Job f to work at Drug Development Institute as Research Fellow

Walk-in-Interview for the post of JRF/SRF in TMR Research Projects will be held at our Institute at 11.00 AM as per dates given below. The posts are purely temporary and co-terminus with the project. Select ion process will comprise of a written test fol lowed by int erview of the candi dates who qual ify in wr i tt en test on the same day.
S.No - 01
SRF - 01 post
Name of the project : Developing Pharmacognostical standards for some Ambiguous Ayurvedic Drugs (Sandigdha Dravyas) appearing in the Ayurvedic Formularies, Parts I to III.
Project Duration : 2 years

Essential qualification : M.Pharm (Pharmacognosy)/ M.Sc. in Botany (with Two years experience) from a recognized University.
S.No - 02
JRF - 01 post
Name of the project : Chemical Profiling of Seven Ayurvedic plant drugs(Stem bark/root and small branches/aerial parts ) by HPLC,GCMS/ LC-MS and other related techniques
Project Duration : 2 years
Essential qualification : M.Pharm (Pharmacognosy)/ M.Sc. in Botany (with Two years experience) from a recognized University.
S.No - 03
JRF - 01 post
Name of the project : Qualitative Authentication of selected market samples of crude drugs available in various markets of India
Project Duration : 3 years
Essential qualification : M.Sc. (Chemistry)/M.Pharm (Pharmaceutical chemistry)/M.Pharm (Ay.Quality control) from a recognized University.
S.No - 04
SRF - 01 post
Name of the project : Effect of Haritkadi Yoga on middle cerebral artery occlusion ischemic-reperfusion injury and its safety in rats.
Project Duration : 3 years
Essential qualification : M.D//M.V.Sc/M.Pharm with specialization of Pharmacology from a recognized University.
S.No - 05
SRF - 01 post
Name of the project : Anti Atherosclerotic Activity of Hridayarnava Rasa against Atherosclerosis in Animal model.
Project Duration : 1 year
Essential qualification : M.D//M.V.Sc/M.Pharm with specialization of Pharmacology from a recognized University/ M.Sc Biochemistry/Biotechnology with 2 years research experience.
S.No - 06
SRF - 02 post
Name of the project : In-vivo and in-vitro nephroprotective evaluation of AYUSH K1 extract. (Part.I study- Efficacy profile of K1 extract in animal models at CSMRADDI-1 year & Part.II study-Exploratory evaluation of the efficacy of K-1 extract in the models of chronic nephropathy- Collaboration with Department of Biochemistry, Madras Veterinary college,Chennai-9 months)*
Project Duration : 1 year & 9 months respectively*
Essential qualification : M.D / M.V.Sc / M.Pharm with specialization of Pharmacology / M.V.Sc Biochemistry from a recognized University
S.No - 07
SRF - 02 post
Name of the project : Analysis of council allotted/DTL samples
Project Duration : 1 year 
Essential qualification : M.Sc. (Chemistry)/M.Pharm (Pharmaceutical chemistry) with 2 years research experience
Fellowship of JRF will be Rs.25, 000/- + 30% HRA and SRF Rs.28, 000/- + 30% HRA per month respectively.
General Terms and conditions:
1. Age limit: Not more than 35 years as on the date of Interview. Age relaxation shall be applicable as per GOI rules.
2. The above position is purely on temporary basis and co-terminus with the project. There is no provision for re-employment after termination of project. The selected candidate will not have any right for claiming pay scale or absorption against any regular post being vacant on a later date at this institute/council.
3. No TA / DA will be paid for attending the interview.
Candidates attending the Interview should bring the original educational qualifications, experience certificate and publications etc. at the time of Interview. Candidates already working should produce “No Objection Certificate” in case he / she is employed elsewhere.
Date of Interview
S.No 1 :- 4th June, 2018
S.No 2, 3, 7 : - 5th June, 2018
S.No 4,5, 6 :- 6th June, 2018
Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences,
Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India,
Arignar Anna Government Hospital Campus, Arumbakkam,
Chennai-600 106
Advertisement No: 2/2018

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