NPPA has fixed/revised Retail Prices of 27 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 vide Notification/order dated 20.12.2017

National drug pricing regulator NPPA today said it has notified prices of 65 essential formulations, including those used for the treatment of diabetes, infections, pain and high blood pressure. 

"NPPA has fixed/revised ceiling prices/Retail Prices of 65 scheduled formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013," it said in a statement. 
NPPA fixes ceiling price of essential medicines of Schedule I under the Drugs (Prices Control) Order (DPCO) 2013. Set up in 1997, NPPA has been entrusted with the task of fixation/revision of prices of pharma products, enforcement of provisions of DPCO and monitoring of prices of controlled and decontrolled drugs. 

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