After a very successful 4th edition, PharmaLytica 2018 will be held on 10th and 11th August at the HITEX Exhibition Centre in Hyderabad, India. In the 5th edition of this international trade fair and conference Pharmaceutical community can pick up on the latest industry trends, innovations and do business with Analytical, Laboratory, Machinery and Packaging Industry.
PharmaLytica conference, collocated with the exhibition is the knowledge forum and important industry gathering that brings you entire range of topics in analytical, outsourcing, laboratory, scientific & biotechnology sector. PharmaLytica is evolving as the leading marketplace for products and services along the entire value chain in niche segments within the Pharma industry.
Top 5 Reasons to Attend PharmaLytica.
PharmaLytica is making it easier than ever to network with new suppliers and existing, source new technologies, products and services to help you cost effectively develop and manufacture quality product.
- Discover New Technologies at the Innovation Gallery
- 8 Innovative products from these companies were at display in 2017 Innovation Gallery: Spraytech Systems India, Hindustan Inox, NORD Drivesystems, Fuji Electric, NIHVA technologies, Starco Meta Plast, June Enterprise, Himsan Polymer, PR Packaging. Visitors attended the gallery for free and at one location got to see a wide range of new products and technologies in the market.
- Learn at PharmaLytica Conference about the best practices and the trending industry topics.
- Network with Suppliers, Colleagues and Industry Leaders.
- Meet 200+ Exhibitors spread around an area of 5000+ sqm. In 2017, 60% of attendees were new.
- Reconnect with old friends and industry colleagues; PharmaLytica 2017 brought 4000+ Pharma Professionals from 21 Indian States and 16 Countries.
- Make optimum utilization of your time spent at PharmaLytica by pre-fixing meetings.
PharmaLytica Connect- A 1-2-1 business meeting service. An automatic system allows both exhibitors and visitors to plan mutually-agreed meetings pre-scheduled. PharmaLytica 2017 saw over 500 pre-fixed meetings take place onsite. - Network with Suppliers, Colleagues and Industry Leaders.
- PharmaLytica offers you a plethora of opportunities to meet, network and do business with the best in the industry.
- Few major Exhibitors in 2017 included, Gandhi Automation, Komal Industries, Rahul Packaging, Fuji Electric, Hindustan Inox, Elgi Equipments, Horiba India Pvt Ltd, S K Pharma, NHIVA Technologies, Kirloskar Pneumatics, FabLab, Accura Pharma Pvt Ltd, Sterimax Engineering Pvt Ltd, INOS Technologies, Mack Pharmatech, Spraytech Solutions India Pvt Ltd, Moreschi Doors, Utopia Optovision, Helios Concrew, Shree Aerodynamics Products, Apex Chromatography Pvt Ltd, Dumra Machines, Spectrum Pharmatech Consultants Pvt LtdINOS Technologies ,Mack Pharmatech ,Spraytech Solutions India Pvt Ltd ,Moreschi Doors ,Utopia Optovision ,Helios Concrew ,Shree Aerodynamics Products ,Apex Chromatography Pvt Ltd ,Dumra Machines ,Spectrum Pharmatech Consultants Pvt Ltd amongst others
Day1: Focal Theme
“Quality Culture - Revolutionizing Dynamics of Quality Assurance”
Conference Agenda: Day 1, Friday, 10th August 2018Day1: Focal Theme
“Quality Culture - Revolutionizing Dynamics of Quality Assurance”
Conference Inauguration & Opening Key Note Address
Topic: Challenge of Quality Culture – Articulation & Development
Session I:
“A Smart Pharma Manufacturing for Operational Excellence; Latest in Pharmaceutical, Analytical & Lab”
Descriptor: What kind of manufacturing set up is required in pharmaceutical production facility to ensure quality product. What kind of machinery, equipment and other inputs are needed for quality production. How Human Resource is also an essential part of quality assurance and how to deal the HR aspect for quality assurance.
Session II: “Technology Edge”
Information technology has already revolutionized every sector and world of work. Automation of all the manual work in pharmaceutical sector, known as pharmacy informatics, is based on the principals of IT systems. There are softwares that aid the smooth functioning of pharma units, improve their efficiency & accuracy and as a result help in improved decision making. Among many other functions pharma companies need informatics for crossing the quality chasm and preventing errors. IT, like in any other field, can also give a boost to quality assurance in pharma.
Session III:
“Cost-Quality Efficiency”
Any improvement in the machines, equipment and manufacturing processes and introduction of new parameters and bench marks done for quality improvement & assurance involves cost. But not doing it also involves cost, sometimes even more than required for improvements. Not realizing this many a times cost is cited as a reason for not been able to take up the improvements in the systems. But is cost really an hindrance in quality assurance?
Session IV:
“Setting Quality Culture Parameters”
One major lacuna in implementing & popularising the quality culture in Indian Pharma is the lack of mechanism to measure the quality culture outcome. No parameters are yet set for quality culture outcome. Hence, quality culture articulation & development is a new industry challenge. It is of paramount importance to set such parameters for only then the quality culture will become of the manufacturing processes in all pharma manufacturing facilities. The issue of having the calibration of equipment right & precise is also important since any error in initial reading will lead to totally wrong results and diagnosis. Hence, how to know that one has perfect equipment to measure rightly calibrated is also very crucial.
Day2: Focal Theme
‘Regulatory & Pricing – A Challenge for Pharma Sector’
Conference Agenda: Day 2, Saturday, 11th August 2018
Opening Keynote Address: ‘Regulatory & Pricing – A Challenge for Pharma Sector’
Conference Agenda: Day 2, Saturday, 11th August 2018
“A Distant View of Indian Pricing & Regulatory; US Perspective”
Session I:
“Is Regulatory Compliance much more than GMP?”
Quality culture, regulatory compliance, good manufacturing Practices (GMPs) and cost & pricing of products are all interwoven factors, one affecting the other in some way or the other. Thus this needs to be discussed as the subsequent part of Quality Culture. Among them there needs to bring in clarity over GMPs and mere regulatory compliance.
Session II:
“Presentation of Case study on Pharmacoeconomics” – 30 mins
Panel Discussion on
“Regulatory, Pricing & Patients – Equilibrium”
Vote of Thanks & Closing Ceremony