Recruitment for Pharmacists at GMC - 10 posts

Goa Medical College is one of the oldest medical colleges in Asia and we have recently increased our intake in the undergraduate and postgraduate seats at the institute. Our faculty strives to provide the highest standard of medical education and focuses on the overall development of our students and prepares them to make meaningful contributions and improve the quality of life of the people they serve.

Post : Pharmacist
No of posts : 10 (UR-02, OBC-05, ST-02, PD-01)
Pay Scale : PB-1 Rs. 5200-20200+2800/-GP  (Level 5 in pay matrix, Basic pay  Rs. 29,200/-)
Educational Qualification : 
Essential :  
1. Diploma in Pharmacy from Board of Technical Education or Degree in Pharmacy from recognized University. 
2.  Should be registered with the State Council of Pharmacy. 
3.  Knowledge of Konkani.            
1.  Not less than three years experience as registered Pharmacist. 
2.  Knowledge of Marathi.

Age: Not exceeding 45 years. Relaxable for Government Servants and reserved vacancies in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Government from time to time.
The eligible candidates possessing the required qualification/documents as on the date of advertisement may apply on or before 26/10/2017. Incomplete applications, applications not in prescribed form and application received by post and by hand after the stipulated date shall be summarily rejected.
It is hereby informed that as per Govt. O.M. dated 08/01/2016, it has been decided to dispense with the process of interviews. In view of this the following guidelines are set:- 
1) The eligible candidates will be awarded marks for Qualifying examination, additional qualification, experience in the line, extracurricular activities etc. The candidates scoring highest marks in the category will be selected. 
2) In deserving cases the Appointing authority may decide to conduct a written test for selection. 
3) The Appointing authority reserves the right to call adequate number of meritorious candidates for verification of original documents. 
4) No T.A/D.A is admissible for attending the written test or verification of the documents. 
5)Candidates already in Government service should send their application Thorough Proper Channel”.  For further details or instructions or process of selection, result etc. it is advised to review constantly updates on GMC’s website at
Applications are hereby invited in the prescribed form, with self attested copies of certificates in support of information furnished, for following posts on regular basis through post or by Hand Delivery, so as to reach this office latest by26/10/2017 by 5.00 p.m. The Prescribed Application Form is available in the office of the Dean, GMC Bambolim Goa and also on the GMC’s website

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