference ID is generated and is displayed on the screen. By clicking “OK” the Applicant is shown the various payment options where he/she can select any one among them and complete the payment process as given on the screen.
STEP-IV: Once the payment is successful, payment reference ID is generated. Candidates can note the payment reference ID for future correspondence. Thereafter the applicant is directed to the application form. Applicant should provide the payment reference Id generated along with the other details required for filing the application form (other fields like OTPR ID and personal details will be prepopulated 4 from the data submitted in the payment form for respective notification). The Applicant should check the data displayed thoroughly and should fill the application specific fields like subject details, Qualification details, examination centre etc., details carefully and submit the Application form. Once the Application is submitted successfully then Application Receipt is generated. The Applicant is requested to print and save the application receipt for future reference/correspondence

Applicant shall note that, the details displayed from OTPR at the time of submitting the application will be considered for the purpose of this notification only. If, any changes are made by the applicant to OTPR data at a later date will not be considered in any case.
STEP-V: In any case if the payment process is not submitted successfully, then the applicant should start the fresh payment process as mentioned in STEP-II.
STEP-VI: Once the application is submitted successfully, correction in application form will be enabled. The corrections can be made in the application form itself for subject only. Fields which affects the Name, fee are not enabled for corrections.
NOTE: The Commission is not responsible, for any omissions by the applicant in bio-data particulars while submitting the application form On-Line. The applicants are therefore, advised to strictly follow the instructions given in the User guide before submitting the application. All the candidates are requested to submit their application with correct data. It is noticed that some of the candidates are requesting for change in the data, after submission of the application. It is informed that such requests shall be allowed on payment of Rs.100/- (Rupees Hundred Only) for each correction. However changes are not allowed for Name, personal details and Fee. No manual application for corrections shall not be entertained. No changes will be allowed after 2 days of last date of applications.
The particulars furnished by the applicant in the Application Form will be taken as final, and data entry processed, based on these particulars only by application system. Applicants should, therefore, be very careful in Uploading / Submitting the Application Form Online.
Before Uploading/Submission Application Form, the Candidates should carefully ensure his/her eligibility for this examination. NO RELEVANT COLUMN OF THE APPLICATION FORM SHOULD BE LEFT BLANK; OTHERWISE APPLICATION FORM WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
Applicant shall note that, the details available with OTPR data base at the time of submitting the application will be considered for the purpose of this notification. If, any changes are made by the applicant to OTPR data base at a later date will not be considered for the purpose of this notification.
1) If the candidate notices any discrepancy printed on the Hall ticket, as to community, date of birth etc., he/she may immediately bring it to the notice of Commission’s officials/Chief Superintendent in the examination centre and necessary corrections can be made in the Nominal Roll, in the Examination Hall against his/her Hall Ticket Number for being verified by the Commission’s Office.
2) The candidate should satisfy the Invigilator of his/her identity with reference to the signature and photographs available on the Nominal Rolls and Hall Ticket.
3) The candidates should take their seats at the given time before the commencement of the examination and are not to be allowed after the scheduled time. The time of Examination and entry time would be mentioned in the hall ticket. Late entry after the given entry time would not be allowed. Candidates should not leave the examination hall till the expiry of fulltime.
4) The candidates must note that his/her admission to the examination is strictly provisional. The mere fact that an Admission to the examination does not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared by the Commission or that the entries made by the candidate in his/her application have been accepted by the Commission as true and correct. The candidates have to be found suitable after verification of original certificates; and other eligibility criteria. The Applicants have to upload his/her scanned recent colour passport photo and signature to the Application Form. Failure to produce the same photograph, if required, at the time of interview/ verification, may lead to disqualification. Hence the candidates are advised not to change their appearance till the examination process is complete.
5) The candidates are not allowed to bring any Electronic devices such as mobile / cellphones, programmable calculators, tablets, iPad, Bluetooth, pagers, watches or any other computing devices to examination Hall. Non programmable calculators would be permitted, wherever necessary. Loaning and interchanging of articles among the candidates is not permitted in the examination hall and any form of malpractice will not be permitted in the exam hall.
6) The candidates are expected to behave in orderly and disciplined manner while writing the examination. Their candidature will be rejected in case of impersonation/ disorder/ rowdy behaviour during Examination and necessary F.I.R. for this incident will be lodged with concerned Police Station. The Chief Superintendent of the centre is authorized to take spot decision in this matter.
7) Candidates trying to use unfair means shall be disqualified from the selection. No correspondence whatsoever will be entertained from the candidates.
8) The Penal Provisions of Act 25/97 published in the A.P. Gazette No. 35, Part-IV.B Extraordinary dated: 21/08/1997 shall be invoked if malpractice and unfair means are noticed at any stage of the Examination. Action will be taken to penalize as per G.O.Ms.No.385, G.A. (Ser. A) Dept., Dt.18/10/2016.
9). (a) Wherever the candidates are totally blind, they will be provided a scribe to write the examination and 20 minutes extra time is permitted to them per hour. Eligible candidates are also allowed to bring their own scribe after due intimation to the Commission after duly providing the full identification details of the scribe like name, address and appropriate proof of identification.
(b) The applicants shall upload the certificate relating to percentage of disability for considering the appointment of scribe in the examination. (c) An extra time of 20 minutes per hour is also permitted for the candidates with locomotor disability and CEREBRAL PALSY where dominant (writing) extremity is affected for the extent slowing the performance of function (Minimum of 40% impairment). No scribe is allowed to such candidates.
(d) The candidate as well as the scribe will have to give a suitable undertaking conforming to the rules applicable
10). In case the Hall-Ticket is without photo or too small, he/she should affix a passport size photo on Hall-ticket and appear by duly getting attested by Gazetted Officer. He/she shall handover similar photo for each paper to Chief Superintendent for affixing the same on the Nominal Rolls.
11) The candidate will not be admitted to the examination Hall without procedural formalities.
12) The candidate admission to the Examination is provisional, subject to the eligibility, confirmation/satisfaction of conditions laid down in this notification.
13) The candidates should put his/ her signature and get the signature of the invigilator at the appropriate places in the Nominal Roll.
14) Instructions to be followed scrupulously in the Examination Hall.
The proforma Application will be available on Commission’s Website ( from 24.08.2018 to 14.09.2018 (Note:13.09.2018 is the last date for payment of fee up- to 11:59 mid night).

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