Advt. No. NITAP/NTS/2017/Advt-001 dated: 14-09-2017.
1. Reservations will be followed as per Government of India norms.
2. Candidates willing to apply for the advertised posts are requested to download appropriate form from the Mentor Institute’s website and apply separately for each post.
3. Application fee is to be enclosed along with Application Form in the form of Demand Draft of Rs. 500/- for UR / OBC candidates and Rs. 250/- for SC / ST / PWD in favor of Director NIT, Warangal. When a candidate is applying for more than one post, separate application forms along with application Fee are to be submitted for each post separately.
4. Candidates shall complete the form in all respects without leaving any column blank. Incomplete applications will be rejected. Please enter “NA” if the information sought is not applicable.
5. Candidates are advised to fill the application form completely and carefully. No appeal will be considered to correct the information given in application form after submission.
6. Candidates should submit self-attested photocopy of certificates and documents mentioned below in the same sequence. Applications without enclosing copies of appropriate certificates / documents shall be rejected.
7. Proof of Date of Birth (If not attached application will be rejected).
8. For SC/ST/OBC (Non Creamy Layer) candidates, the application form should be attached with a copy of the relevant caste certificate.
9. Category Certificate (For SC/ST/OBC Candidates only) if not attached, application will be considered in General Category.
10. For OBC candidates, Non - Creamy Layer status issued by the competent authority empowered for the purpose on or after 1 st April 2017, as a proof in support of the caste claim is essential. No other certificate will be accepted as sufficient proof. If non-creamy layer certificate is not attached, the application will be considered in General category.
11. The persons with disability (PWD) shall be required to produce medical certificate in the prescribed form issued by the competent medical authorities for the purpose of employment. Persons suffering from not less than 40% of the disability shall only be eligible for the benefit of reservation, if any, and other relaxations as permissible under the rules. If appropriate certificate is not attached, the application will be considered in General category. 12. 10th Standard Certificate and Mark-Sheet. 13. 10+2 Certificate and Mark-Sheet.
14. Final Year Mark sheets / Grade Cards and Diploma /Degree Certificates for the Examinations mentioned in the Application Form in the same sequence. Any degree mentioned will not be considered unless copies of certificates are attached.
15. Experience Certificate from employer. Any experience claimed without certificate will not be considered. 16. Any other information which the candidate wants to provide may be submitted in One Page only, duly signed.
17. The employees working in IITs/ NITs/ Central Govt., the deserving candidates will be given preference and, suitable moderation in age and qualifications if any, may be granted by the screening committee appointed by the competent authority.
18. All photocopies and documents including covering letter should be attached to the application form. Application form must be the first document. All photocopies, documents should be in A4 size
19. The Application completed in all respects along with supporting documents should be sent by Post to the Director, National Institute of Technology, Warangal - 506 004, INDIA.
20. Candidate’s Name, Application for (the name of post with specialization) may be superscribed on the envelope. 21. Filled in Application complete in all respects including Self-Attested Photocopies and Documents mentioned in the list, should reach in the Institute on or before 5.30 p.m. on 20th October, 2017 (FRIDAY). Institute will not be responsible for any postal/otherwise delay/loss. 22. The eligibility of the Candidate in terms of age/qualification/experience, etc. shall be considered as on last date for receiving of application form i.e., October 20, 2017 (Friday). 23. Persons serving in Govt./Semi-Govt./PSUs should send their applications either through proper channel or furnish a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE at the time of interview. 24. The Institute reserves the right not to fill up the posts, cancel the advertisement in whole or in part, without assigning any reason and its decision in this regard shall be final. 25. No TA / DA will be paid for attending the test / interview. 26. Incomplete applications/applications without relevant supporting enclosures / applications not in prescribed form/without application fee will be out-rightly rejected. The Institute will not be responsible for any postal delay/loss. Interim correspondence will not be entertained or replied to. 27. The details of the posts, minimum qualifications, age, reservations etc. and other guidelines will be followed as per the MHRD Guidelines and “Recruitment Rules” received from time to time for this purpose. Selection Procedure a) All applications received by the Institute shall be scrutinized and incomplete applications will be out-rightly rejected. b) Candidates not eligible for the posts mentioned shall be disqualified. c) The Institute reserves the right to place a reasonable limit on the total number of candidates to be called for Skill/Proficiency Test and/or Written test and/or Interview. Mere fulfillment of qualification does not entitle a candidate to be called for written test, skill/ proficiency test and interview. MHRD Guidelines received from time to time for this purpose will be followed. d) List of the eligible candidates will be displayed on the Mentor Institute website i.e. e) Candidates are advised to bring Photo ID Card (Driving License, Voters Card, PAN Card, Bank Pass Book with Photo, Passport and Aadhar Card). Candidates are further advised to bring all the original Educational & Experience documents for verification with one set of self attested copies
1. Reservations will be followed as per Government of India norms.
2. Candidates willing to apply for the advertised posts are requested to download appropriate form from the Mentor Institute’s website and apply separately for each post.
3. Application fee is to be enclosed along with Application Form in the form of Demand Draft of Rs. 500/- for UR / OBC candidates and Rs. 250/- for SC / ST / PWD in favor of Director NIT, Warangal. When a candidate is applying for more than one post, separate application forms along with application Fee are to be submitted for each post separately.
4. Candidates shall complete the form in all respects without leaving any column blank. Incomplete applications will be rejected. Please enter “NA” if the information sought is not applicable.
5. Candidates are advised to fill the application form completely and carefully. No appeal will be considered to correct the information given in application form after submission.
6. Candidates should submit self-attested photocopy of certificates and documents mentioned below in the same sequence. Applications without enclosing copies of appropriate certificates / documents shall be rejected.
7. Proof of Date of Birth (If not attached application will be rejected).
8. For SC/ST/OBC (Non Creamy Layer) candidates, the application form should be attached with a copy of the relevant caste certificate.
9. Category Certificate (For SC/ST/OBC Candidates only) if not attached, application will be considered in General Category.
10. For OBC candidates, Non - Creamy Layer status issued by the competent authority empowered for the purpose on or after 1 st April 2017, as a proof in support of the caste claim is essential. No other certificate will be accepted as sufficient proof. If non-creamy layer certificate is not attached, the application will be considered in General category.
11. The persons with disability (PWD) shall be required to produce medical certificate in the prescribed form issued by the competent medical authorities for the purpose of employment. Persons suffering from not less than 40% of the disability shall only be eligible for the benefit of reservation, if any, and other relaxations as permissible under the rules. If appropriate certificate is not attached, the application will be considered in General category. 12. 10th Standard Certificate and Mark-Sheet. 13. 10+2 Certificate and Mark-Sheet.
14. Final Year Mark sheets / Grade Cards and Diploma /Degree Certificates for the Examinations mentioned in the Application Form in the same sequence. Any degree mentioned will not be considered unless copies of certificates are attached.
15. Experience Certificate from employer. Any experience claimed without certificate will not be considered. 16. Any other information which the candidate wants to provide may be submitted in One Page only, duly signed.
17. The employees working in IITs/ NITs/ Central Govt., the deserving candidates will be given preference and, suitable moderation in age and qualifications if any, may be granted by the screening committee appointed by the competent authority.
18. All photocopies and documents including covering letter should be attached to the application form. Application form must be the first document. All photocopies, documents should be in A4 size
19. The Application completed in all respects along with supporting documents should be sent by Post to the Director, National Institute of Technology, Warangal - 506 004, INDIA.
20. Candidate’s Name, Application for (the name of post with specialization) may be superscribed on the envelope. 21. Filled in Application complete in all respects including Self-Attested Photocopies and Documents mentioned in the list, should reach in the Institute on or before 5.30 p.m. on 20th October, 2017 (FRIDAY). Institute will not be responsible for any postal/otherwise delay/loss. 22. The eligibility of the Candidate in terms of age/qualification/experience, etc. shall be considered as on last date for receiving of application form i.e., October 20, 2017 (Friday). 23. Persons serving in Govt./Semi-Govt./PSUs should send their applications either through proper channel or furnish a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE at the time of interview. 24. The Institute reserves the right not to fill up the posts, cancel the advertisement in whole or in part, without assigning any reason and its decision in this regard shall be final. 25. No TA / DA will be paid for attending the test / interview. 26. Incomplete applications/applications without relevant supporting enclosures / applications not in prescribed form/without application fee will be out-rightly rejected. The Institute will not be responsible for any postal delay/loss. Interim correspondence will not be entertained or replied to. 27. The details of the posts, minimum qualifications, age, reservations etc. and other guidelines will be followed as per the MHRD Guidelines and “Recruitment Rules” received from time to time for this purpose. Selection Procedure a) All applications received by the Institute shall be scrutinized and incomplete applications will be out-rightly rejected. b) Candidates not eligible for the posts mentioned shall be disqualified. c) The Institute reserves the right to place a reasonable limit on the total number of candidates to be called for Skill/Proficiency Test and/or Written test and/or Interview. Mere fulfillment of qualification does not entitle a candidate to be called for written test, skill/ proficiency test and interview. MHRD Guidelines received from time to time for this purpose will be followed. d) List of the eligible candidates will be displayed on the Mentor Institute website i.e. e) Candidates are advised to bring Photo ID Card (Driving License, Voters Card, PAN Card, Bank Pass Book with Photo, Passport and Aadhar Card). Candidates are further advised to bring all the original Educational & Experience documents for verification with one set of self attested copies