Applications are Invited for Ph.D Program in Different Areas of Pharmaceutical & Life Sciences at CDRI

CDRI is considered to be a pioneer research organization in the field of biomedical research where ll the infrastructure and expertise are available to develop a drug right from its concept to market. The very latest techniques and methodologies are employed for developing drugs, diagnostics, and vaccines to combat diseases prevalent among mankind in general and Indian population in particular. CDRI is a multidisciplinary research laboratory consisting of scientific personnel from various areas of biomedical sciences. For administrative and scientific purposes the Institute's manpower has been grouped into 17 R&D divisions and few divisions providing technical and scientific support. Two data centers and one field station located outside CDRI are providing operational support

CSIR-CDRI The premier Drug Research Institute in the country invites JRFs for open Ph.D. programme in the relevant areas of research in the Institute.
Eligibility criteria:
M.Sc. or equivalent degree in Life sciences / Biotechnology / Chemical Sciences / Pharmaceutical sciences and qualified in CSIR-UGC-NET JRF, ICMR, DBT, RGNF, MANF, DST-Inspire examination for Junior Research Fellowship supporting CSIR-CDRI research program. The fellowship should be valid as on the dates of joining

Selection process:
All candidates will be interviewed by a selection committee on 9th and 10th January 2018. Results will be declared on 11th morning and joining of selected candidates will be commenced on 11th and 12th January 2018. No TA will be paid by CDRI and candidates will have to make their own arrangements for their stay at Lucknow. The number of students to be selected will depend upon the positions available with scientists at CDRI. The decision of the committee with regard to selection of candidates shall be final.

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