Require Pharmacists at Northern Railway @ Click Here for more details

Post : Pharmacist

Application in the prescribed Performa only with requisite enclosure are invited from Retired Para Medical Staff in Northern Railway Central Hospital New Delhi on re-engagement basis for filling up the vacancies as detailed below.
No of posts : 06
2. The prescribed Performa should be submitted duly filled in with requisite enclosures in Room No. 26 in Northern Railway Central Hospital, Basant Lane New Delhi.
3. The last date for obtaining/ submitting the application is 25/01/2019 at 05:15 PM in the office of Northern Railway Central Hospital Basant Lane New Delhi..
4. Normally the employee retired should be re-engaged in the same unit of the same department.
5. Such retired employees i.e. applicant should not have undergone any major punishment (as per SF-5) in last 5 years
6. Essential eligibility criteria for submitting application –
a. General criteria: Maximum Age 64 years 6 months as on 25/01/2019
b. Should be willing to work in overall jurisdiction of Northern Railway Central Hospital New Delhi.
c. Should be Medically Fit for the category for which applying for.
7. Monthly remuneration of re-engaged retired employee will be equal to his last pay drawn minus Pension.
8. The re-engagement of Retired Railway employee shall be purely on temporary arrangement basis and will be terminated as and when regular employees are available.
9. The re-engagement can be terminated on other grounds by giving 15 days notice without any explanation or any notice.

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