Required Pharmacists at Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences @Apply Now

Applications are invited from retried government servants for engagement as consultants on contract basis against below mentioned posts of Paramedical Personnel and other staff as per guidelines stipulated vide Finance Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi OM No.20/4/2015-AC/204-248 dated 04/12/2015.
Post: Pharmacist - 02 
Age: Note more than 64 years as on 30/11/2018
Candidates should possess a valid registration certificate from respective council.
Any change/alternation in the above mentioned schedule will be intimated in due course of time and candidates are advised to visit institute website i.e. for information in this regard.
The Department reserves the right to terminate the process of engagement at any stage.
Terms and Conditions for Engagement of Retired Paramedical Staff on Contract Basis against Vacant Sanctioned Posts.
1. The engagement of retired Govt. Paramedical Staff on contract basis on would be against vacant sanctioned post. The engagement of retried govt. Paramedical Staffs would be on full time basis and they would not be permitted to take up any other assignment during the period of contract
2. The engagement would be for a period of one year or appointment of regular incumbent whichever is earlier. However, it can be extended further subject to the satisfactory performance of the incumbent and depending upon the specific job and the time frame for its completion. The total period of engagement would not exceed five years in no case the contract would be allowed beyond five years. The maximum age limit of engagement shall be 65 years.
3. The amount of monthly consolidated remuneration in the case of retired Govt. officials shall be last pay minus pension plus DA at the applicable rate. However, the retired govt. official shall continue to draw pension and the dearness relief thereon during the period of his/her engagement as Paramedical staff shall not be treated as a case of re-employment.
4. The incumbent shall not be entitled to any allowance such as House Rent Allowance, Reimbursement of call charges of mobile, Transport facility Residential accommodation and HPCA etc.
5. No govt. vehicle shall be provided to the contractual paramedical staff.
6. No TA/DA shall be admissible for joining the assignment or on its completion/ Paramedical staff will not be allowed foreign travel at Govt. expenses. However, incumbents shall be allowed TA/DA for their travel inside the country in connection with the official work, if any, as per their entitlement as on the date retirement
7. The appointee shall be eligible for 8 days leave in a calendar year on pro-rata basis. Therefore a retiree Paramedical staff Paramedical staff shall not draw any remuneration in case of his/her absence beyond 8 days in a year (calculated on pro-rata basis). Also unavailable leave in a calendar year cannot be carried forward to next calendar year.
8. The engagement is of a temporary nature and the engagement can be cancelled at any time by the department without assigning any reason.
9. The retired Govt. servant should be clear from vigilance angle.
10. The other terms and condition will be applicable as per OM No.20/4/2015-AC/204-248 dated 04-12-2015 issue by Finance Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi.
Interested candidates shall report to the Dy. Director (Admin.), Room No. 116, Ist Floor, Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences, New Delhi – 110002 for walk-in-interview on 26/11/2018 at 10:00 AM onwards alongwith the dully filled application form as in annexure “B”, original documents as well as self attested photocopies of the same

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