Recruitment for Pharmacists (16 posts) at CCL: Coal India, Govt of India

Central Coalfields Limited is a Category-I Mini-Ratna Company since October 2007. During 2009-10, coal production of the company reached its highest-ever figure of 47.08 million tones, with net worth amounting to Rs. 2644 crore against a paid-up capital of Rs. 940 crore. Formed on 1st November 1975, CCL (formerly National Coal Development Corporation Ltd) was one of the five subsidiaries of Coal India Ltd. which was the first holding company for coal in the country (CIL now has 8 subsidiaries).
Post : Pharmacist, T&S Gr C
No of posts : 16 posts
Diploma in Pharmacy registered with Pharmacy Council under Pharmacy Act 1948 with valid registration

The Minimum Requisite Qualifications are a must for Departmental Candidates in order to apply for the above stated posts.
• Applications should be sent through proper channel only
• Applications sent other than in prescribed format or incomplete applications or without all the enclosures or not forwarded through proper channel shall be rejected.
• The supporting documents/ enclosures should be duly attested by the controlling authority of the candidate.
• There is no age bar for Departmental Candidates and one Departmental Candidate may apply for more than one post if eligible.
• The Management reserves the right to cancel the recruitment process at any time without assigning any reason whatsoever.
• The cut-off date for all purposes regarding this Employment Notice is 30.06.2018.
• In case of any variation in the Hindi or English versions of the Employment Notice the English version shall be treated as authentic.
Name of the post applied for should be clearly mentioned in BLOCK LETTERS on the envelope containing the application form.
Only Eligible departmental candidates of Central Coalfields Limited or any of the subsidiary' company of Coal India Limited fulfilling all the Minimum Requisite Qualification (copy enclosed as Annexure - A) should send properly filled application in the prescribed format (Application Fonnat Enclosed - Annexure B) along with all the relevant documents (including Caste Certifieate/PWD Certificate if applicable) in a sealed envelope to ''The General Manager (P/Manpower & Rectt.T Recruitment Department. 2nd Floor. Damodar Building, Central Coalfields Limited. Darbhanga House. Ranchi-834029” preferably through Registered Post/Speed post only so as to reach on or before 30.06.2018. Applications received after the last date in the Recruitment Deptt., CCL, Ranchi will be summarily rejected.
Last date : 30th June, 2018

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