Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University is organizing a one day national seminar on "Pharmacy & Healthcare: Traditional Knowledge To Modern Techniques” on 14th of September, 2018 at Dr. Triguna Sen Auditorium, Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700032. Jadavpur University, a top ranking university in India has already known for imparting quality education and high level of potential research, and the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology has been continuously assisting the university through its teaching and research for its journey towards excellence. In this direction, Advanced Pharmacognosy Research Laboratory is noteworthy to mention. Other than its usual activities, the laboratory is now going to organize a national seminar on Pharmacy & Healthcare: Traditional Knowledge To Modem Techniques. The national seminar brings together researchers from different universities, institutes and industries and gives them a platform to share their research work. The aim of the seminar is to provide a fortune to showcase the cutting edge research in the field of pharmacy and healthcare. We invite research/review work for paper/poster from faculties, research scholars and industry participants.
Abstracts are invited from Participants for Poster Presentations based on the Theme of the Seminar. The Abstract must be written in Times-New-Roman, 12 point font, 1.5 cm spacing MS-Word format and should not exceed 200 words. The abstract should include Title in capital, Authors with surname followed by initials and affiliations. The name of presenting author should be indicated by underlining the author. Authors are requested to submit the abstract of their research paper through e-mail: latest by 20th August, 2018. The selected abstract will be published in the proceedings of the Seminar. The size of poster should be 1 X 1 meter (maximum).
Abstracts are invited from Participants for Poster Presentations based on the Theme of the Seminar. The Abstract must be written in Times-New-Roman, 12 point font, 1.5 cm spacing MS-Word format and should not exceed 200 words. The abstract should include Title in capital, Authors with surname followed by initials and affiliations. The name of presenting author should be indicated by underlining the author. Authors are requested to submit the abstract of their research paper through e-mail: latest by 20th August, 2018. The selected abstract will be published in the proceedings of the Seminar. The size of poster should be 1 X 1 meter (maximum).
Pharmacy & Healthcare: Traditional Knowledge to Modern Techniques
14th September, 2018
Registration Fee:
Up to 31st August, 2018
Scientists/ Research Scholar *
Industry Person/ Academia
Students *
Accompanying Person
* Must submit a certificate of status from the head of the Institute.
Registration fee can be paid in cash/DD/cheque or through NEFT. DD should be drawn in favor of “Pharmacy & Healthcare Seminar 2018”, United Bank of India, Account No. 1517010047807, Jadavpur Vidyapith Branch (IFSC code: UTBI0JDVF51), payable at Kolkata.
Important Dates:
Last date for submission of abstract : 20th August, 2018
Acceptance of abstract : 25th August, 2018
Last date of Registration : 31st August, 2018
Last date for submission of abstract : 20th August, 2018
Acceptance of abstract : 25th August, 2018
Last date of Registration : 31st August, 2018
Organized By
Advanced Pharmacognosy Research Laboratory
Department Of Pharmaceutical Technology
Jadavpur University
Kolkata 700032
Advanced Pharmacognosy Research Laboratory
Department Of Pharmaceutical Technology
Jadavpur University
Kolkata 700032
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