3rd International Conference on Academic and Industrial Innovations: Transitions in Pharmaceutical, Medical and Biosciences (22-23 Oct 2018)

Innopharm is an effort to bring innovations in health, pharmaceutical and allied fields at a common platform to enable scientists benefit from innovations of interdisciplinary nature directed towards a common goal i.e. efficient therapeutics. Innopharm1 and 2 witnessed renowned scientists, academicians and industrialists from around the globe, present their findings/innovations at an international platform.
Innopharm3 shall be one of the much-admired meetings in the field of pharmaceutical, medical and biosciences with the active participation of industry, academic institutes and researchers to discuss innovations in the field and subsequent transitions due to academic and industrial innovations and vice versa. It is an event organized under the auspices of Innovare Academic Sciences (IAS) in association with Paramita Health Care Society and Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research (AJPCR)/International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics (IJAP) (Both, Scopus indexed and UGC listed) as a publishing partner. In Innopharm3, we foresee to recreate the opportunities, scheduling the mega event for discussion and presentations on this international platform, with enhanced enthusiasm and dedication.
Major thrust areas of the conference shall include: new drug developments, drug delivery, natural product research, pharmacology, pharmaceutical chemistry, drug design and computational chemistry, analytical methods, regulatory affairs, biotechnology, new molecules from synthetic science, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, bioinformatics, genomics and proteonomics, cell biology, case studies, hospital pharmacy, pharmacy practice, clinical and preclinical research including case studies etc.

The vision Innopharm was initiated some 05 years back while some members of organizing team were a part of an international event at overseas venue. The event motivated the team to organize a event in our motherland for the benefit of local participants who at times fail to attend such events for issues with registration, accommodation and travel expenses, restricting them to present their innovations at an international platform in front of participants and experts from round the globe. Hence, Innopharm (Series of international events) was initiated in association with Innovare academic sciences (Publishing and advertising partner) and an NGO Paramita Health Care Society, with intent to provide a platform to the researchers round the globe to present their inventions at an international platform.
Innopharm is an event initiated for scientific discussions and to develop scientific association for the benefit of attendees and in no way aims to gain financial advantage to the organizers or associates.
The event is organized in true spirit of an International event with focus on improving the event and services every year.
Paramita Health Care Society has been working since 2007 in the domain of education and health and it organizes various educational events and health awareness programs regularly for the welfare of social lives whereas Innovare Academic Sciences (IAS) provides a platform for quality publication. IAS is for spreading knowledge for the novel research, invention and innovation. Innovation is the currency of 21 century. IAS think ahead, move fast and promote changes with creative thoughts.
IAS is the publisher of peer-reviewed Journals in the field of Medical sciences, Health science, Engineering, Pharmacy, Agriculture, Ayurvedic science, Education, Social science, Business management, Food sciences, and Life sciences. It maintains the highest standard of peer view with the team of internationally recognized editors serving on the editorial board of IAS Journal. It offers various services in the field of publications including Books, conference proceedings, special issues etc. In addition, it is serving to organize national and international conferences in diverse disciplines.
Early Bird 
Before Jun 15, 2018
Late Reg. 
From Jun 16, 2018
 Student / Researcher 2,500 INR 3,000 INR
 Faculty Member / Scientist /
Industry Person
 3,000 INR 4,000 INR
 Exhibitor 5,000 INR 6,500 INR
 Accompanying Person / Participant 2,500 INR 3,500 INR
 Student / Researcher300 USD400 USD
 Faculty Member / Scientist /
Industry Person
450 USD550 USD
 Exhibitor500 USD600 USD
 Accompanying Person / Participant300 USD400 USD
International Group Registration (Minimum 4 Reg.)
 Student / Researcher250 USD350 USD
 Faculty Member / Scientist /
Industry Person
350 USD450 USD

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