AICTE approves Pharm D and Pharm D -PB courses as it includes these programmes in Approval Hand Book 2018-19

Leaving aside all concerns of the students and parents of Pharm D courses, the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), with the permission of the Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD) of the Government of India, has included both the six-year and the three-year Doctor of Pharmacy programmes (Pharm D and Pharm D – PB ((Post Baccalaureate)) in the Approval Process Hand Book for 2018-19.

Both these programs will have the status of Post Graduate Degree with specialization in clinical pharmacy.

With the release of the Approval Hand Book, from next academic year onwards, any institution which wants to start the course or seeks extension of the existing programs, has to apply for the approval of AICTE. Besides, all institutions, both already running the programs and those newly starting, have to comply with all the norms specifying adequate infrastructural facilities mentioned in the Approval Hand Book.

By this approval, Government of India has now purely recognized both the courses after ten years of their launching by the Pharmacy Council of India. Regarding approval announcement, the AICTE, on December 18, published the approval handbook on its website.

As per the Hand Book norms, from next academic year, only AICTE approved institutions, running degree in pharmacy (B Pharm), will be permitted to run both the programs of the Pharm D. Until last year, several PCI approved institutions were conducting the course without the approval of AICTE. Institutions already running Pharm.D with the approval of PCI, have to apply further for AICTE approval to continue running the course.

AICTE will verify all documents of the already running institutions and also for those newly applying. The Council will grant approval only after strict verification of the documents. In principle, the AICTE has brought both the Pharm D programmes under its control.

Dr. K G Revikumar, an expert in pharma education, says that from 2008 onwards, in which year the course was introduced by PCI without the permission of AICTE, the students of Pharm D were not getting any scholarship or stipend or grant from MHRD to attend seminars or workshops since it was not recognized by AICTE. The situation has changed now and the students will become eligible for all benefits.

Further, they will get opportunities for research in the Indian pubic pharmacy research universities, known as, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER). Pharm D qualification was not included in the list of eligibility criteria for admission to Ph D due to disapproval of the course by AICTE.

Another important aspect regarding control of AICTE is that if an institution does not satisfy the infrastructural facility requirements, AICTE will permit only 18 students as maximum intake for the six year programme. For the PB three year course, the maximum number will remain at 10.

Peethaambaran Kunnathoor, Chennai
Tuesday, December 19, 2017, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

Via PharmaBiz

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