Require Research Associate, Postdoctoral Fellow at Institute of Life Sciences @ Apply Now

Post : Research Associate/Postdoctoral Fellow - (02 posts)
1. Understanding the role of IRGM-mediated innate immune response in inflammatory and infectious diseases.
2. Crosstalk between autophagy and cellular inflammation in cancer.
Fellowship: Rs. 36000/- per month + @20%HRA
Principal Investigator: Santosh Chauhan, PhD, Scientist-E, ILS, Bhubaneswar
Eligibility and Selection: 
Ph. D. in Life Sciences. Experience in mammalian cell culture, molecular biology and cell biology techniques are required. Candidates having experience in handling mice and candidates having first author publication in peer-reviewed journal in above subject areas will be given preference during screening stage. Candidates who have submitted Ph.D. thesis and are waiting for viva voce may also apply. For such candidates, fellowship amount will be that of an SRF until he/she defends Ph.D. thesis.
Selection will be carried out through application screening, followed by an interview process.
Interested/eligible candidates may download application form from  below link and apply along with self-attested copies of mark sheets and certificates, as well as copies of publications and Ph.D. thesis synopsis to the “Director, Institute of Life Sciences, Nalco Square, Bhubaneswar-751023.” Super-scribe the envelope with "Application for the position of Research Associate-Autophagy". Initial appointment will be for one year. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. The decision of the institute Director regarding selection of candidates will be final and no further correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
1. Last date for receiving application: 28th Feb 2019
2. Date of display of shortlisted candidates: 5th March 2019
3. Date & time of interview: 26th March 2019; 10.00 AM
Note: All communication will be through e-mail. No separate call letter will be issued to the candidates.

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