Require Junior Research Fellow at IIT - BHU @Apply now

Banaras Hindu University ranks among the first few in the country in the field of academic and research output. This university has two campuses, 3 institutes, 16 faculties, 140 departments, 4 advanced centers and 4 interdisciplinary schools. The University is making its mark at the national and international levels in a number of frontier areas of Science, Social Science, Technology, Medicine and Agriculture etc
Applications are invited from Indian nationals for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) at a Fellowship of Rs 25000/ + 20% HRA / per month for 1st two years and Rs 28000/ + 20% HRA / per month for 3rd year in a DBT Twinning research project entitled “Phytochemical and pharmacological evaluations of bioactivity guided fractions of medicinal plants of Tripura”, sponsored by Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, New Delhi for a period of 3 years. The post is purely temporary and co-terminus with the project.
The candidates should have basic degree in pharmacy (B.Pharm.) and possess first class in M.Pharm. degree with qualified GATE/GPAT score. The upper age limit is 28 Years (relaxable for 5 years for SC/ST/Physically Handicapped/Female candidates). All things being equal, SC/ST candidates will be preferred as per GOI rules.
Essential qualifications: B.Pharm degree and GPAT/GATE with first class in M.Pharm. degree.
Desirable qualifications: One year industrial experience or research experience in the field of phytochemical investigation, standardization, biological activity and formulation development.
Interested candidates should send their applications strictly in the attached application format via email to Principal Investigator Dr. Alakh Niranjan Sahu at on or before 20th December, 2018.
Please write “Application for JRF” in the subject line of the email. The shortlisted candidates will be intimated by email. Tentative date of interview: within two weeks of application deadline. No TA/DA will be paid if called for interview.
General Instructions:
1. The PI has the discretion to restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview to a reasonable limit on the basis of qualifications and experience higher than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement.
2. Only shortlisted candidates will be communicated to appear in the interview and no other communications in this regard will be entertained.
3. Original certificates and self-attested copies of all certificates need to be presented before the interview for verification.
4. Venue of Interview: Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering & Technology, IIT (BHU), Varanasi-221005. E-mail:
5. Application should be strictly according to the attached format.
6. Last date for receiving completed application is 20th December, 2018.
Alakh Niranjan Sahu
Principal Investigator
Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering & Technology
IIT (BHU), Varanasi-221005

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