Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Preparation of GPAT 2018

Syllabus for GPAT covers whole pharmacy syllabus starting from 1 year to last year. As such it is not possible to cover all of them in a short period. So in this, I will discuss some important topics regarding preparation of GPAT examinations.50-60% paper is from Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, pharmacognosy, rest is from Biotechnology, Microbiology, Clinical Pharmacy, analysis, etc

Preferred book: Leon Lachman and N.K Jain (ITP)
Pharmaceutics is the main subject for those who wish to qualify GPAT with good marks. Some important topics that are mostly asked in exams are

1.       Tablet formulation- Each excipients with their examples and brand names, whole process of tablet formulations, machinery, evaluation parameters etc.
2.       Sterilization- Method of sterilization
3.       Numerical- Bio pharmaceutics, dose calculations, conversions, dilutions, freezing point etc.
4.       displacement value, Latin terminology.
5.       Suspension & Emulsion formulation- Evaluation, HLB scale etc
6.       Rheology- Angle of repose, carr’s index, Hausner's ratio, etc.

Learn all tables from Leon Lachman
Pharmacognosy is considered as most scoring subject in the GPAT. Important topics for pharmacognosy in GPAT include:

1.       Phytochemical Screening: Phytochemical screening given in the CK Kokate’s book Pharmacognosy.
2.       Analytical Pharmacognosy: Stomata, Trichomes, Mosisture content, Ash value, Acid Value, WHO guidelines Refer: C.K Kokate book or Khandelwal Practical book
4.       Biological source of all drugs: It is very important topic, make tables and revise them every day biological source and important use of the specific drugs.
5.       Detailed study of selected drugs: Important drugs given in the syllabus of GPAT have to be studied in detailed like Digitalis, Senna, Atropa, Shark liver oil, Papain etc.
6.       Precursors of various drugs

Preferred book: KD Tripathi (i think everyone should buy their own copy of it)
Some important topics are given below with that classification and tables given in the books is very important, read and learn all the tables and classification properly
1.       Receptors
2.       Autonomic nervous system
3.       Cardiovascular system
4.       Anti-epileptic drugs
5.       Diuretics
6.       Drug used in anemia
7.       TB
9.       Vaccines

Very basic questions are asked from this section, if anyone willing to leave this topic can leave if you won’t remember the structures but I would say you should learn the basics and see structures superficially

1.       Important name reactions-
2.       Basic reaction mechanism-
3.       Basics of organic chemistry
4.       SAR studies of important drug classes- Some important topics lik Antipsychotics, Diuretics, Benzodiazepines, Anticancer, Acetyl Choline, etc.
5.       Spectroscopy- NMR, IR, UV etc

Pharmaceutical Jurispurdence

Preferred book: N.K Jain
Learn all schedules (Drug and cosmetic acts), Various committee members given in the book like DTAB etc, examples of drugs in various schedule, Constitution of PCI and AICTE act

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