Career opportunity for Pharmacist(40 posts) to work in DSSSB | Government Jobs

Online  Applications  are  invited  for  recruitment  to  the  following  posts  under  various  departments  of  Govt. of NCT of Delhi.
The opening date, closing date of application and post-wise break-up of vacancies are as under:-
Post : Pharmacist  (Homeopathic)
No.of post: 40 (UR-18, OBC-13, SC-02, ST-07) including PH(04)
Post Code: 82/17
Name of Department: Dte.  Of  Ayush
Classification of the Post: Group ‘C’
Essential Qualification:
1. 10+2 with Science Subject.
2. Diploma in Homoeopathy pharmacy  of not less than two  years from a Government Board/institution
Pay Scale: Rs. 5200-20200+GP Rs. 2800 Group: ‘C’
Age Limit : Not  exceeding  27 years.  Age Relaxa tion will be given as per the table  regarding  age relaxation given below at para 6
This post is identified  suitable for PH ( OH - OL.BL. ) candidate as per requisition of user department.
Rs100/ - (One Hundred only) 
a) Women candidates and candidates belonging to Schedule Caste, Schedule Tribe, Physically  Handicapped & Ex - serviceman category are exempted from paying Application fee. 
b) Ex-servicemen  who  have  already  secured  employment  in  civil  side  under  Central  Government on regular basis after availing of the benefits of reservation given to ex-servicemen for their re-employment are NOT eligible for fee concession.
c )    The  candidates  submitting  their  application  online  should  pay  the  requisite  fees  only  through  SBI e-pay . Other mode  of payment will not be  considered and the  application of  such candidates will be rejected outrightly and payment made shall stand forfeited. 
d) Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circu mstances
Candidates  must  apply  online  through  the  website .The  closing  date  for  submission of online application is upto 5 P.M. on  21 /11 /2017  after which the link will be disabled.  Applications received through any other mode would not be accepted and summarily rejected.
Closing Date for submitting Application : 01/11/2017
Last Date for depositing fees through SBI Challan: 21/11/2017

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