Pharmacist (Entry Grade) (Allopathy).
Number of vacancy at present: 01 (one) (Reserved for OBC).
Number of anticipated vacancy up-to December 2019 : 03 (1 UR and 2 for SC)
Pay Scale : Rs. 29,200/- to Rs. 92,300/- (as per recommendation of 7th CPC).
Essential Qualification:
(i) 12th class pass with Science subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) or equivalent from a recognized Board or University.
(ii) Diploma in Pharmacy from recognized institution and registered as Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948; and
(iii) Two years’ experience as Pharmacist in any recognized Hospital or Pharmacy after duly registered as Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948: and OR
(i) Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy (B. Pharm.) from recognized University or equivalent; and (ii) Registered as a pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948.
Age limit : Between 18 and 25 years (Relaxable for Government servants up-to the age of forty years in the case of general candidates and up-to forty-five years in the case of the candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government from time to time.)(i) 12th class pass with Science subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) or equivalent from a recognized Board or University.
(ii) Diploma in Pharmacy from recognized institution and registered as Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948; and
(iii) Two years’ experience as Pharmacist in any recognized Hospital or Pharmacy after duly registered as Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948: and OR
(i) Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy (B. Pharm.) from recognized University or equivalent; and (ii) Registered as a pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948.
Pharmacist (Entry Grade) (Homeopathy)
Number of vacancy at present: 01 (one) Unreserved.
Pay Scale : Level 5 - Rs. 29,200/- to 92,300/- (as per recommendation of 7th CPC).
Essential Qualification:
(i) 12th class passed or equivalent with Physics, Chemistry or Biology from a recognized Board or university;
(ii) Diploma or certificate course in Homeopathic Pharmacy of at least one year duration from a recognized institution.
(iii) Desirable: Basic knowledge of computer.
(i) 12th class passed or equivalent with Physics, Chemistry or Biology from a recognized Board or university;
(ii) Diploma or certificate course in Homeopathic Pharmacy of at least one year duration from a recognized institution.
(iii) Desirable: Basic knowledge of computer.
Age limit :
Between 18 and 25 years (Relaxable for Government servant up-to the age of forty years in the case of general candidates and up-to forty-five years in the case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Caste or the Scheduled Tribes in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government from time to time).GENERAL INFORMATION & INSTRUCTION
1. Number of vacancies mentioned herein may vary (Increase or Decrease) depending upon the Administrative exigencies and anticipated superannuation / retirement.
2. Merit list will be prepared as per the results of written examination.
3. The crucial date of determining eligibility of all candidates in every respect like age limit, essential qualification and proof of age as on the closing date of receipt of application i.e 04th February, 2019.
(i) Candidates employed in Government service should send their application through proper channel. However, they may send an advance copy to reach this Office before closing date. Application through proper channel must reach this Office by 04th February 2019 along with "No Objection Certificate" 4. Age Relaxation for Government Employees: Candidates seeking age relaxation under this Para should submit certificate issued after the date of advertisement from his/her employer on the Office's Letter Head to the effect that he or she is a regularly appointed Government Servant and not an adhoc/ temporary/daily wages/hourly paid/contract basis employee who has rendered not less than three years continuous service on regular basis as on Closing date i.e. 04th February, 2019. Age relaxation for SC / ST candidates is as per existing Government Rules. 5. Candidates seeking reservation as OBC status:
(i) The candidate should furnish the relevant OBC Certificate in the prescribed format for Central Government jobs,
(ii) The Certificate that he/she does not belong to the persons/sections (Creamy Layer) should have reference to Government of India DOPT OM No. 36033/3/2004-Estt (Res) dated 14-10-2008.
(ii) Submit a declaration in the prescribed format given below.
6. Candidates belonging to OBC but coming in the creamy layer should indicate their category as GENERAL
7. Submission of Application:
(i) The application in the prescribed format given herewith duly supported with selfattested photocopies of all certificates and mark-sheets should be sent by Speed Post/Registered Post to the following address: Additional Director, Central Government Health Scheme, 6-Esplanade East, (Ground Floor), Kolkata - 700069 to reach this Office on or before 04th February, 2019. The Envelop should be superscribed as "Application for the post of Pharmacist (Entry Grade) (Allopathy) in CGHS, Kolkata or Application for the post of Pharmacist (Entry Grade) (Homeopathy) in CGHS, Kolkata" or Application for the post of Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM) in CGHS, Kolkata" as the case may be.
(ii) Applications forms may also be downloaded from the website:
(iii) In case of applicants residing in Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Lahaul & Spiti District of Pangi Sub-division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh. Andaman & Nicobar Island & Lakshadweep the closing date is 18th February, 2019.
9. Call letters for the Written Test will be sent to the eligible applicants after scrutiny of the Applications.
10. The merit list will be valid for one year from the date of its publication.
11. Invalid Applications: An application will be summarily rejected for:
(i) Not conforming to the official format/ having incomplete information/ misrepresentation of facts/left unsigned/without an attested photograph,
(ii) Without self- attested photocopy of the following as enclosure:
(a) Matriculation or equivalent certificate in support of their declaration of age. (Age of Admit Card /Mark Sheet will not be accepted).
(b) Mark Sheet of Matriculation or equivalent Examination passed.
(c) Mark Sheet and Certificate of Higher Secondary or equivalent Examination passed.
(d) Mark Sheet of Diploma or Degree Examination passed.
(e) Degree or Diploma Certificate or other Certificates in support of their educational qualification.
(f) Registration Certificate of Pharmacy Council / Nursing Council, as applicable.
(g) Caste Certificate for candidates belonging to SC/ST or OBC issued by the Competent Authority & OBC declaration format for OBC candidates in the given format.
(h) Experience Certificate.
(iii) Applications received in this office beyond the last date of receipt.
(i) The application in the prescribed format given herewith duly supported with selfattested photocopies of all certificates and mark-sheets should be sent by Speed Post/Registered Post to the following address: Additional Director, Central Government Health Scheme, 6-Esplanade East, (Ground Floor), Kolkata - 700069 to reach this Office on or before 04th February, 2019. The Envelop should be superscribed as "Application for the post of Pharmacist (Entry Grade) (Allopathy) in CGHS, Kolkata or Application for the post of Pharmacist (Entry Grade) (Homeopathy) in CGHS, Kolkata" or Application for the post of Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM) in CGHS, Kolkata" as the case may be.
(ii) Applications forms may also be downloaded from the website:
(iii) In case of applicants residing in Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Lahaul & Spiti District of Pangi Sub-division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh. Andaman & Nicobar Island & Lakshadweep the closing date is 18th February, 2019.
9. Call letters for the Written Test will be sent to the eligible applicants after scrutiny of the Applications.
10. The merit list will be valid for one year from the date of its publication.
11. Invalid Applications: An application will be summarily rejected for:
(i) Not conforming to the official format/ having incomplete information/ misrepresentation of facts/left unsigned/without an attested photograph,
(ii) Without self- attested photocopy of the following as enclosure:
(a) Matriculation or equivalent certificate in support of their declaration of age. (Age of Admit Card /Mark Sheet will not be accepted).
(b) Mark Sheet of Matriculation or equivalent Examination passed.
(c) Mark Sheet and Certificate of Higher Secondary or equivalent Examination passed.
(d) Mark Sheet of Diploma or Degree Examination passed.
(e) Degree or Diploma Certificate or other Certificates in support of their educational qualification.
(f) Registration Certificate of Pharmacy Council / Nursing Council, as applicable.
(g) Caste Certificate for candidates belonging to SC/ST or OBC issued by the Competent Authority & OBC declaration format for OBC candidates in the given format.
(h) Experience Certificate.
(iii) Applications received in this office beyond the last date of receipt.
Last Date : 04th February, 2019