Require Pharmacists (04 posts) in KPSC @ Apply Now

Applications are invited only from qualified candidates belonging to OBC reservation Community of Kerala State for appointment to the under mentioned post. Application must be submitted online through the Official website of the Commission after One Time Registration. Candidates who have already registered can apply through their profile.
Department : Health
Scale of Pay : Rs. 22,200-48000/-
No of post : 04
SIUC Nadar - Idukki - 01 (One) Cat No-42/2019
Hindu Nadar - Alappuzha - 01 (One)
Hindu Nadar - Kannur - 01 (One) Cat No-43/2019
Hindu Nadar - Kozhikode - 01 (One)
(i) Pre-Degree/Plus Two/VHSE
(ii) Diploma in Pharmacy(D.Pharm)
(iii) Registration with the Kerala State Pharmacy Council.
Note : KS&SSR Part II Rule 10 a (ii) is applicable for selection to this post. Candidate claiming equivalent qualification should produce relevant Government Orders during verification to prove that the qualification claimed is equivalent to the prescribed qualification for the post.
Age Limit :18 - 39
i,e Candidates born between 02.01.1980 and 01.01.2001 (both dates included) are only eligible to apply for this post. (Including the relaxation as per para 2(i) of the General Conditions)
Note : For concessions allowed in upper age limit, subject to the condition that the maximum age limit shall in no case exceed 50 years, please see para (2) of the General Conditions under Part II of this Notification (except para 2(i)).
Method of appointment :
Direct Recruitment (From candidates belonging to Hindu Nadar/SIUC Nadar Communities of Kerala State only). Note:- Applications submitted by candidates belonging to the communities other than those included in this Notification will be summarily rejected. No rejection memo will be issued to these candidates.

Mode of submitting Applications : 
Candidates must register as per “ONE TIME REGISTRATION” with the Official Website of Kerala Public Service Commission, viz, '' before applying for the post. Candidates who have registered can apply by logging in to their profile using their User-ID and password. Candidates must click on the `Apply Now' button of the respective posts in the Notification Link to apply for a post. The photograph uploaded should be one taken after 31/12/2010. Name of the candidate and the date of taking photograph should be printed at the bottom portion. The photograph once uploaded meeting all requirements shall be valid for 10 years from the date of taking photograph. There is no change in other instructions regarding the uploading of photographs. No application fee is required. Candidates shall take a printout of the application by clicking the link Registration Card in their profile. Candidates are responsible for the correctness of the personal information and secrecy of password. Before the final submission of the application on the profile, candidates must ensure the correctness of the information on their profile. They must quote their User-ID for further communication with the Commission. Application submitted is provisional and cannot be deleted or altered after submission. The Application will be summarily rejected if noncompliance with the notification is found in due course of processing. Documents to prove Qualification, experience, Community, age etc. have to be produced as and when called for. Candidates who have Aadhar Card should add Aadhar Card as I.D Proof in their profile..
If written/OMR/Online Test is conducted as part of this selection, candidate shall submit a confirmation for writing the examination through their One Time Registration. Such candidate alone can generate and download the admission ticket in the last 15 days till the date of test. The application of candidate who do not submit confirmation within the stipulated period will be rejected absolutely. The periods regarding the submission of confirmation and the availability of admission tickets will be published in the Examination calendar itself. Information in this regard will be given to the candidates in their respective profiles and in the mobile phone registered in it.
Last date of receipt of applications : 15/05/2019 Wednesday upto 12 midnight.
Category No: 42- 43/2019

Require Production Supervisors at PAR @ Pithampur, Indore

Require Scientific Informatics at URDIP @ Apply Now

Applications are invited from Qualified Candidates who meet the following educational and experience requirement for consideration as Project Assistant II / III to work on existing and new projects at CSIR-URDIP.
Project Assistant -II (Chemical Sciences)
Post Code : A01
No of Posts : 05
Consolidated Stipend Payable : Rs.25, 000.00 p.m. + 20% HRA (depending upon qualification and experience)
Qualification : M.Sc. in Chemical Sciences (Organic/Medicinal chemistry ONLY) with minimum of 55% marks
Project Assistant -III (Chemical Sciences)
Post Code : A02
No of Posts : 07
Consolidated Stipend Payable : Rs. 28,000.00 p.m. + 20% HRA (depending upon qualification and experience)
Qualification :
M. Sc. in Chemical Sciences (Organic/Medicinal chemistry) with minimum of 55% marks plus two years research or relevant informatics experience OR M.Pharm. in Pharmaceutical chemistry Pharamceutics / Pharmacology / Pharmacognosy / Medicinal chemistry / ONLY with minimum of 55% marks
Job Requirement:
Preference will be given to those who are having knowledge of scientific and technical data analytics including patent analytics.
Desirable qualifications and Skills
• Aptitude for analysis of research publications and patent documents, data mining and analytical skills
• Excellent Oral and Written Communication in English language
• Proficiency in use of commonly used software for word processing, database searching, spreadsheet, presentations
Age Limit : Age limit for Project Assistant at level II/III will be as 30/35 years respectively with five years relaxation for statutory groups and women.

The engagement will be made initially for a period of three/six months, which may be extended or curtailed depending on the satisfactory performance and conduct of the candidates and project duration. The engagement will be purely on temporary and contract basis and shall not be a CSIR/URDIP appointment, temporary or otherwise and shall not entitle him/her to any right/claim, implicit or explicit, for his/her consideration against any CSIR/URDIP post/fellowship.
Only candidates who fulfill the above criteria may fill the online form, take the print out of the same from the website and appear directly for the interview on the respective dates mentioned against the post codes along with :-
a) Printout of the online submitted form, generated after submission of the details duly signed,
b) Original qualification and experience certificates along with one set of photocopies.
Please note:-
a) Candidates who do not fill and submit the online form, and bring along the copy of the above will not be allowed to appear for the interview.
b) No printouts/photocopy facility will be provided on the venue.
c) A candidate will be allowed to submit the online form /appear for the interview for one post code only,
d) The reporting time for the candidates appearing for all the posts enlisted above is 9.30 am to 11.30 am only on the respective dates. Candidates reporting after 11.30 am will not be allowed to appear for the interview.
e) No separate interview letters will be issued.
f) Candidates should note that their candidature will be purely provisional, subject to fulfilling of all the eligibility criteria.
g) If the number of candidates is more, the interviews may be conducted on the next day also. Hence candidates are advised to be prepared to stay for an extra day in Pune, at their own expense.
h) No TA-DA will be provided for attending the interviews.
i) If the number of candidates is more, the preference order for appearing for the interview will be given to the outstation / women / physically handicapped candidates irrespective of their reporting time at the venue.
j) All communications will be done on email id only, so please ensure that correct email id is given and that it is checked regularly( It is suggested to check the spam folders also).
Age calculation date and the Last date to apply will be till 7th May 2019
CSIR Unit for Research and Development of Information Products
"Tapovan" S.No. 113 & 114, NCL Estate Pashan Road,
Pune-411008, Maharashtra, India

Require Junior Analyst (09 posts) in Drugs Testing Laborator

Post : Junior Analyst
No of Posts : 09
Post Code No. : 2006
Distribution of Vacancies
GT(G) - 2
GT(W)(PSTM) - 1
BC(OBCM)(G) - 2
BC(M)(W) - 1
MBC/DC(G)- 1
MBC/DC(W) - 1
SC(G) - 1
Abbreviations:- GT - General Turn; BC(OBCM) - Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims); BC(M) - Backward Class Muslims; MBC/DC - Most Backward Classes / Denotified Communities; SC - Scheduled Castes; SC(A) - Scheduled Castes (Arunthathiyars); ST–Scheduled Tribes; G – General; W – Women; PSTM- Persons Studied in Tamil Medium; DAP – Differently Abled Persons; LV – Low Vision; LD – Locomotor Disability; CP – Cerebral Palsy; LC – Leprosy Cured; DF – Dwarfism; AC – Acid Attack Victims.
Scale of pay : Rs.36400 - 115700 (Level 16) as per Tamil Nadu Revised Pay Rules 2017
Age Limit (As On 01.07.2019) :
SCs, SC(A)s, STs, MBCs/ DCs, BC(OBCM)s, BCMs and Destitute Widows of all castes.
Minimum Age : 18 years
Maximum Age : No age limit
Others‟ [i.e. applicants not belonging to SCs, SC(A)s, STs, MBCs/DCs, BC(OBCM)s and BCMs]
Minimum Age : 18 years
Maximum Age : Should not have completed 30 Year
(i) For Differently Abled Persons : Differently Abled Persons are eligible for age concession upto 10 years over and above the maximum age limit prescribed. (Section 64 of the Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016)
(ii) For Ex-servicemen :
a) The maximum age limit for ex-servicemen is 48 years. (Section 63 of the Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016)
b) The above mentioned age concession will not apply to the ex-servicemen applicants who have already been recruited to any class or service or category. (Section 3(j) of the Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016)
Educational Qualification (As On 12.04.2019) 
A Degree in Pharmacy or A Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry or Degree in Chemistry
Experience : Experience in the analysis of drugs for a period of not less than one year in the case of persons possessing a degree in Pharmacy or a Post Graduate Degree in Chemistry with Analytical Chemistry as a special subject and for a period of not less than two years in the case of persons possessing a degree in Chemistry or Pharmaceutical Chemistry.

(i) The qualification prescribed for the posts should have been obtained by passing the required qualification in the following order of studies: 10th + HSC or its equivalent + Bachelor‟s degree + Post-graduate degree as required under Section 25 of the Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016. Results of the examination should have been declared on or before the date of notification. (Section 20(4)(iv) of the Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016).
(ii) With respect to the post of Junior Analyst, the qualifications considered equivalent are indicated in Annexure-I to this notification.
(iii) Applicants claiming equivalence of qualification should upload and submit evidence for equivalence of qualification, in the form of government order issued on or before the date of this notification, and produce it when called for, failing which, their application will be summarily rejected. The government orders regarding equivalence of qualification issued after the date of this notification will not be accepted.
(iv) With respect to the applicants who are applying for the post of Junior Analyst, they should upload or submit experience certificate as provided in Annexure-II to this notification when called for.
Registration Fee 
For One Time Registration (Revised with effect from 01.03.2017 vide G.O. (Ms).No.32, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (M) Department, dated 01.03.2017). : Rs.150/-
Note Applicants who have already registered in One Time Registration system within the validity period of 5 years are exempted.
Examination Fee
For candidates who are applying only for the post of Junior Analyst :  Rs 150/-
Note : The Examination fee should be paid at the time of submitting the online application for this recruitment if they are not eligible for the concession noted below.
(i) Applicants who have registered under one - time registration system must pay the prescribed examination fee for this recruitment. (One – time registration is only to avail exemption from payment of registration fee for a period of five years from the date of registration and it will not be considered as prescribed examination fee for this recruitment)
(ii) Applicants who had already registered under one time registration system by paying Rs.50/- before 01.03.2017 and having validity are exempted from paying the registration fee for this recruitment.
Mode of Payment of Fee: 
• Examination fee of Rs.150/- (Rupees One hundred and fifty only) or Rs.200/- (Rupees Two hundred only), as the case may be, is payable online through Net Banking / Credit card / Debit card or it can be paid offline at the State Bank of India / Indian Bank within two days from the date of submission of online application by choosing the option in the online application.
• Applicants have also to pay the service charges as applicable.
• Offline mode of payment in the form of demand draft / postal order etc. will not be accepted and the applications forwarded with such modes of payment will be summarily rejected.

SELECTION PROCEDURE : Selection will be made in two successive stages i.e., (i) Written Examination and (ii) Oral Test in the shape of an interview. The final selection will be made on the basis of the total marks obtained by the applicants at the written examination and oral test taken together subject to the rule of reservation of appointments. Applicants‟ appearance in the written examination and oral test is compulsory. The applicant who has not appeared for any of the subjects in the written examination will not be considered for selection even if he/she secures the minimum qualifying marks for selection.
(A) The rule of reservation of appointments is applicable to this recruitment.
(B) In G.O.(Ms.) No.145, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (S) Department, dated 30.09.2010 and G.O.(Ms.) No.40, Personnel and Administrative Reforms(S) Department dated 30.04.2014, the government have issued orders to fill 20% of all vacancies in direct recruitment on preferential basis with persons who have studied the prescribed qualification in Tamil Medium. The 20% reservation of vacancies on preferential allotment to Persons Studied in Tamil Medium (PSTM) will apply to this recruitment. (Applicants claiming this reservation should have joined and studied the prescribed qualification in Tamil Medium and should have the certificate for the same. Having written the university examinations in Tamil language alone will not qualify the candidate to claim this reservation. If applicants who have studied the prescribed qualification in Tamil medium are not available for selection for appointment against the vacancies reserved for PSTM, such vacancies shall be filled by Non-PSTM applicants, but belonging to  respective communal category. The PSTM certificate shall be produced / uploaded by the applicants in the prescribed format / proforma available on the Commission‟s website at „‟ which shall be obtained from the Head of the Institution and to be submitted when called for by the Commission. (For further details refer to para. 27 (XIX) of the “Instructions to Applicants”)
(C) The selection for appointment to the said posts is purely provisional subject to the final orders in the writ petitions, if any, pending on the files of the Hon‟ble High Court of Madras and its Madurai Bench.
(D) With respect to the posts of Drugs Inspector and Junior Analyst, as per Sections 26 and 27(c) of the Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016, reservation of appointment to “Destitute Widows” and “Ex-servicemen” will not apply.
(E) The post of Junior Analyst has been identified as suitable for differently abled persons with the following disabilities - LV, HH, LD, LC, DF, AC, ASD and SLD as ordered in (G.O.(Ms.) No.20, Welfare of Differently Abled Persons (DAP 3.2) Department, dated 20.06.2018). However, the turns allotted for differently abled persons have not arisen among the turns to be utilized for this recruitment.
(F) Differently Abled Persons should submit / upload a copy of Differently Abled Certificate obtained from the competent authority specifying the nature of physical handicap, the degree of disability and their capability to discharge the duties of this post as instructed in para. 14(b) of the “Instructions to Applicants when called for by the Commission. (Section 20 (5) of the Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016)

(G) Wherever vacancies are reserved for women, if no qualified and suitable women applicants are available for selection against the vacancies reserved for them, those vacancies will be filled by other eligible applicants belonging to the respective communal categories. (Section 26(5) of the Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016).
(H) Wherever vacancies are reserved for Arunthathiyars on preferential basis, even after filling the vacancies reserved for SC (Arunthathiyars) on preferential basis, if more number of qualified Arunthathiyars are available, they shall be entitled to compete with the Scheduled Castes other than Arunthathiyars in the inter-se-merit among them and if any posts reserved for Arunthathiyars remain unfilled for want of adequate number of qualified applicants, it shall be filled by Scheduled Castes other than Arunthathiyars. (Section 27 of the Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016).
(J) Any claim made after the submission of online application will not be entertained. Evidence for all the claims made in the online application should be uploaded / submitted in time when the same are called for. Failure to upload / submit the documents within the stipulated time limit will entail rejection of application. (K) Correct and true information regarding arrest, convictions, criminal or any disciplinary proceedings initiated / pending or finalised, debarment / disqualification by any recruiting agency, participation in agitation or any political organisation, candidature in election for Parliament / State Legislature / Local Bodies etc, if any, should also be furnished to the Commission at the time of application. The details thereof, i.e. originals of the judgement / order / G.O. dropping further action in the departmental proceedings or any document that may prove the suitability of such applicants for appointment in such cases must be produced at the stage / time of certificate verification without fail. All such events that occur after the submission of application and till the date of his / her selection and appointment shall be reported to the Commission forthwith. Failure to report on the part of the applicant will be considered as suppression of material information and will attract suitable penal action.
(I) Incomplete applications and applications containing wrong claims or incorrect particulars relating to category of reservation / eligibility / age / communal category / educational qualification / medium of instruction / physical qualification / other basic qualifications and other basic eligibility criteria will be liable for rejection.
(L) One Time Registration is not an application for any post / recruitment. Though the details / particulars have already been furnished by the applicants under One Time Registration system, the claims made in the online application for this recruitment alone will be taken into consideration. The Commission will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of furnishing of incorrect and incomplete details in the application or omission to provide the required details in the application for this recruitment.
(M) Refer Annexure-III of this notification regarding determination of community and reservation in employment for third gender.
a) Applicants should ensure their eligibility for the recruitment. Applicants applying for the recruitment should go through all the instructions carefully and ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility conditions for admission to the recruitment. Their admission to all stages of the recruitment will be purely provisional subject to satisfaction of the eligibility conditions. Mere issue of memo. of admission to the applicants will not imply that their candidature has been fully cleared by the Commission.
b) Hall Tickets for eligible applicants will be made available on the Commission‟s website or or so as to enable the applicants to download the same. Hall Tickets will not be sent by post. Hence, applicants should watch the Commission‟s website before the scheduled date of examination.
c) Grievance Redressal Cell for guidance of applicants: In case of any guidance / information / clarification regarding applications, candidature, etc., applicants can contact the Commission‟s office in person or over Telephone No. 044-25332833 / 25332855 or the Commission‟s Toll-Free No. 1800 425 1002 on all working days between 10.00 a.m. and 05.45 p.m. or Commission‟s e-mail id
d) COMMUNICATION TO APPLICANTS: Individual communication regarding the date and time of certificate verification, oral test and counselling (as applicable) will not be sent to the applicants by post. The details will be made available on the Commission’s website. Applicants will be informed of the above fact only through SMS and e-mail and they should watch the Commission’s website in this regard.
e) After notification, during the process of recruitment till publication of result, no information under Right to Information Act would be furnished.
i) Except the permitted writing material (i.e. pen), applicants are not allowed to bring cellular phones, electronic or any other type of calculators, watches and rings with inbuilt memory notes, recording devices either as a separate piece or part of something used by the applicant such as watch or ring etc or any other electronic devices and non - electronic devices such as P&G design data book, mathematical and drawing instruments, log tables, stencils of maps, slide rules books, notes, loose sheets, rough sheets, hand bags etc., into the examination hall / room.
ii) If they are found to be in possession of any such things or instruments, they will not be allowed to write the examination further, besides invalidation of answer paper and / or debarment. If it is considered necessary, they will be subjected to thorough physical search including frisking on the spot (For further details refer “Instructions to Applicants”).
iii) Applicants are advised, in their own interest, not to bring any of the banned items including mobile phones to the venue of the examination, as arrangements for safekeeping of the same cannot be assured.
g) Unless specific instruction is given, applicants are not required to submit along with their application any certificates (in support of their claims regarding age, educational qualifications, physical qualification, community, physical disability etc.,) which should be submitted when called for by the Commission. Applicants applying for the recruitment should ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility conditions for admission to the recruitment. Their admission at all the stages of recruitment for which they are admitted by the Commission will be purely provisional, subject to their satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. If, on verification at any time before or after the written examination / certificate verification / oral test , it is found that they do not fulfil any of the eligibility conditions, their candidature for the recruitment will be liable for rejection / cancellation by the Commission. (For further details refer to “Instructions to Applicants”)
h) If any of their claims is found to be incorrect, it will lead to rejection of their candidature and suitable penal action including debarment.
i) UNFAIR MEANS STRICTLY PROHIBITED: No applicant shall copy from the papers of any other applicant or permit his / her papers to be copied or give or attempt to give or obtain or attempt to obtain irregular assistance of any description. (For further details refer to “Instructions to Applicants”)
j) CONDUCT IN THE EXAMINATION HALL: No applicant should misbehave in any manner or create a disorderly scene in the examination hall or harass the staff employed by the Commission for the conduct of the examination. Any such misconduct will be viewed seriously and penalised. (For further details refer to “Instructions to Applicants”)
k) For violation of “Instructions to Applicants” in any manner, suitable penalty will be imposed as per the “Instructions to Applicants”or as deemed fit by the Commission.
1) Applicants should apply only through online mode in the Commission‟s websites or or
2) “One Time Registration” (OTR) and “Applicant’s Dashboard” are mandatory before applying for any post. Applicant should register only once in the One Time Registration by paying Rs.150/- as registration fee. Successfully registered One Time Registration is valid for five years from the date of registration. All the applications should be submitted using the One Time Registration ID and password registered by the applicant.
3) To apply under One Time Registration system, applicants should have a scanned image of their photograph, certificates specified, if any, and signature in CD/DVD/Pen Drive to upload the same, as per the specifications given in the guidelines for scanning and uploading of photograph and signature.
4) Applicants who have already registered under One Time Registration system on or before 29.09.2015 shall use their existing user ID and password to create the applicant‟s dashboard in the new One Time Registration system. No applicant is permitted to create more than one registration ID under One Time Registration system. 5) Applicants should enter the Unique ID and password to view the already available information and update them.
6) One Time Registration is not an application for any post. It is just a collection of information from the applicants and giving a separate dashboard to each applicant to facilitate them to maintain their own profile. Applicants who wish to apply for this recruitment shall click “Apply” against the recruitment notified in the Commission‟s website using the same USER ID and PASSWORD given for ONE TIME REGISTRATION.
7) Applicants should select the name of the post (s) and service to which they wish to apply.
8) Online applications uploaded without the photograph, specified documents and signature will be rejected.
9) All the particulars mentioned in the online application including name of the applicant, post applied, educational qualifications, communal category, date of birth, address, e-mail ID, examination centre etc. will be considered as final and no modifications will be allowed after the last date specified for applying online. Since certain fields are firm and fixed and cannot be edited, applicants are requested to fill the online application form with utmost care and caution as no correspondence regarding change of details will be entertained.
a) After submitting the application, applicants can save / print their application in PDF format.
b) On entering user ID and password, applicants can download their application and print, if required.
c) Applicants need not send the printout of the online application or any other supporting documents to the Commission. Application and all the required certificates will be verified only when the applicants come up for certificate verification.
Applicants should upload / submit the required documents for proof in respect of all the claims made in the application with reference to this notification as and when called for. If the required certificates are not uploaded or submitted by the applicants, within the stipulated time, their applications will be rejected.
LAST DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION: Online application can be submitted upto 12.05.2019 till 11.59 p.m., after which the link will be disabled.

Require Senior Associate Regulatory Affairs at PAREXEL

Post : Senior Associate Regulatory Affairs

Job Description
• Experienced with preparation/review of Clinical Trial Application Packages
• Awareness of regulatory requirements
• Review and evaluate technical and scientific data and reports required for submission
• Monitor applicable regulatory requirements; assure compliance with the company’s and external standards Co-ordinate with global team for documentation
• Responding to queries raised by regulatory authorities
• Maintain regulatory files in a format consistent with requirements
• Label reviews
• Tracking submissions
• CTRI registration.
Candidate Profile
Graduate, Post-Graduate in Pharmacy, Biotech, Life Sciences
Over 4 years experience with preparation of CTAs.
Additional Information:
Location: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Education: M.Pharm, M.Sc

Industry Type: Pharma/ Biotech/Clinical Research
Functional Area: Regulatory Affairs
Job ID : 52345BR
End Date: 25th May, 2019

Walk in Interview at Pharmaffiliates

Walk in Interview at honour Lab @ 28.04.2019, Hyderabad

Require Research Associate at Transparency Market Research @ Apply Now

Post : Research Associate

Job Description
Key Responsibilities 
• Assist in the development of a market-leading database in the area of Energy / Chemicals & Materials / Pharmaceuticals / Medical Devices / Telecom and Media / Semiconductors and Electronics / Food & Beverages / Consumer Goods and other verticals that are some of TMR’s  scope of work
• Managing the delivery of insightful and original market / product / company analysis in both quantitative (databases, models) and qualitative (profiles, presentations, reports) forms and taking responsibility for their production to publishable standards
• Playing a key role in developing new team products, processes and content
• Conduct primary research with the key opinion leaders in the industry and contribute in building a panel of experts in the industry
• Conducting secondary research to build the analytical sections within each report and to identify data-points / market trends etc.
Specific Job Requirements
• Writing analytical reports on different verticals such as Energy / Chemicals & Materials / Pharmaceuticals / Medical Devices / Telecom and Media / Semiconductors and Electronics / Food & Beverages / Consumer Goods, on key market trends and on key issues impacting the industry
• Conducting market intelligence or business research in Energy / Chemicals & Materials / Pharmaceuticals / Medical Devices / Telecom and Media / Semiconductors and Electronics / Food & Beverages / Consumer Goods. Any exposure to processing, storage, refining and transportation of relevant products will be an added benefit.
• Conducting primary research, which will involve the entire gamut of activities - preparing the questionnaire, identifying interview participants, developing contacts and interviewing, to generate quantitative and qualitative insight
• Conducting secondary research to build the analytical sections within each report and to identify data-points / market trends etc. which would authenticate the market data within the internal databases
• Assist in the development of market-leading databases by validating and strengthening the key data-points as part of the report writing process
• Play an active role in report-specific client communication and training initiatives targeted towards TMR’s sales and BD teams based in the US, Europe and Asia-Pacific
Secondary Research Skills
• Strong interest in research and familiarity with the global business environment
• Familiarity with databases, international research sources and content
• Ability to search methodically from a range of publicly available sources
• MS Office Skills - should have a basic working knowledge of MS Office
• Problem solving skills and eagerness to learn
• Ability to prioritize, multi-task, interpret data and deliver with regard to fast deadlines
• Should be keen to expand skill sets and learn about business, markets and industries
• Willingness to take up additional responsibilities
• Leadership skills
• Positive attitude, ability to interact with many levels, ability to face and deal with issues in a mature and professional manner
• Ability to work as part of a team but will still need to act / function independently when working through projects
• Communication skills including good verbal communication
• Flair for writing and eye for detail
Additional Information
Experience : 1 - 3 years
Location : Pune
Industry Type : Pharma/ Healthcare/ Clinical research
Functional Area : R&D
End Date : 20th May, 2019

Territory Sales Manager at Merck Limited @ Apply Now

Post : Territory Sales Manager

Job Description
Job Summary

Responsible for achieving sales goals from customer accounts in assigned territory.  Develops and executes Territory Management plan. Identifies customer needs and develops solutions. Grows Merck share within the territory. Resolves customer issues. Maintains a pipeline of short and long-term growth opportunities. Collaborates and coordinates with appropriate stakeholders.
Primary Responsibilities
• Understand customer processes like Pharma Injectables, Vaccine, mAb manufacturing & Plasma products
• Understand customer pain points and work towards providing solution from Merck offerings
• Develop and execute Long term and Short term strategies for assgined territory
• Responsible for achieving assigned sales goals
• Develops territory management plans and coordinates activities with Support Group
• Analyses customers and various departments and identifies opportunities to accelerate revenue growth
• Maintains an in-depth understanding of the accounts seeded base including customer projects
• Engages with customers to build and maintain relationships
• Assesses customer needs and identifies opportunities to growth Merck’s presence in the account
• Communicates value propositions and educates customers on new products and innovative technology
• Develops quotes and negotiates with the customer
• Manages the end to end sales process for assigned products ensuring buy-in across all relevant customer stakeholders
• Resolves customer issues
• Maintains an in depth understanding of the competitive landscape within assigned territory
• Maintains technical knowledge in assigned product group or area of science
• Builds business acumen and selling skills including problem solving, negotiation and relationship management
• Inputs customer information and opportunities into the CRM system
• Develops and maintains a short and long-term opportunity growth opportunity pipeline
• Generates leads from existing and new accounts for assigned products and those outside the assigned portfolio.

Candidate Profile
A candidate should be graduate or post graduate mainly B. Pharm/ M. Pharm/B Tech/M Tech/Msc Micro/Msc Biotechology/B.E. Chemical. MBA will be an added advantage. With 4 to 6 years experience in Life science industry.
Additional Information
Experience : 4-6 years
Qualification : 
B. Pharm/ M. Pharm / B.Tech / M.Tech / M.Sc Micro /M.Sc
Location : Pune
Industry Type : Pharma/ Healthcare/ Clinical research
Functional Area : Sales
End Date : 25th May, 2019

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