Post : Research Associate
CSIR / Sponsored Project(s): “Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facilities” (GAP-0145)
Tenure of the Project(s) : 30-03-2020
Maximum Age (As on date of interview) : 35 years as on 29-01-2019
Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated] : Rs. 36,000/-p.m.
Educational Qualification(s) Essential / Desirable : Ph.D. in Bioinformatics / Biotechnology with thesis in the area of bioinformatics
Age Relaxation: 5 years for SC / ST / Women, 3 years for OBC and widows, divorced women and women judicially separated from their husbands and who are not remarried are allowed age concession: upto the age of 35 years, (upto 40 years for members of SC / STs).
The number of positions as advertised may vary depending upto the suitability of candidates and assess needs of the candidates in the relevant projects.
Eligible candidates may appear for “Walk-in-lnterview(s)” on the date, time and place mentioned above along with: an application on prescribed format which is available on the CSIR-IHBT website along with attested photocopies of their testimonials of age, educational qualifications, experience, reserved category etc. at the time of interview. The positions are purely temporary and co-terminus with the duration of the project. There will be no right implicit or explicit for regular position or any post in CSIR-IHBT, whatsoever. Candidates must also bring with them: original certificates of testimonials at the time of appearing for the interview failing which he / she will not be allowed to appear for interview. No TA will be paid for attending the interview.
The Selection Committee(s) may adopt the selection criterion at its own i.e. either by conducting direct interview or written test followed by interview on the same day,
The decision of the Director, CSIR-IHBT, Pdlbmpur shall be final for engagement of Project Scientist at CSIR-IHBT, Palampur
How to reach
CSIR-IHBT, Palampur, Distt. Kangra (H.P.): Candidates can reach by following mode of journey at the Venue of interview:-
1. By Train: (i) Upto Una, Amb (H.P.) and (ii) Upto Chakki Bank, Pathankot Railway Station (H.P.).
2. By Bus: ISBT Delhi to ISBT Palampur via Chandigarh, Una, Dehra, Kangra (H.P.)
3. By Air: From New Delhi upto Dharamshala, Gaggal Airport (H.P.)
CSIR-IHBT, Palampur, Distt. Kangra (H.P.): Candidates can reach by following mode of journey at the Venue of interview:-
1. By Train: (i) Upto Una, Amb (H.P.) and (ii) Upto Chakki Bank, Pathankot Railway Station (H.P.).
2. By Bus: ISBT Delhi to ISBT Palampur via Chandigarh, Una, Dehra, Kangra (H.P.)
3. By Air: From New Delhi upto Dharamshala, Gaggal Airport (H.P.)
Walk in Interview
Date: 29-01-2019
Time: 12:00 Noon
Venue: CSIR-IHBT, Palampur (H.P.)
Date: 29-01-2019
Time: 12:00 Noon
Venue: CSIR-IHBT, Palampur (H.P.)
Note: Result awaited candidates are not eligible for interview