The Border Security Force (BSF) is a Border Guarding Force of India. Established on December 1, 1965, it is a paramilitary force charged with guarding India's land border during peace time and preventing transnational crime. It is a Union Government Agency under the administrative control of Ministry of Home Affairs.It is one of many law enforcement agency of India.It currently stands as the world's largest border guarding force.
Post : ASI (Pharmacist- Qualified) (Group-C Post)
No of Posts :
21(UR-12, SC-03, ST-05, OBC-01)
Age : 18-25 years
Pay Band and Grade Pay :
Band Pav Rs. 5200- 20200/- & Grade Pav- 2800/- (Pre revised)
Band Pav Rs. 5200- 20200/- & Grade Pav- 2800/- (Pre revised)
Education Qualification
(i)10+2 or equivalent
(ii) Degree or Diploma in Pharmacy from any recognized Institution of the Central or State Government for which the period of Training in two years followed by an internship of which the practical training shall not be less than five hundred hours spread over a period of not less than three months.
Provided that not less than two hundred and fifty hours are devoted to actual dispensing of prescriptions.
(iii) Possessing the qualifications under Section 31 & 32 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948 and registered under Section 33 of the said Act.
(i)10+2 or equivalent
(ii) Degree or Diploma in Pharmacy from any recognized Institution of the Central or State Government for which the period of Training in two years followed by an internship of which the practical training shall not be less than five hundred hours spread over a period of not less than three months.
Provided that not less than two hundred and fifty hours are devoted to actual dispensing of prescriptions.
(iii) Possessing the qualifications under Section 31 & 32 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948 and registered under Section 33 of the said Act.
Candidates who wish to be considered against vacancies reserved/or seek age- relaxation must submit requisite certificate from the competent authority, in the prescribed format when such certificate are sought by the concerned selection board at the time of Documentation. Otherwise, their claim for SC/ST/OBC/Ex- Servicemen status will not be entertained and their candidature/applications will be considered under General (UR) category. The formats of the certificates are Annexed. Certificates obtained in any other format will not be accepted. Candidates claiming OBC status may note that certificate on creamy layer status should have been obtained within three year before the closing date of application forms in the prescribed format only. Certificates issued up to the last tier of examination i.e. MET will also be accepted by the Selection Board
Candidates who wish to be considered against vacancies reserved/or seek age- relaxation must submit requisite certificate from the competent authority, in the prescribed format when such certificate are sought by the concerned selection board at the time of Documentation. Otherwise, their claim for SC/ST/OBC/Ex- Servicemen status will not be entertained and their candidature/applications will be considered under General (UR) category. The formats of the certificates are Annexed. Certificates obtained in any other format will not be accepted. Candidates claiming OBC status may note that certificate on creamy layer status should have been obtained within three year before the closing date of application forms in the prescribed format only. Certificates issued up to the last tier of examination i.e. MET will also be accepted by the Selection Board
NOTE: Candidates are warned that they will be permanently debarred from the examination conducted by the BSF in case they fraudulently claim SC/ST/OBC/ Ex-S Status
Male - 165 Cms
Female -150 Cms
Male - 165 Cms
Female -150 Cms
Unexnanded Male - 76 Cms
Male - Expanded : 81 Cms
Female - Not Applicable
Unexnanded Male - 76 Cms
Male - Expanded : 81 Cms
Female - Not Applicable
(i) Should be medically fit in all respects as per revised uniform medical guidelines issued by MHA vide UO No. A. VI-l/2014-Rectt(SSB) dated20/05/2015. Vision - Minimum near vision should be N6 & N9 and distant vision should be 6/6 and 6/9 of both eyes. Visual correction of any kind is not permitted (i.e. without wearing glasses).
(i) Should be medically fit in all respects as per revised uniform medical guidelines issued by MHA vide UO No. A. VI-l/2014-Rectt(SSB) dated20/05/2015. Vision - Minimum near vision should be N6 & N9 and distant vision should be 6/6 and 6/9 of both eyes. Visual correction of any kind is not permitted (i.e. without wearing glasses).
(ii) Must pass CP III by ISIHARA colour vision test. Must not have knock- knees, flat feet or squint in eyes. Must not have any defect or deformity which likely to interfere with the efficient performance of the duties.
(iii) Weight - Corresponding to height and age.
(i) Any candidate with a small engraving/tattoo of name or religious symbol on the inner face of the arms or hands is permitted for enrolment.
(ii) Candidates having permanent tattoo on any other part of the body be debarred for the recruitment.
(i) Any candidate with a small engraving/tattoo of name or religious symbol on the inner face of the arms or hands is permitted for enrolment.
(ii) Candidates having permanent tattoo on any other part of the body be debarred for the recruitment.
(i) No person
(a) Who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having spouse living. Or
(i) No person
(a) Who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having spouse living. Or
(b) Who having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with another person.
Shall be eligible for appointment to the Force, provided that the Central Government may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the Personal law applicable to such person and the other party to the marriage and there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.
(ii) Conviction by any Court of Law.
Shall be eligible for appointment to the Force, provided that the Central Government may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the Personal law applicable to such person and the other party to the marriage and there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.
(ii) Conviction by any Court of Law.
(iii) Dismissal from Government Service.
(iv) Termination from BSF during probation.