JRF Level, Research Assistant Openings in Arya Group


December 20, 2017
JRF Level, Research Assistant Openings in Arya Group

Projects In-Charge: Prabhat Arya, PhD
Distinguished Research Professor in Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Dept of Organic and Medicinal Chemistry 
Dr. Reddy's Institute of Life Sciences
University of Hyderabad Campus
E mail: prabhata@drils.org 
Group Website: www.prabhatarya.org

Job Description:Aiming to fill a position at the JRF, Research Assistant level with MSc (Organic Chemistry /Pharmacy/Medicinal Chemistry).  The positions involve working on multi-steps, Stereoselective Organic Synthesis projects.  A good knowledge of modern organic synthesis is desirable. The candidate is expected to work on a collaborative, industrial sponsored project that aims a developing small molecule approaches to trans-differentiation of stem cells to neurons with potential applications to neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.  The progress of the project will be strictly monitored at regular intervals to meeting the synthesis demands of this project.    

Period and start time: The initial appointment will be made for one year only. Tentative start
date: January 15 th , 2018 

Salary and benefits: As per JRF DST SERB guidelines. 

Interested eligible candidates can send their CV by e-mail to hr@drils.org by January 5, 2018
with subject line DRILS/JRF in Arya Group/Chemistry/2017. 

Please note that the appointment is purely temporary. Tentative dates for interview:  
January 8 th & 9 th , 2018.  No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. 

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