The 10th World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing at Vellore, India : 6-8 December

Welcome to ISDA 2018 and VIT University, Vellore, India!

After the success of the previous 8 events held in India, Japan, Spain, Mexico, USA, Portugal, South Africa, Morocco, India, we welcome your participation and contribution to the 10th World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing (NaBIC 2018) to be held in VIT University, Vellore, India during December 6-8, 2017. NaBIC 2018 is organized to provide a forum for researchers, engineers, and students from all over the world, to discuss the state-of-the-art in machine intelligence, and address various issues on building up human friendly machines by learning from nature. The conference theme is “Nurturing Intelligent Computing Towards Advancement of Machine Intelligence”.
We look forward to seeing you in India.
NaBIC 2018 General Chairs
Paper submission due: October 15, 2018 (Extended)
Notification of paper acceptance: October 31, 2018
Registration and Final manuscript due: November 15, 2018
Conference: December 06-08, 2018

IPSAPHARM 2018, One Day International Colloquium Global Integration of Opportunities in Healthcare Management October 2018

Pharmacy professionals (Junior research Fellowship) (6 posts) at ICTM

Applications are invited for SIX Junior Research Fellows under the DAE ICT Centre for the following projects related to Deuterated Drugs as detailed below
Principal Investigator : Prof. Padma V. 
Co-Principal Investigator :  Prof. Mariam S. Degani
No. of Positions : Two
Qualification JRF -1 :  
M.Pharm-Pharmaceutics OR M.Tech (Bioprocess Technology) OR M.Tech(Biotech) OR M.Tech Pharmaceutical Technology OR M.Tech Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

Experience : Candidates with experience in working on nano drug delivery systems, or cell lines or animal handling may be preferred
Qualification JRF 2 : M.Pharm-(Pharmaceutical Chemistry or equivalent) OR M.Sc (Organic Chemistry or equivalent) OR M.Tech Pharmaceutical Technology
Experience : Candidates with experience in working in synthesis or metabolism studies may be preferred

Principal Investigator : Prof. Mariam S. Degani

Co-Principal Investigator :  Prof. Sadhana Sathaye
No. of Positions : Two
Qualification JRF -3 :  
M.Pharm-(Pharmaceutical Chemistry or equivalent) OR M.Sc (Organic Chemistry or equivalent) OR M.Tech Pharmaceutical Technology

Experience : Candidates with experience in working in synthesis will be preferred.
Qualification JRF 4 : M.Pharm (Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry or Pharmacology or equivalent), OR M.Tech Pharmaceutical Technology
Experience : Candidates with with experience in analytical techniques, and experience in working in metabolism studies or animal handling, and may be preferred.

Require Pharmacists (15 posts) at National Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh

The National Institute of Technology Andhra Pradesh is the 31st institution among the chain of National Institutes of Technologystarted by the Government of India and is situated at Tadepalligudem, West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh State. It is an Institute of National Importance, being an NIT. NIT Andhra Pradesh was established in Tadepalligudem, State of Andhra Pradesh and it is functioning from the academic year 2015–2016. National Institute of Technology Warangal is the mentor institute

Post : Technical Assistant / Junior Engineer / SAS Assistant / Senior Pharmacist
No of Posts : 15
Classification : Group — B
Scale of pay (Grade Pay, Band Pay) : PB — 2 (Rs. 9,300 — 34,800/-) with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/-
Age limit for direct recruits : Not exceeding 30 years
Educational and other qualifications required for direct recruits
First class Bachelor's (Honors) Degree in Biotechnology / Microbiology/ Biochemistry or equivalent grade from a recognized University / Institute (Technical Assistant).
First class Diploma in Engineering in relevant field with excellent academic record (Technical Assistant / Junior Engineer) [Diploma in Civil Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Mechanical Engineering / Electronics & Communications Engineering / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering / Chemical Engineering / Computer Science & Engineering.]
Post-graduate degree in Biotechnology / Microbiology/ Biochemistry or B.E. / B.Tech. in relevant field from a recognized University or Institute (Technical Assistant / Junior Engineer). [B.E. / B.Tech. in Civil Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Mechanical Engineering / Electronics & Communications Engineering / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering / Chemical Engineering / Computer Science & Engineering]
(i) First Class Bachelor's Degree in Physical Education or in Fine Arts (performing / visual arts) or Science or Arts from a recognized University or Institution.
(ii) Strong record of participation in college activities including arts (paints, photographs, drama, dance, music), event management, journalism etc.(SAS Assistant)
(i) 10+2 or equivalent in Science subjects from recognized Board or University.
(ii) 2 Years' Diploma with First class and minimum 6 months' internship in Pharmacy from an Institute recognized by the Pharmacy Council of India; and
(iii) Registered as Pharmacist with State Pharmacy Council (Sr. Pharmacist).
Desirable : PGDCA or equivalent from a recognized Institution
1. Candidates who have applied in response to our earlier advertisement No. NITAP/NTS/2017Advt-001, Dated: 14-09-2017, need not apply again. However, they can update their data by sending necessary details with documentary evidence.
2. The number of vacancies in some posts may be increased.
3. Reservations will be followed as per Government of India norms.
4. Candidates willing to apply for the advertised posts are requested to download appropriate form from the Institute’s website apply separately for each post.
5. Application fee is to be enclosed along with Application Form in the form of Demand Draft of Rs. 500/- for UR / OBC candidates and Rs. 250/- for SC / ST / PWD in favor of Director NIT, Andhra Pradesh. When a candidate is applying for more than one post, separate application forms along with application Fee are to be submitted for each post separately.
6. Candidates shall complete the form in all respects without leaving any column blank. Incomplete applications will be rejected. Please enter "NA" if the information sought is not applicable.
7. Candidates are advised to fill in the application form completely and carefully. No appeal will be considered to correct the information given in application form after submission.
8. Candidates should submit self-attested photocopy of certificates and documents mentioned below in the same sequence. Applications without enclosing copies of appropriate certificates / documents shall be rejected.
9. Proof of Date of Birth. (If not attached, application will be rejected).
10. In the case of SC/ST/OBC (Non Creamy Layer) candidates, a copy of the relevant Caste certificate issued by the Competent Authority on or after 01-04-2018.
11. Category Certificate (For SC/ST/OBC Candidates only). If not attached, application will be considered in General Category
12. For OBC candidates, Non - Creamy Layer status issued by the competent authority empowered for the purpose on or after 1st April 2018, as a proof in support of the caste claim is essential. No other certificate will be accepted as sufficient proof. If non-creamy layer certificate is not attached, the application will be considered in General category. 13. The persons with disability (PWD) shall be required to produce medical certificate in the prescribed form issued by the competent medical authorities for the purpose of employment. Persons suffering from not less than 40% of the disability shall only be eligible for the benefit of reservation, if any, and other relaxations as permissible under the rules. If appropriate certificate is not attached, the application will be considered in General category.
14. 10th Standard Certificate and Mark-Sheet. 15. 10+2 Certificate and Mark-Sheet.
16. Final Year Mark sheets / Grade Cards and Diploma /Degree Certificates for the Examinations mentioned in the Application Form in the same sequence. Any degree mentioned will not be considered unless copies of certificates are attached.
17. Experience Certificate from employer. Any experience claimed without certificate will not be considered.
18. Any other information which the candidate wants to provide may be submitted in One Page only, duly signed.
19. Preference will be given to deserving candidates working in IITs/ NITs/ Central Govt./State Govt., and, suitable moderation in age and qualifications if any, may be granted by the screening committee appointed by the competent authority.
20. All photocopies and documents including covering letter should be attached to the application form. Application form must be the first document. All photocopies, documents should be in A4 size
21. The Application completed in all respects along with supporting documents should be sent by Post to the Director, National Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh, Sri Akula Gopayya Institute of Engineering Technology Campus, Prathipadu, Opp. 3F Industries, Tadepalligudem Mandal, West Godavari District - 534101, INDIA.
22. Candidate's Name, Application for (the name of post with specialization) should be super scribed on the envelope.
23. Filled in Application complete in all respects including self-attested photocopies and documents mentioned in the list, should reach the Institute on or before 5.30 p.m. on 15th October, 2018(Monday). Institute will not be responsible for any postal/otherwise delay/loss.
24. The eligibility of the Candidate in terms of age/qualification/experience, etc. shall be considered as on the last date for receiving of application form i.e., 15th October, 2018(Monday).
25. Persons serving in Govt./Semi-Govt./PSUs should send their applications either through proper channel or furnish a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE at the time of interview.
26. The Institute reserves the right not to fill up the posts, cancel the advertisement in whole or in part, without assigning any reason and the decision of the Administration of NIT Andhra Pradesh, in this regard shall be final.
27. No TA / DA will be paid for attending the test / interview.
28. Incomplete applications/applications without relevant supporting enclosures / applications not in prescribed form/without application fee will be out-right rejected. The Institute will not be responsible for any postal delay/loss. Interim correspondence will not be entertained or replied to.
29. The details of the posts, minimum qualifications, age, reservations etc. and other guidelines will be followed as per the MHRD Guidelines and "Recruitment Rules" received from time to time for this purpose.
Selection Procedure
a) All applications received by the Institute shall be scrutinized and incomplete applications will be out-right rejected.
b) Candidates not eligible for the posts mentioned shall be disqualified.
c) The Institute reserves the right to place a reasonable limit on the total number of candidates to be called for Skill/Proficiency Test and/or Written test and/or Interview. Mere fulfillment of qualification does not entitle a candidate to be called for written test, skill/ proficiency test and interview. MHRD Guidelines received from time to time for this purpose will be followed.
d) List of the eligible candidates will be displayed on the Institute website i.e. e) Candidates are advised to bring Photo ID Card (Driving License, Voters Card, PAN Card, Bank Pass Book with Photo, Passport and Aadhar Card). Candidates are further advised to bring all the original Educational & Experience documents for verification with one set of self-attested copies.
LAST DATE : on or before 5.30 p.m. on 15th October, 2018(Monday)

International Conference on “6th World Congress on Nanomedical Sciences – ISNSCON 2018″at Department of Chemistry, at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi

Date: December 9-14, 2018

‘Nanomedical Sciences’ is a burgeoning and multidisciplinary scientific area that is creating major conceptual and technological advances in various medical methods and offering novel diagnosis and treatment alternatives. These advances offer major advantages in meeting the society's rising expectations for the effectiveness and quality of healthcare options. The International Society of Nanomedical Sciences (ISNS) was created in order to bring representatives from various disciplines, such as scientific, technological, clinical, legal, environmental, ethical, etc., under a common forum for meeting today's healthcare challenges.

The 6th ISNS World Congress (ISNSCON-2018) is aimed at bringing academicians, researchers, healthcare professionals, industry representatives, entrepreneurs, administrators, and policy makers under a common platform, where the latest developments related to Nanomedical Sciences and allied areas can be shared. Special reference is provided to the understanding of various nanomedical mechanisms at the chemistry-biology interface. This congress will also provide an unique opportunity for the next generation of scientists to share a common dais and directly interact with globally renowned academicians, researchers and medical professionals, including Nobel laureates, from the fields of nanomedical sciences and allied areas.

We are very pleased to invite you to ISNSCON-2018 where all the dimensions of Nanomedical Sciences will be discussed in wonder and excitement. We thank you for your participation.

5th IPA ACG - SciTech Innovation Awards 2018

Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA) in association with ACG Worldwide (ACG) & SciTech Centre (SciTech) are pleased to announce the 5th IPA ACG - SciTech Innovation Awards for the best innovations in the development of Solid Dosage Forms and packaging of pharmaceuticals of the year.
• To recognize outstanding contributions in the development of solid dosage forms
• To promote innovations in packaging of Pharmaceutical Formulations
Award categories:
• Best Innovative Development of a Solid Dosage Form of the year
• Best Innovative Packaging of Pharmaceutical Formulations
Criteria for Selection 
An individual/a group/a company meeting the below mentioned criteria may apply for the award.
1) Best Innovative Development of Solid Dosage Form of the Year
• The idea should be innovative and creative
• The innovation should be fundamental yet practical
• The nominee should provide characteristic features of the innovative Solid Dosage Form, along with documentary evidence for its stability and uniqueness
• The innovation should address an unmet scientific need related to Indian population/a disease or meet special demands of the region
2) Best Innovative Packaging of Pharmaceutical Formulations
• The packaging should possess unique features
• The idea should be innovative and creative
• Suggested or implemented packaging system should improve the quality of medicine
• Documentary evidence should be provided to prove that the medicinal product remains stable for the expected shelf life mentioned on the label in new package.
Awards: Each award carries a Memento and a Cash award of Rs. 100,000/‐
Specific eligibility criteria: 
An individual can send only one nomination for each category but a group or a company may file up to a maximum of two nominations in each category with the following details.
• Detailed bio-data / company introduction
• Statement of purpose with description of the innovation
• Two dummy samples of the package
• Name and contact details (including mailing address)
• Person of any age can apply
• Office bearers of IPA Center and employees of ACG are not eligible to apply for the award
Last date of submission of nomination is EXTENDED to 15th October 2018

Clinical QA Manager requirement at Novartis

A global healthcare leader, Novartis has one of the most exciting product pipelines in the industry today. A pipeline of innovative medicines brought to life by diverse, talented and performance driven people. All of which makes them one of the most rewarding employers in their field.
Post : Clinical QA Manager
Job Description
Provide strategic Quality Assurance (QA) support at the Novartis Global Service Center for Post launch Scientific Services (PLSS) Clinical Team (CT), in the Scientific Services Practice within Product Lifecycle Services (PLS) and for respective medical services which fall under GxP. Closely collaborate with the PLS business partners to ensure GxP compliance and provide quality oversight for the respective service scope of the clinical trials (CT). Support the implementation of a risk based quality management process fully embedded into the clinical trial service delivery including all vendor managed business setups with the objective of achieving the highest data quality standards, full adherence to patient’s rights and well-being and in support of successful Health Authority inspections. Provide operational QA support to the PLS clinical team, including quality oversight for Health Authority commitments, critical incidents including respective escalation process and the implementation of corrective & preventive actions (CAPAs) for the respective business areas. Act as QA contact to the customer QA organization in line with established quality agreements. 
1. Drive the implementation of the quality requirements within the PLS clinical team. Monitor & track implementation of the Quality Plan deliverables with the supported CT including the quality risk assessments & inspection readiness components for the designated CTs.
2. Provide Quality input & oversight for the execution of CTs or respective services under the responsibility of PLS.
3. Lead the quality requirement assessment for new services in collaboration with the business teams.

P'vigilance Practice: Challenges & Future Consideration, 6 October 2018 @Ujjain

Conference Credit: Two hours by MP Medical Council, Bhopal. 
Date: 06th Oct 2018; Saturday

Venue: R.D. Gardi Medical College, Ujjain, M.P. India 456006

The Need:

Medicines & therapeutics have reduced the disease burden considerably. Though they are life saving improve the quality of life of the diseased. Still they may cause some undesirable effects also defined as adverse effects or Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs). The first step towards preventing ADRs is to identify them, treat them and report them so that appropriate risk evaluation and mitigation strategies might be planned. This very scientific activity encompasses the essence of Pharmacovigilance. This is also prerogative of Pharmacovigilance Programme of India, being in existence in our country since 2010. 

In India Pharmacovigilance has developed significantly in recent times and will continue to develop in response to the new challenges it faces. The major challenges of Pharmacovigilance program in India is under-reporting and lack of awareness. The outcome of current knowledge, attitude and practice studies on adverse drug reactions and Pharmacovigilance among medical and paramedical fraternity is inadequate. The risk minimization measures for medicinal products are necessary to address the important safety issues which may not be practically achieved through routine risk management measures alone.

With the easy access to variety of medicinal products and increasing public expectations of safety, there is a great need for careful strategic planning, adopting a holistic approach to meet the challenges in routine Pharmacovigilance practices. We need continuing and dynamic progress in every aspect of Pharmacovigilance to improve public health and safety. There is a need to develop a robust Pharmacovigilance system in the health setups to fulfill the objectives of benefit and risk evaluation of medicinal products and to develop the effective risk minimization plans.


The major aim of this seminar is to discuss the challenges being faced in current Pharmacovigilance practices in the healthcare organizations, to highlight the gap in the training of medical fraternity and discuss the ways forward to develop a robust Pharmacovigilance system. It is also designed to invite regulators and health care practitioners from govt. and private health care facilities to discuss the challenges through regulatory perspective and to come up with practical solutions to implement good Pharmacovigilance practices in urban and rural hospitals and healthcare centers.

Guest of Honour: Shree Shobhit, Honorable Deputy Drug Controller, Govt. of MP, Bhopal

Program Schedule:
08:00 AM - 9:00 AM: Registration

9:00 AM - 9:30 AM: Inauguration

9:30 – 10:30 AM: Pharmacovigilance, Haemovigilance & Materiovigilance Programme of India: Introduction and scope

Speaker: Representative from Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission, Ghaziabad.

10:30 AM – 11:00 AM : High Tea

11:00 AM – 12:00 Noon: Pharmacovigilance: Objectives, Ways Ahead & Challenges

Speaker: Dr. S. P. Dhaneria, Dean (Academics) & HOD, Dept. Of Pharmacology, AIIMS Raipur

12:00 Noon – 01:00 PM: Role of Pharmacovigilance in Drug Regulations

Speaker: Shree Shobhit, Deputy Drug Controller, Govt. of MP, Bhopal

01:00 PM – 02: 00 PM: Lunch

02:00 PM – 03:00 PM: Good Pharmacovigilance Practices: An NABH Hospital Experience

Speaker: Dr. S. P. Jaiswal; Quality Manager, Consultant-Immunology, Head-Clinical Research, Choithram Hospital & Research Center, Indore.

03:00 PM – 03:30 PM: Challenges in ADR reporting: Physician’s Perspective

Speaker: Dr. B. L. Bamboria, Asso. Professor, Department of Medicine, R D Gardi Medical College, Ujjain.

03:30 PM – 04:00 PM: Antimicrobial Resistance: A global Challenge

Speaker: Dr. Megha Sharma, Asso. Professor, Department of Pharmacology, R D Gardi Medical College, Ujjain

4:00 PM – 4:15 PM: Tea Break

4: 15 PM – 5:00 PM: AEFI Surveillance 

Speaker: Dr. Ashish Pathak; Professor, Dept. Of Pediatrics, RD Gardi Medical College, Ujjain

5:00 PM – 5: 30 PM: Discussions and vote of thanks 

Registration: Either through google forms or registration form attached with the brochure.
Registration URL:

Registration Fee & Payment details:
Registration fee: Rs 300

Registration Closes: 2nd Oct 2018

Late registration: With fee Rs 500 till 05th Oct 2018

Note: Registration is compulsory. The Coordinators, Pharmacovigilance associates of all AMCs in India, faculty, PG students and other staff of R.D. Gardi Medical college are exempted from registration fee, please mention NA in amount and transaction ID section and select date of registration in date of transaction section.

Account Details: 
Account Name: Sunil Kumar Thakur

Bank Name: Bank of Baroda

Account No.: 49220100000255

IFSC Code: BARB0FREEGA (Fifth character is zero)


Account Name: Sunil Kumar Thakur

Bank: Paytm Payments Bank

Account No.: 919770778121

IFSC Code: PYTM0123456 (Fifth character is zero)Note: If you like to pay through QR code please whats app to 9770778121

Contact persons:
Dr. Sandeep K. Adwal (Asst. Professor, Pharmacology and AMC Deputy Coordinator): +91 9893705300 (Whats app), Mr. Sunil Kumar Thakur (AMC Pharmacovigilance Associate): +91 9770778121 (Whats app)

Require Assistant Professor (07 posts) at NIPER

The National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research (NIPER) - Ahmedabad is an Institute of National Importance established by an Act of Parliament under the aegis of Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Government of India.
The Institute has excellent facilities for advanced education and research in pharmaceutical sciences and is looking for Teaching staff of high degree of knowledge and willing to contribute in building this institute as one of the best centres of excellence.
Assistant Professor : (Biotechnology)
Essential Qualification: Ph. D. with first class or equivalent at the preceding degree (M.Sc/ MBBS/M.Pharm / M.S.Pharm/B.Tech/ M.Tech) in Biosciences/ Bioengineering/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry /Microbiology with good academic record. A minimum of 5 years of Teaching/Research/industrial experience, excluding the experience gained while pursuing Ph.D having expertise in cancer biology, with preference in oral squamous cell carcinoma(OSCC) and breast cancer.

Kerela Public Service Comission require Pharmacist @ Apply Now

Applications are invited online only from qualified candidates belonging to reservation group of communities of Kerala State viz Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Other Christian & Dheevara communities  for appointment in the under mentioned post.  Application must be submitted online through the Official website of the Commission after One Time Registration. Candidates who have already registered can apply through their profile.

1.  Department :Homoeopathy
2.  Name of post :Pharmacist Gr­II (Homoeo)
3.  Scale of pay :R 20,000­45,800/­
4.  Number of vacancies :District wise

192/2018                          SC ­ Pathanamthitta           – 01 (One)         
193/2018                          ST  ­ Palakkad                     – 01 (One) ­
                                                 Malappuram               – 01 (One)                     
194/2018                          OX ­ Kozhikode                  – 01 (One) ­
                                                Palakkad                      – 01 (One) ­
                                                Kasaragod                  – 01 (One)          
195/2018                         Dheevara  ­ Kasaragod                  – 01 (One)

Require Pharmacist Grade I & Grade II 10+ Post @ Goverment Medical College, Chhindwara Apply Now

Conference on Bio-Innovation for Environmental and Health Sustainable Developments” (BEHSD-2018) at CSIR-IITR, Lucknow

"Bio-Innovation for Environmental and Health Sustainable Developments" (BEHSD-2018) conference is focused on covering the advancement of research and innovations in biotechnology particularly in the domain of Health, Environment, Food, Water and other associated fields are highly pertinent to realize sustainable development goals. This conference aimed to address the current challenges in creating a sustainable and affordable ecosystem in the framework of cutting edge R&D interventions. The conference would be beneficial in fostering budding researchers and young minds towards sustainable development.
CSIR-IITR is holding BEHSD-2018 on November 27-28, 2018 to bring scientists, young researchers, entrepreneurs, industrialists, policy makers, innovators and other global experts together to deliberate and showcase the current trends and future challenges of the underpinned health and the environment research domains.

CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research

Indian Institute of Toxicology Research (CSIR-IITR), Lucknow, a constituent laboratory of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), was established on November 4, 1965. It is the only institute of toxicology in the country contributing towards cutting edge research and innovation in toxicology with the motto: "Safety to Environment and Health and Service to Industry". CSIR has made an impact in addressing problems critical to human health and the environment as well as safety of chemicals/products.
Toxicology defines the domains of safety and is considered as a translational science encompassing various disciplines. Today, research in toxicology is at the crossroad of transformation from classical studies of animal experimentation in late sixties to state of the art omic and post-omic technologies in interdisciplinary areas of biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics.
CSIR-IITR has taken initiatives on predictive toxicology and risk assessment using the vast knowledge base in the areas of biomarker development , alternate to animal models, mathematical modeling, detection and development of methods for toxins/ adulterants/ environmental chemicals in different matrices to name a few. The institute has contributed significantly in understanding the mode of action of new chemical entities, engineered nanomaterial’s and genetically modified (GM) products on living systems for safe and sustainable development of new technologies.
CSIR-IITR is the first CSIR laboratory which has received the GLP compliance certification from National GLP Compliance Monitoring Authority (NGCMA), Government of India. The GLP certification is a testament to high quality research by way of thorough SOP-driven Good Laboratory Practices, competent well-trained personnel and systematic documentation at CSIR-IITR. The GLP laboratories at CSIR-IITR are designed as per OECD guidelines, which make the integrity and quality of the laboratory data adequate for regulatory submissions across the globe. The institute has also earned accreditation by National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL).
CSIR-IITR has world class infrastructure and human research in toxicology and providing one stop solution to address environmental and health issues. The institute has contributed to the knowledge base in the domain of toxicology by publishing > 3800 research articles and in technology development (25 national and international patents). Ten know-how are available for commercialization along with and various monographs, books, copyrights, environmental air & water quality survey reports, awareness pamphlets (multilingual) and scientific contents in hindi. More than five decades of contributions in the field of toxicology have globally positions CSIR among top five in food, industrial and nanomaterials toxicology

The Biotech Research Society, India

The Biotech Research Society, India (BRSI) has been established to promote excellence and competence in the field of Biotechnology. The society aims to promote biotechnology research in a way to transform and aid bioeconomy. The annual conference of BRSI prepares a ground for seeding new ideas and nurturing knowledge though critical discussion on the contemporary developments in biotechnology. The interactions among the participants from different spheres will serve to generate new knowledge based research among biotechnologists to assist in developing environmentally sustainable industries and institutions. It also provides a good opportunity to inform stakeholders and decision-makers about the emerging biotechnologies.
  • Online Registration

    Start Date: July 04, 2018
    Close Date: October 15, 2018

  • Abstract Submission

    Start Date: July 04, 2018
    Close Date: August 31, 2018

  • Aceptance of Abstract 

    September 15, 2018

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