Job Openings for Pharmacists (17 posts) in ONGC @ Apply Now last date 20.20.2019

Post : Pharmacist Grade-IV (Allopathy)

+ Post of Hazira Plant included.
No of Posts : 17 (Sc-01, ST-02, OBC-03, UR-11 - 02 for Reserv ed for Ex- Servicemen)
Minimum Essential Qualification : Diploma in Pharmacy of minimum 2 years duration and should be registered with Pharmacy Council.
Pay Scale : Rs.11000/- to Rs.24000/-
Skill Test
Skill Test related to Pharmacy

Age Limit
General : Maximum 30 yrs Minimum 18 yrs (born between 20/02/1989 to 20/02/2001)
OBC- Non Creamy layer : Maximum 33 yrs Minimum 18 yrs (born between 20/02/1986 to 20/02/2001)
SC/ST : Maximum 35 yrs Minimum 18 yrs (born between 20/02/1984 to 20/02/2001)
i] Persons with Disabilities (PwD): Upper age limit for persons with disabilities shall be relaxable by ten years (15 years for SCs/STs and 13 years for OBCs) Relaxation in age limit shall be applicable irrespective of the fact whether the post is reserved or not, provided the post is identified suitable for persons with disabilities.
ii] Ex-Servicemen : To the extent of length of service in Armed Forces Plus 3 years as per Govt. Rules. For Disabled Defense Service personnel, extent of Age Concession is upto 45 years for Gen/OBC & 50 years for SC/ST. However, No relaxation will be given for the post of Assistant Rigman(Drilling).
iii] ONGC Departmental candidates : To the extent of services rendered by them in ONGC except for the post of Assistant Rigman(Drilling).
iv] Tenure Based Employees (TBFO), Contingent and Contractual Paramedics will be treated as departmental candidates besides regular employees.
v] Age relaxation will be admissible to Tenure Based Field Operators working in ONGC to the extent of services rendered by them while discharging the role of Rigman on Drilling / Work Over Rigs in ONGC for applying for Regular post of Assistant Rigman(Drilling). However, the upper age limit of 50 years as prescribed for Tenure Based Field Operators shall be applicable. vi] Tenure Based Employees have to furnish a certificate duly signed by Incharge of the Rigs / Incharge HR-ER at the time of Skill Test for availing age relaxation for the post of Assistant Rigman(Drilling).
vii] ONGC Ex-Apprentices : Age relaxation to ONGC Ex-Apprentices shall be granted to the extent of their training undergone in ONGC except for the post of Assistant Rigman(Drilling). Apprentices, other than those from ONGC shall not be eligible for age relaxation. viii] SC/ST/OBC competing for unreserved post (General) should fulfill age criteria of General category.
ix] The designation as mentioned in the advertisement may undergo modifications
1] A candidate can apply for MULTIPLE posts for which he/ She is eligible.
2] In case the candidate is eligible for multiple posts, the candidate will have to give his choice of posts in order of preference. No change in the order of preference will be considered later. Only one offer of appointment shall be given to the selected candidate based on his / her choice of preference indicated in the online applications.
3] Departmental candidates holding the same level / Pay Scale shall not be eligible for applying to posts at the same Level / Pay Scale.
4] Some of the posts in this advertisement have been identified suitable for PwDs out of which few posts have been reserved for PwD’s for the specified disability. The disability for which the post has been identified / reserved has been indicated against each post. PwD candidates may apply for the posts identified suitable for them. However, the benefit of reservation shall be given only to those PwD candidates for whom the posts have been reserved as per the disability. PwD candidates shall however be eligible for age relaxation irrespective of the fact whether the post is reserved for them or not, provided the post is identified suitable for the relevant category of disability.
5] Some of the posts in this advertisement are reserved for Ex-Servicemen. Ex-servicemen shall be eligible for the benefit of reservation under Ex-Servicemen category provided they have not availed all the benefit of Ex-Servicemen on their first re-employment in civilian posts. This shall however not apply to those exservicemen who have been re-employed or are re-employed by private companies / autonomous bodies/ public sector undertakings/government offices on casual / contract / temporary ad-hoc basis and who can be removed from such service at any time by their employer concerned. In case an Ex-Servicemen has availed of the benefit of Ex-Servicemen reservation, he would still be entitled for relaxation in age as admissible to civil employees in the normal course.
6] If sufficient number of eligible and suitable Ex-Servicemen candidates are not available to fill up the posts reserved for them, then the vacant posts shall be filled up from other candidates.
7] Candidates must possess a Valid Certificate of Domicile of the State of Gujarat at the time of online application. The candidates will have to produce a Certificate of Domicile from the Gujarat state at the time of Skill Test / Uploading documents.
8] Candidates must possess a minimum score of 40% marks in the essential qualification to be eligible.
9] The Candidate must possess the essential prescribed qualifications on or before the last date of online application.
10] For the posts mentioned above where one of the qualifications prescribed is a Certificate / Diploma of minimum duration of 6 months in Computer Applications in the Office Environment, a B.C.A. or an M.C.A. or a B.Tech./ B.E. in Computer Science / Engineering shall not be accepted in place of a Certificate / Diploma of minimum 6 months. Even if the Graduation is in BCA or a B.Tech / BE in Computer Science / Engineering, the required certificate of minimum duration of 6 months is mandatory. The Certificate / Diploma should be attributable to Computer Applications and should clearly mention that the candidate has studied the course in volving Office Environment such as applications of MS word, Excel (Spread Sheet) etc.
11] For posts of Pharmacist GD.IV(Allopathy) registration with Pharmacy Council shall be a must.
(i) Eligible candidates would be required to apply online ONLY through the link available on ONGC Website : from 31.01.2019 (10:00 hrs) to 20.02.2019(18.00hrs.) NO other mode of application shall be accepted.
(ii) Online application methodology will be available on the online application site.
(iii) Before registering / submitting their applications on the website candidates should possess the following :
(a) Valid E-mail ID (Should be valid for a period of 1 year from the date of application)
(b) Mobile No. (should be active and valid for at least a period of 1 year from the date of application)
(c) Scanned copy of recent passport size colour photograph with White background (size between 20kb-50kb, of jpeg/jpg file type Only) and signature of the candidate again with white background (size between 10kb-20kb, of jpeg/jpg file type Only)
(iv) Registration Fee
(a) For General / OBC candidates – Rs. 370/= as Registration fee. (Fee Rs.299.20/- plus Bank Charges Rs.60/- plus GST- 10.80/- on Bank Charges). Registration fee is non-refundable.
(b) Registration fee can be deposited at any branch of State Bank of India in ONGC Power Jyoti A/c. No. 30827318409 of SBI, Tel Bhavan, Dehradun through Challan Form. Payment of Registration fee by any Other mode is NOT acceptable and payment made through other modes will NOT be returned or refunded to the candidates. Candidates will have to mention the bank details as given by the bank on the online application site after depositing of fee.
(c) ONGC Departmental candidates/ Tenure based employees would also be required to deposit the applicable registration/ processing fee through the Challan form. However, the same would be reimbursable.
(d) SC/ST/PwD/Ex-Servicemen candidates are exempted to pay any fee.
(v) No change shall be allowed once the candidate submitted his / her online application.
(vi) Candidates are advised to submit only one application. In case of multiple applications from a candidate the last one shall be considered as final and the rest shall be rejected.
(vii) Candidates should retain the copy of their system generated Registration slip etc. for future reference. Print out of the same should not be tampered with. No documents including copy of Registration slip etc are to be sent to ONGC unless specifically asked for.
(viii) All information regarding examination shall be available on the website of ONGC- Candidates can download examination admit cards / call letter for skill test etc. from the site. ONGC will not be responsible for any loss of e-mail/SMS send due to invalid or wrong email ID / mobile phone No. or delivery of emails to spam/bulk mail folder.
Candidates must possess a minimum score of 40% marks in the essential qualification. NOTE :- Candidate has to enter exact percentage of marks while filling the Online Physical Application form i.e. rounding off of percentage is strictly not allowed. ( e.g.40.007% means 40.007%)
SELECTION METHODOLOGY :- The selection methodology will comprise the following stages :-
(a) Computer Based Test.
(b) Skill Test i.e. Physical Test / Driving Test / Physical Efficiency Test / Stenography Test / Typing Test (wherever applicable) etc. (i) The Selection of the candidates shall be done through a Computer Based Test (CBT) followed by PST/ PET/Driving test/ Typing Tests / Stenography test etc.wherever applicable. The candidates have to qualify at each stage separately.
(ii) Skill test shall be conducted for posts
(iii) The Computer Based Test (CBT) is tentatively scheduled in last week of March’2019. (iv) Candidates should indicate their choice of test centre in the online application.
(v) ONGC reserves the right to add, cancel or change any of the aforementioned test cities at its discretion.
(vi) Details of the schedule of CBT shall be shared with the candidates separately.
(vii) SC/ST/PwD candidates attending the CBT (Written test) and whose mailing address is beyond municipal Limits of the test city will be reimbursed to & fro second class rail / bus fare of the shortest route from their mailing address on production of proof.
a. All Questions shall be multiple choice objective type for a total of 100 marks.
b. There will be NO negative marking in CBT.
c. Total duration of the test shall be 2 hours.
d. The test shall be in English and Hindi. However those candidates who opt for Hindi as the language of choice the test shall be bilingual i.e. in both Hindi and English. For the post of Jr.Asstt.(OL) the test will be in Hindi.
e. PwD candidates shall be given compensatory time i.e.20 minutes per hour (total 40 Minutes). Scribe may be provided by ONGC to those PwD candidates in the category of Blindness and Locomotor disability who wish to avail one. The provision of scribe can be allowed on Production of a certificate to the effect that the person concerned has physical limitation to write and scribe Is essential to write examination on his behalf, from the Chief Medical Officer/ Civil Surgeon/Medical Superintendent of a Government health care institution as per proforma prescribed by GOI.
(a) All applicants must fulfill the essential requirements of the post and other conditions stipulated in the advertisement. They are advised to satisfy themselves before applying. No enquiry asking for advice as to eligibility will be entertained. Their admission at all stages of the examination will be purely provisional. Mere issue of admit card / call letter for skill tests etc. to the candidate will not imply that his / her candidature has been finally cleared by ONGC.
(b) Reservation provided for SC/ST/OBC/PwD candidates is as per government instruction on the subject.
(c) Applicants are required to apply online only. No manual / paper application will be entertained.
(d) Screening and selection will be based on the details provided by the candidates, hence it is necessary that applicants should furnish only accurate, full and correct information. Furnishing of wrong/false information will be disqualification and ONGC will NOT be responsible for the consequences including termination (if appointed) apart from legal action by ONGC at any stage.
(e) Candidature of the registered candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment process or after recruitment process or joining if any information provided by the candidate is found false or is not found in conformity with eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement.
(f) Eligible SC/ST/PwD candidates called for CBT / skill test (wherever applicable) will be reimbursed to & fro second class rail / bus fare by the shortest route, on production of railway ticket or bus ticket (candidate opting for examination city other than the city nearest from mailing address will not be paid TA). TA claim Form is downloaded from website.
(g) Requests for change of mailing address, Test Centre / Category / discipline as declared in the online application, will not be entertained.
(h) The Print out of Registration slip should not be tampered with. In case of any overwriting or tampering of Registration Slip, the candidature of the candidate shall be rejected.
(i) Candidates should retain the copy of their Registration Slip / Admit Card / Call letter for Skill Test etc. for future reference.
(j) Candidates in employment of Public Sector Undertaking / Govt. Service will be required to produce No Objection Certificate at the time of Skill test / Upload of documents failing which their candidature shall be rejected.
(k) ONGC departmental candidates must ensure filling their own CPF Number of ONGC in the appropriate field in the online form, failing which they shall not repeat SHALL NOT be screened / considered as departmental candidates from ONGC.
(l) Selected candidates (Non-PwD) shall also serve Territorial Army.
(m) Candidates will be required to provide bio-metric identification such as finger print etc.
(n) Court of Jurisdiction for any dispute will be Ahmedabad (Gujarat).
(a) The candidates applying for this examination should ensure that they fulfill all eligibility conditions for admission to the Examination. Their admission at all the stages of the examination will be purely provisional. Mere issue of admit card, Call letter for Skill test etc. to the candidate will not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared by ONGC.
(b) Appointment of selected candidates will be subject to their passing the Company’s Medical Examination as per standards laid down under ONGC’s Medical Examination of Employees Rules, 1996.
(c) The selected candidates are liable to be posted anywhere in India or aboard.
(d) For more information about the Company you may visit our website
Canvassing in any form or influencing the officials related to the selection / recruitment process would result in immediate disqualification of the candidate. In case of any dispute, the decision of the management of ONGC will be final and binding on all candidates.
Candidate are also advised not to respond the unscrupulous advertisements appearing in any newspaper. For authenticity of any advertisement, the candidates may check on ONGC’s website
Important Dates:
Start of Online Applications : 31.01.2019, 10:00hrs.
End Date for Online Applications : 20.02.2019, 18 : 00 hours
Last date for deposit of fee : 22.02.2019 , 18 : 00 hours
Start of CBT (Tentative) details shall be shared later) : Last week of March’2019

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