Recruitment for Pharmacy Graduate at KAPL - Government Enterprise | 19 posts

Karnataka Antibiotics & Pharmaceuticals Ltd., (KAPL) Bangalore is a Government Enterprise.  From a modest beginning in 1984, KAPL has grown from strength to strength in the areas of manufacturing and marketing of various life saving and essential drugs. With an ISO accredition from KPMG, Netherlands, KAPL is recognised for its total commitment to quality and services in domestic and international markets. On profit from inception, KAPL facilities are approved by many international clients.
No. of Post: 19 (reserved for SC - 03, ST - 01 ,OBC - 04 & UR - 11)
Andra Pradesh : Ongole, Vijayawada
Karnataka : Bangalore, Davangere
Kerala : Cochin, Kollam
Tamil Nadu : Pondicherry
Bihar : Patna
Gujarat : Ahmedabad, Godhra, Mehasana
Jharkhand : Deogharh, Hazaribagh
Madhya Pradesh : ItarsiSatna
Maharashtra : Kolhapur, Solapur

Punjab : Chandigarh, Ludhiana

For the post of Professional Sales Representative / Medical Representative, the candidates should be a graduate in Pharmacy/ Science/ Commerce/ Arts and should have minimum one year experience in selling Pharma Products in any pharmaceutical company. Candidate should be prepared to travel extensively in his given head quarter. Age should be around 26 years for general candidates (5 years relaxation for SC/ST candidates and 3 years for OBC candidates). We offer consolidated salary upto Rs. 13,000/- per month during probationary period, plus TA/DA and incentives and after confirmation of service, salary will be around Rs. 17,000/- per month plus TA/DA and incentives.

Career opportunity for Pharmacist(40 posts) to work in DSSSB | Government Jobs

Online  Applications  are  invited  for  recruitment  to  the  following  posts  under  various  departments  of  Govt. of NCT of Delhi.
The opening date, closing date of application and post-wise break-up of vacancies are as under:-
Post : Pharmacist  (Homeopathic)
No.of post: 40 (UR-18, OBC-13, SC-02, ST-07) including PH(04)
Post Code: 82/17
Name of Department: Dte.  Of  Ayush
Classification of the Post: Group ‘C’
Essential Qualification:
1. 10+2 with Science Subject.
2. Diploma in Homoeopathy pharmacy  of not less than two  years from a Government Board/institution
Pay Scale: Rs. 5200-20200+GP Rs. 2800 Group: ‘C’
Age Limit : Not  exceeding  27 years.  Age Relaxa tion will be given as per the table  regarding  age relaxation given below at para 6
This post is identified  suitable for PH ( OH - OL.BL. ) candidate as per requisition of user department.
Rs100/ - (One Hundred only) 
a) Women candidates and candidates belonging to Schedule Caste, Schedule Tribe, Physically  Handicapped & Ex - serviceman category are exempted from paying Application fee. 
b) Ex-servicemen  who  have  already  secured  employment  in  civil  side  under  Central  Government on regular basis after availing of the benefits of reservation given to ex-servicemen for their re-employment are NOT eligible for fee concession.
c )    The  candidates  submitting  their  application  online  should  pay  the  requisite  fees  only  through  SBI e-pay . Other mode  of payment will not be  considered and the  application of  such candidates will be rejected outrightly and payment made shall stand forfeited. 
d) Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circu mstances
Candidates  must  apply  online  through  the  website .The  closing  date  for  submission of online application is upto 5 P.M. on  21 /11 /2017  after which the link will be disabled.  Applications received through any other mode would not be accepted and summarily rejected.
Closing Date for submitting Application : 01/11/2017
Last Date for depositing fees through SBI Challan: 21/11/2017


- Best Teaching Pharmacist Award of the Year 2017
- Young Pharmacy Teacher Award of the Year 2017
- Innovations and Scientific Research Award of the Year 2017
- Hospital Pharmacist of the Year 2017
- Community Pharmacist of the Year 2017
- Regulatory Pharmacist of the Year 2017
- Industrial Pharmacist of the Year 2017
- Award for Outstanding Pharmacy Faculty of the Year 2017
- Best Poison & Drug Information Center Award of the Year 2017

Awards and Eligibility
1. Best Teaching Pharmacist Award of the Year 2017 (IPA Life Membership is mandate) Eligibility: Full time faculty with the rank of full professors, associate professors, and assistant professors with more than FIVE years of teaching experience at UG/PG level may be nominated for these awards. Education qualification (Ph.D, M. Pharmacy and Pharm. D).
2. Young Pharmacy Teacher Award of the Year 2017 (IPA Life Membership is mandate) Eligibility: Full time faculty with the rank of full professors, associate professors, and assistant professors with less than TEN years of teaching experience at UG/PG level may be nominated for these awards. Education qualification (Ph.D, M. Pharmacy and Pharm. D).
3. Community Pharmacist of the Year 2017 (IPA Life Membership is not mandatory) 
The registered pharmacist having not less than TEN years of regular job in the community pharmacy and having contributed to the improvement of patient/family community care by exceeding the limitations of the job functions as demonstrated by:
a) Development of a community or section of a community in the betterment of their collective health status through increasing own skills and knowledge, developing staff, procuring supplies and resources, and maintaining esprit de corps sufficient to bring recognition to the employing organization.
b) Education and counseling of patients in the drug usage.
c) Active involvement in the propagation of message to the masses on drug abuse. d) Participation in the mass education / promotion programme for any of the following fields: –
i) Pulse Polio Drive;
ii) Hepatitis infection drive;
iii) HIV and AIDS Programme; and
iv) Environmental awareness; e) Nutrition counseling etc.;
f) Contribution in the National Rural Health Scheme;
g) Contribution in the child and women healthcare;
h) Education of the masses on the fake / spurious drugs; and
i) Working in difficult areas like tribal areas and other interior/ remote areas. Education qualification (B. Pharmacy and D. Pharmacy)
Hospital Pharmacist of the Year 2017 (IPA Life Membership is not mandatory)
The registered pharmacists having not less than TEN years of regular job in the hospital/and having contributed to the improvement of patient care by exceeding the limitations of the job functions as demonstrated by:
a) Development or organization of a unit of responsibility which provides extraordinary care to patients by increasing own skills and knowledge, developing staff, procuring supplies and equipment, streamlining technique and maintaining esprit de corps sufficient to bring recognition to the employing organization.
b) Contribution towards management of drugs in the hospital in the field of - i) Selection of hospital formulary;
ii) Procurement of drugs; and
iii) Management of drug storage and distribution within the hospital; c) Reduction of cost of drug component of therapy d) No wrong dispensing of drug in the entire career; and
e) Contribution in patient counseling about drugs etc. Education qualification (B. Pharmacy and D. Pharmacy)
5. Industrial Pharmacist of the Year 2017 (IPA Life Membership is not mandatory) 
The registered industrial pharmacist engaged in the industrial set up for not less than TEN years and having developed or innovated any process showing significant improvement in the following areas: – i) GMP; ii) Increased production; iii) Improved quality; iv) Improved safety of workers; v) Environment; vi) Job creation; and vii) Public awareness etc. viii) Decrease in the cost of medicines. Education qualification (Ph.D, M. Pharmacy, and B. Pharmacy)
6. Regulatory Pharmacist of the Year 2017 (IPA Life Membership is not mandatory) 
The registered pharmacist working in regulatory set up for not less than TEN years and having made significant contribution in implementation of regulatory standards in the country by demonstrating - a) A high standard in regulation of pharmacy profession and industry; b) Regulation of practice of pharmacy profession; c) Checking of spurious drugs and drug abuse; and d) Creation of public awareness in the following areas – i) Spurious drugs; and ii) Drug abuse. Education qualification (Ph.D, M. Pharmacy, and B. Pharmacy)
7. Innovations and Scientific Research Award of the Year 2017 (IPA Life Membership is mandate) 
The ’Innovations and Scientific Research Award’ is presented in recognition to academic researchers /Scientists having not less than TEN years and having made outstanding contributions to research & development resulting in significant new technology or innovative use of established technology; and excellent accomplishment & contribution in research activities that may include: Significant record that emphasizes publications in national & international journals, Recognition among colleagues as a researcher /scholar/ leader in the discipline, Sustained contribution to the advancement of research, Activity in professional associations and holding positions that recognize the applicant’s research activity and grants and contracts. Eligibility: Academic Researchers / Scientist with no less than TEN years of R&D experience may be nominated for this award. Education qualification (Ph.D and M. Pharmacy)
8. Award for Outstanding Pharmacy Faculty of the Year 2017 (IPA Life Membership is mandate)
The ‘Award for Outstanding Pharmacy Faculty’ is designed to honour those faculty members who exemplify the highest levels of performance and excellence in the pursuit of the Institutions goals and thereby in the fulfilment of its mission. This award honors faculty who have consistently demonstrated outstanding achievements in the areas of teaching and mentoring of students and junior faculty, research and/or creative endeavours, service and a variety of other activities which have brought distinction to themselves and to the Institution.
Eligibility: Full time faculty with the rank of Professors, associate and assistant professors with not less than FIVE years of teaching experience at UG/PG level may be nominated for these awards. Education qualification (Ph.D, M. Pharmacy and Pharm. D).
9. Best Poison & Drug Information Center Award of the Year 2017Institutional and Hospital PDIC, functioning with quality standards, facilities and documents of query received and answered (Numerics only year wise); and particulars of database utilized.
Rules and Regulations
1. Its mandate for the Applicant to be a Life Member of Indian Pharmaceutical Association - IPA)
2. Nominations for the awards should originate only from institution / organization, not individually.
3. Applicants can apply for more than one award.
4. Nomination Deadline: 15th November 2017 (Wednesday)
Documents to be submitted
1. Academic / Professional Qualifications
2. Work Experience: Name of Organization/Department & Position Held Period of Service 3. Memberships in Professional association and societies
4. List major Awards and Honours received
5. Mention Chairmanship of Conferences/Symposia, Editorship of Journals/Books, and Invitations to give Talks during conferences/Symposia & conferences attended.
6. List of research grants secured over the past three years
7. List of Publications
8. Books and chapters / monographs
9. Scientific Information (Only for Innovations and Scientific Research Award)
- Field of Work (Describe in about 30 words)
- Currently pursue (Describe in about 60 words):
- Patents arising from your Research Filed : _____________________Awarded: ______ 10. Narrative Statement (100 Words - why the applicant meets the award criteria and deserves for the award)
Application Fees for Awards Nominal Fee of 100 INR will be charged for Each Award.
Entry Fee could be deposited in the following account:
Account Name: Indian Pharmaceutical Association Anantapur Branch
Bank: Canara Bank
Account Type: Savings Bank Account
Branch: Sarada Nagar
Account Number: 8550101009880
IFSC Code: CNRB0008550
Submission Detailed Curriculum Vitae and appropriate proofs of academic-professional qualifications, work experiences, achievements and other honors, research publications, conference proceedings, scientific information’s along with the application form, all duly self-attested and acknowledged by head of institution/organization soft copies to be posted on E mail
Result of the awards
will be declared on 19th November 2017 and award ceremony will take place in A.C Auditorium, Raghavendra Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (RIPER) Campus, Anantapuramu, Andhra Pradesh., India on 25th November 2017. The result of award will be displayed on the and the same shall be communicated to the award winners via email.
- The winners shall be honoured with award certificate & trophies; while other participants will receive certificate of participation.
AUTONOMOUS Under JNTUA, NAAC & NBA (UG) Accredited Institution
Accorded 2 (f) & 12 (B) Status by UGC, Approved by AICTE & PCI, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh.

Job Openings for Pharmacists (52 posts) under Central Government Health Scheme - Government Job of Pharmacist

The Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) is a welfare scheme introduced by Govt.of India under Ministry of Health and Family welfare initially in Delhi on 1st July 1954. Over time, it has grown all over the country both in coverage and scope. Now there are 25 CGHS units in different cities to provide comprehensive Medical care facilities to the Central Government employees (serving & pensioners), their family members, and other entitled categories for a token contribution.
Online recruitment applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up following vacancies at Central Government Health Scheme Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Nagpur and Pune.
Post : Pharmacist
No of Posts
PUNE - 10
PUNE - 2
PUNE - 1
Essential Educational Qualifications:
(i) 12th class pass with science subjects (Physics, Chemistry& Biology)
(ii) or Diploma in Pharmacy from recognized institution and registered as Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948 and
(iii) Two years’ experience as Pharmacist in any recognized Hospital or Pharmacy after duly registered as Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948 and
(i) Bachelor degree in Pharmacy (B. Pharm) from a recognized University; and
(ii) Registered as a Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948
Essential Educational Qualifications:
(1) Matriculation or equivalent 
(2) At least two years’ experience as Homoeopathic  Phar macist in Govt. Hospital or recognized Private  Homoeopathic Hospital/Dispensary or 3 years’  experience under a registered Homoeopathic  Practitioner.
Essential Qualifications:

1. 10+2 or its equivalent from a recognized University/Board.
2. Successful  training  of  at  least  2  years  duration  in  Ayurvedic
Pharmacist/Compounder  or  B.Pharma/D.Pharma  (Ayurveda)  recognized  by the State Govt.
The number of vacancies shown are tentative and actual may vary.
Closing date of application will be 04/12/2017
The Online Recruitment application process will commence on 04/11/2017
Candidates can apply ONLINE only at click here

Recruitment Rules for the Recruitment of Non-Teaching Staff positions at NIT ANDHRA PRADESH

Advt. No. NITAP/NTS/2017/Advt-001 dated: 14-09-2017.
1. Reservations will be followed as per Government of India norms.
2. Candidates willing to apply for the advertised posts are requested to download appropriate form from the Mentor Institute’s website and apply separately for each post.
3. Application fee is to be enclosed along with Application Form in the form of Demand Draft of Rs. 500/- for UR / OBC candidates and Rs. 250/- for SC / ST / PWD in favor of Director NIT, Warangal. When a candidate is applying for more than one post, separate application forms along with application Fee are to be submitted for each post separately.
4. Candidates shall complete the form in all respects without leaving any column blank. Incomplete applications will be rejected. Please enter “NA” if the information sought is not applicable.
5. Candidates are advised to fill the application form completely and carefully. No appeal will be considered to correct the information given in application form after submission.
6. Candidates should submit self-attested photocopy of certificates and documents mentioned below in the same sequence. Applications without enclosing copies of appropriate certificates / documents shall be rejected.
7. Proof of Date of Birth (If not attached application will be rejected).
 8. For SC/ST/OBC (Non Creamy Layer) candidates, the application form should be attached with a copy of the relevant caste certificate.
9. Category Certificate (For SC/ST/OBC Candidates only) if not attached, application will be considered in General Category.
10. For OBC candidates, Non - Creamy Layer status issued by the competent authority empowered for the purpose on or after 1 st April 2017, as a proof in support of the caste claim is essential. No other certificate will be accepted as sufficient proof. If non-creamy layer certificate is not attached, the application will be considered in General category.
11. The persons with disability (PWD) shall be required to produce medical certificate in the prescribed form issued by the competent medical authorities for the purpose of employment. Persons suffering from not less than 40% of the disability shall only be eligible for the benefit of reservation, if any, and other relaxations as permissible under the rules. If appropriate certificate is not attached, the application will be considered in General category. 12. 10th Standard Certificate and Mark-Sheet. 13. 10+2 Certificate and Mark-Sheet.
14. Final Year Mark sheets / Grade Cards and Diploma /Degree Certificates for the Examinations mentioned in the Application Form in the same sequence. Any degree mentioned will not be considered unless copies of certificates are attached.
 15. Experience Certificate from employer. Any experience claimed without certificate will not be considered. 16. Any other information which the candidate wants to provide may be submitted in One Page only, duly signed.
17. The employees working in IITs/ NITs/ Central Govt., the deserving candidates will be given preference and, suitable moderation in age and qualifications if any, may be granted by the screening committee appointed by the competent authority.
18. All photocopies and documents including covering letter should be attached to the application form. Application form must be the first document. All photocopies, documents should be in A4 size
19. The Application completed in all respects along with supporting documents should be sent by Post to the Director, National Institute of Technology, Warangal - 506 004, INDIA.
20. Candidate’s Name, Application for (the name of post with specialization) may be superscribed on the envelope. 21. Filled in Application complete in all respects including Self-Attested Photocopies and Documents mentioned in the list, should reach in the Institute on or before 5.30 p.m. on 20th October, 2017 (FRIDAY). Institute will not be responsible for any postal/otherwise delay/loss. 22. The eligibility of the Candidate in terms of age/qualification/experience, etc. shall be considered as on last date for receiving of application form i.e., October 20, 2017 (Friday). 23. Persons serving in Govt./Semi-Govt./PSUs should send their applications either through proper channel or furnish a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE at the time of interview. 24. The Institute reserves the right not to fill up the posts, cancel the advertisement in whole or in part, without assigning any reason and its decision in this regard shall be final. 25. No TA / DA will be paid for attending the test / interview. 26. Incomplete applications/applications without relevant supporting enclosures / applications not in prescribed form/without application fee will be out-rightly rejected. The Institute will not be responsible for any postal delay/loss. Interim correspondence will not be entertained or replied to. 27. The details of the posts, minimum qualifications, age, reservations etc. and other guidelines will be followed as per the MHRD Guidelines and “Recruitment Rules” received from time to time for this purpose. Selection Procedure a) All applications received by the Institute shall be scrutinized and incomplete applications will be out-rightly rejected. b) Candidates not eligible for the posts mentioned shall be disqualified. c) The Institute reserves the right to place a reasonable limit on the total number of candidates to be called for Skill/Proficiency Test and/or Written test and/or Interview. Mere fulfillment of qualification does not entitle a candidate to be called for written test, skill/ proficiency test and interview. MHRD Guidelines received from time to time for this purpose will be followed. d) List of the eligible candidates will be displayed on the Mentor Institute website i.e. e) Candidates are advised to bring Photo ID Card (Driving License, Voters Card, PAN Card, Bank Pass Book with Photo, Passport and Aadhar Card). Candidates are further advised to bring all the original Educational & Experience documents for verification with one set of self attested copies

Recruitment for Pharmacist(15 posts) in National Institute of Technology

National Institute of Technology, Warangal (Deemed University) , formerly known as Regional Engineering College, was established in 1959.  Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru laid the foundation stone for this institute on October 10, 1959, the first in the chain of 30 NITs (formerly known as RECs) in the country.  The Institute is well known for its dedicated faculty, staff and the state-of-the art infrastructure conducive to a healthy academic environment.The Institute is constantly striving to achieve higher levels of technical excellence.  Evolving a socially relevant and yet internationally acceptable curriculum, implementing innovative and effective teaching methodologies and focusing on the wholesome development of the students are our concerns.
Post : Senior Pharmacist

No of Posts : 15
Scale of pay : PB – 2 (Rs. 9,300 – 34,800/-) with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/-
Age limit for direct recruits : Not exceeding 30 years
Essential : 
(i) 10+2 or equivalent in Science subjects from recognized Board or University.
(ii) 2 Years’ Diploma with First class and minimum 6 months’ internship in Pharmacy from an Institute recognized by the Pharmacy Council of India; and (iii) Registered as Pharmacist with State Pharmacy Council (Sr. Pharmacist).

First class Bachelor’s (Honours) Degree in Biotechnology / Microbiology/ Biochemistry or equivalent grade from a recognized University / Institute (Technical Assistant). OR First class Diploma in Engineering in relevant field with excellent academic record (Technical Assistant / Junior Engineer) [Diploma in Civil Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Mechanical Engineering / Electronics & Communications Engineering / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering / Chemical Engineering / Computer Science & Engineering.] OR Post-graduate degree in Biotechnology / Microbiology/ Biochemistry or B.E. / B.Tech. in relevant field from a recognized University or Institute (Technical Assistant / Junior Engineer). [B.E. / B.Tech. in Civil Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Mechanical Engineering / Electronics & Communications Engineering / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering / Chemical Engineering / Computer Science & Engineering] OR (i) First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education or in Fine Arts (performing / visual arts) or Science or Arts from a recognized University or Institution. (ii) Strong record of participation in college activities including arts (paints, photographs, drama, dance, music), event management, journalism etc.(SAS Assistant)
Desirable : PGDCA or equivalent from a recognized Institution.

Selection Procedure
a) All applications received by the Institute shall be scrutinized and incomplete applications will be out-rightly rejected.
b) Candidates not eligible for the posts mentioned shall be disqualified.
c) The Institute reserves the right to place a reasonable limit on the total number of candidates to be called for Skill/Proficiency Test and/or Written test and/or Interview. Mere fulfillment of qualification does not entitle a candidate to be called for written test, skill/ proficiency test and interview. MHRD Guidelines received from time to time for this purpose will be followed.
d) List of the eligible candidates will be displayed on the Mentor Institute website i.e.
e) Candidates are advised to bring Photo ID Card (Driving License, Voters Card, PAN Card, Bank Pass Book with Photo, Passport and Aadhar Card).

Applications are invited for M.Pharm, M.Sc as Research Scholar at Manipal University

Manipal, today, is a knowledge powerhouse and a brand name in higher education. Over five and half decades ago, one man, Dr Tonse Madhava Anantha Pai, had a vision which ensured that everything he did then, was consigned to posterity, making sure that generation after generation of students enjoy the fruits of his labour till eternity on this lateritic plateau. And the students will, forever, have one name on their lips, that of Manipal.
Post : Research Scholar
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the position of Research Scholar under the guidance of Mahadev Rao, PhD, Professor & Head, Department of Pharmacy Practice, Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal University, Manipal.
Eligibility and Qualification of the candidate:
Essential: M.Pharm/M.Sc. in Pharmacology, Genome Biology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry. Molecuar Biology experience preferred.
he duration of the project is of one year. The fellowship can be extended subsequently depending upon the performance of the candidate. Selected candidate can register for the PhD programme of Manipal University.

Interested candidates may send their CV to Mahadev Rao, Ph.D (; cc to: on or before 19-10-2017.
Short-listed candidates will be called for the interview. The date and time of the interview will be informed to the shortlisted candidates via email.

Please note that No TA/DA will be provided for attending the interview.
The Principal
Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Manipal University
Manipal - 576104, Karnataka
Email: or

Recruitment for Pharmacists(166 posts) under DGHS in Health & Family Welfare Department

Health & Family Welfare Department, GNCTD through DGHS is in the process to fill up 166 vacant posts of Pharmacist as per advertisement uploaded on official website. All the CDMO's, Additional Directors (MHS/SHS/PHW) and Director (CPA) are hereby directed to constitute a committee comprising of minimum 03 gazetted officers of respective district/office at their district/office level for conducting walk- in-interview to be held from 16.10.2017 to 31.10.2017 between 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM (on all working days) at their designated CDMO, Additional Directors (MHS/SHS/PHW) and Director(CPA) offices as per the vacancy position indicated in Annexure-lll (uploaded on website).
The candidates are required to apply directly before the concerned CDMO, Additional Directors (MHS/SHS/PHW) and Director(CPA) of the respective district through duly filled prescribed Application Form (Annexure-ll, available on website) along with self attested requisite documents such as Passport size photographs, proof of identity, proof of residence, copy of PPO, copy of valid DPC registration certificate, copy of qualification, NOG from the present employer (if employed in other Govt, organization presently), medical fitness certificate etc. MCI registered Allopathic doctors. At the time of interview the candidate should bring original documents and produce the same before concerned CDMO, AD (MHS/SHS/PHW) & Director(CPA).
No of Posts : 166
West - 14
Central - 36
North - 09
South - 07
South West - 26
North West - 04
East - 15
North East - 14
Shahadara - 16
SED - 02
New Delhi - 09
MHS - 05
SHS - 06
PHW - 02
CPA - 01

Terms & conditions of engaging retired Pharmacists on contract basis against vacant sanctioned posts:-
1. The engagement of retired Government Pharmacist on contract would be against vacant sanctioned post The engagement of Pharmacist would be on full time basis and they would not be permitted to take up any oilier assignment during the period of contract.
2. file engagement should be for a period of one year. However, it can be extended further subject to the satisfactory performance of the incumbent and depending upon the specific job and the time frame for its completion. The total period of engagement would not exceed 5 years In no case the contract would be allowed beyond five years The maximun age limit of engagement shall be 65 years
3. The amount of monthly consolidated remuneration/fee in the case of retired Government officials shall be Last Pay m.nus Basic Pension plus DA us on 01.01.2016 of fee applicable rate, however the retired Government official shall continue to draw pension and the dearness relief thereon during the period of his engagement as Pharmacist. His/her engagement as pharmacist shall not be considered as a case of re-employment.
4.  The incumbents shall not be entitled to any allowance such us House Rent Allowance, reimbursement of call charges of Residential Telephone/mobile, Transport facility. Residential accommodation, persona! staff etc.
5. No Government vehicle shall be provided to the contractual Pharmacists.
6. No T/VDA shall be admissible for joining the assignment or on its completion. Pharmacists will not be allowed foreign travel at Government expenses. However, incumbents shall be allowed TA/DA for their travel inside the country in connection with the official work, if any, as per their entitlement as on the dale of retirement
7. The appointee shall be eligible to  8 days leave in a calendar year on pro-rata basis. Therefore, a retired Pharmacist shall not draw any remuneration in case of his/her absence beyond 8 days in a year (calculated on pro-rata basis). Also unveiled leave in a calendar year cannot be carried forward to next calendar year.
8. Tire engagement is of a temporary nature and the engagement can be cancelled at any time by the department/autonomous body/PSU/grant-in-aid institution concerned without assigning any reason, and
9. Before engaging any retired Government servant, the Administrative Department would ensure time the retired official is clear from vigilance angle and moot a proposal with full justification to seek the prior concurrence of Finance Department and thereafter the approval of competent authority.
10. The other terms and condition applicable as per contractual Pharmacists already engaged.
The applications are invited for fining up 166 posts of Pharmacist in this Directorate through retired Government Pharmacist on contract basis for a period of one year from the date of appointment or on attaining the age of 65 years or till regular appointment for the above said posts from H&FW, GNCTD, whichever is earlier on the terms & conditions as framed by Health and Family Welfare Department, Govt, of NCT of Delhi. The applicant should be a retired Government Pharmacist having valid registration certificate with Delhi Pharmacy Council. They shall be appointed on a monthly emoluments of last pay drawn minus basic pension plus DA at the applicable rate only and no other allowances such as HRA, reimbursement of call charges of Residential telephone/mobile, Transport facility, Residential Accommodation, personal staff etc.(Annexure-l).
Interested candidate is required to submit an application on plain paper alongwith Bio-Data on prescribed format (Annexure-ll) and supporting documents at the time of waik-in-interview during 16.10.2017 to 31.10.2017.

Recruitment for Pharmacists at GMC - 10 posts

Goa Medical College is one of the oldest medical colleges in Asia and we have recently increased our intake in the undergraduate and postgraduate seats at the institute. Our faculty strives to provide the highest standard of medical education and focuses on the overall development of our students and prepares them to make meaningful contributions and improve the quality of life of the people they serve.

Post : Pharmacist
No of posts : 10 (UR-02, OBC-05, ST-02, PD-01)
Pay Scale : PB-1 Rs. 5200-20200+2800/-GP  (Level 5 in pay matrix, Basic pay  Rs. 29,200/-)
Educational Qualification : 
Essential :  
1. Diploma in Pharmacy from Board of Technical Education or Degree in Pharmacy from recognized University. 
2.  Should be registered with the State Council of Pharmacy. 
3.  Knowledge of Konkani.            
1.  Not less than three years experience as registered Pharmacist. 
2.  Knowledge of Marathi.

Age: Not exceeding 45 years. Relaxable for Government Servants and reserved vacancies in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Government from time to time.
The eligible candidates possessing the required qualification/documents as on the date of advertisement may apply on or before 26/10/2017. Incomplete applications, applications not in prescribed form and application received by post and by hand after the stipulated date shall be summarily rejected.
It is hereby informed that as per Govt. O.M. dated 08/01/2016, it has been decided to dispense with the process of interviews. In view of this the following guidelines are set:- 
1) The eligible candidates will be awarded marks for Qualifying examination, additional qualification, experience in the line, extracurricular activities etc. The candidates scoring highest marks in the category will be selected. 
2) In deserving cases the Appointing authority may decide to conduct a written test for selection. 
3) The Appointing authority reserves the right to call adequate number of meritorious candidates for verification of original documents. 
4) No T.A/D.A is admissible for attending the written test or verification of the documents. 
5)Candidates already in Government service should send their application Thorough Proper Channel”.  For further details or instructions or process of selection, result etc. it is advised to review constantly updates on GMC’s website at
Applications are hereby invited in the prescribed form, with self attested copies of certificates in support of information furnished, for following posts on regular basis through post or by Hand Delivery, so as to reach this office latest by26/10/2017 by 5.00 p.m. The Prescribed Application Form is available in the office of the Dean, GMC Bambolim Goa and also on the GMC’s website

Recruitment for Pharmacists(04 posts) in HPKR

Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya (renamed as  Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya in June,2001) was established on 1st November, 1978.The College of Agriculture (established in May, 1966) formed the nucleus of the new farm University. It is ICAR accredited and ISO 9001:2008 certified institution.
Applications for following (Category ‘C’) posts purely on Contract basis are invited on the prescribed form which may be down loaded from the University Website : However, the application will be considered valid if it is accompanied by a Bank Draft of prescribed fee of Rs. 340/- (Rupees three hundred forty only) for general Category and Rs.90/- (Rupees Ninety only) for reserved categories candidates (SC/ST/OBC), payable in favour of Comptroller, CSKHPKV, Palampur.
Veterinary Pharmacist

No. of Posts: 3 (UR-2, SC-1)
Pay Band + GP : Rs.5910-20200 + 2800 GP (Contractual emoluments of Rs. 10110/-per month or as may be applicable in H.P. Government from time to time)
(i) Should have passed the 10+2 or its equivalent examination from the Board recognized by the State Government and also should have passed the Matriculation Examination with Science from the Board recognized by the State Govt.
(ii) Provided that he should have passed the prescribed Veterinary Pharmacist Training Course of two years duration and Diploma to this effect should have been issued by the CSKHPKV, Pahrmpur or should have passed two years duration course with equivalent syllabus prescribed by the CSKHPKV, Palampur for Veterinary Pharmacist training from a University/ Institution recognized by the State/ Central Government
Desirable Qualification:- Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of H.P. and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.

Pharmacist (Allopathy)
No. of Posts: 1 (UR-1)
Pay Band + GP : Rs.5910-20200 + 3000 GP (Contractual emoluments of Rs. 10410/-per month or as may be applicable in H.P. Government from time to time)
i)  10+2 in Science or its equivalent from recognized University or Board.
ii) Bachelor’s Degree/ Diploma in Pharmacy or its equivalent from a recognized University or an Institution duly recognized by the Central/ State Government.
iii) Must be registered with the Pharmacy Council of the concerned State/Central Government
Desirable Qualification:- Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of H.P. and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.
Mode of Selection
1. Objective type screening test Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) syllabus of concerned subject, general knowledge including Himachal Pradesh, Current Affairs, Every day Science, Logic, General English and General
. Hindi of 10+2 standard = 170 Marks.
2. Evaluation and verification of original documents / credentials based on the parameters devised by HP Govt, vide notification dated 17.4.2017, notified by the University on 27.9.2017available on the University website of those who qualify objective type Screening test with minimum percentage of marks as mentioned in the guidelines available on the University website.
= 30 Marks
3. Duration of test= 2 hours.
4. No. of questions = 170
Instructions and Conditions:
1. Applications complete in all respects should reach the office of the Deputy Registrar (Recruitment), CSKHPKV, Palampur -176062, Distt. Kangra, H.P. latest by 6.11.2017 however, for the candidates residing in Lahaul & Spiti District, Kinnaur District, Pangi & Bharmour Sub- Divisions of Chamba District and Dodra Kwar Sub-Division of Shimla District of Himachal Pradesh, the last date for receipt of applications is23.11.2017.
2. The applications received after these dates will not be entertained. The University shall not be responsible for delay in receipt of applications due to any reasons what so ever.
3. While submitting the Application Forms, the candidates shall not enclose any original or certified/attested copies of the certificates/ diplomas /degrees/ testimonials thereof with the Application Form. But he shall give details thereof in the columns provided in the Application Form. The candidate is only required to enclose along-with "he Application, the Bank Drafts / Bankers Cheque as prescribed vide which the fee has been remitted.
4. However, the reserved category candidates are required to submit a copy of the certificate of their belonging to these categories.
5. The application Form viz. Category ‘C’ may be down loaded from the University Website http: / / 
6. The Application Forms on cash payment shall not be sold by the University.
7. Candidate must fulfill requisite qualifications/conditions on the last date of receipt of applications i.e. on 6.11.2017 for cjindidates from Non Tribal Areas and on 23.11.2017 for tribal areas of H.P.
8. The candidate must be citizen of India.
9. The candidates selected for appointment to the above posts on contract basis will have to execute a contract agreement with this University i.e. CSKHPKV, Palampur as per rules.
10. The selected candidate shall be paid fixed contractual emoluments per month and shall not be entitled for other allowances and service benefits as are admissible to regular employees of the Universi ty.
11. The application form shall be submitted by the applicant through Registered Post. The same can be deposited in the office of the Registrar, CSKHPKV, Palampur on any working da}r from 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM within the period specified for the receipt of applications
12. The incomplete application forms or those received after the last date for receipt of applications shall not be entertained and shall be liable to be rejected without making any reference.
13. The vacancies shown in the advertisement are tentative and can be increased/decreased depending upon the need and circumstances.
14. The reserved category candidates belonging to other states will be treated as GENERAL CATEGORY CANDIDATES and benefit of reservation and fee concession will not be admissible to such candidates.
15. The persons with disabilities of Himachal Pradesh are exempted from paying application fee. But they are required to attach a copy of the certificate issued by the competent authority alongwith application form otherwise their candidature will be rejected straightway.
16. The canvassing direct or indirect shall amount to disqualification.
17. The University reserves the right to fill up or not to fill up the post(s) advertised.
18. The application without prescribed fee shall not be accepted.
19. The candidate must write his/her telephone/ Mobile Phone No. below his/ her signature at the end of the application form.
20. For further details, candidates may contact the Deputy Registrar (Recruitment), CSKHPKV, Palampur on any working day on phone No. 01894-230367- Extn. 150 between 10.00 AM to 5:00 PM

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