Acharya Harihar Regional Cancer Centre, Cuttack being one of the 27 RCCs of India at present started functioning since 24th April 1984 as an Odisha state-autonomous institution to facilitate treatment, education & training and research of cancer with modern and advanced method and technologies. Early detection and treatment with prevention of cancer is the motto of this institution. The Governing Body of this centre is constituted under the Chairmanship of the Hon’ble Minister of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Odisha.
Post : Pharmacist
No of Posts : Total- 6 (UR- 3 (W-l, Open-2) SEBC- 1 SC- 1 ST- 1 )
Consolidated remuneration on revised scale of pay : (Pre revised 5200/- G.P.2400) Revised-Rs.9500/- PM
Eligibility : Must have passed +2 Science Examination under Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha equivalent and Diploma in Pharmacy from any of the 3 (three) Medical College & Hospitals of the State / any other recognized private institutions duly approved by AICTE and examination conducted by the Odisha Pharmacy Board. Other terms & conditions of Odisha Pharmacist Service(Methods of Recruitment and condition of Service) Rules,2015 notified vide Govt, of Odisha H & F.W Deptt. Notification No. 14481 /H dt.30.6.15 will be followed.
Mode of selection : Selection of the candidate shall be in merit basis on career assessment as per Odisha Pharmacist Service (Methods of Recruitment and condition of Service) Rules, 2015
The candidates, who are intended to apply for the above noted posts (categorically) under Acharya Harihar Regional Cancer Centre, Cuttack, they have to apply to the Director, Acharya Harihar Regional Cancer Centre,Cuttack - 753007 by Registered post / Speed post only. Applications received through ordinary post will stand cancelled.
1. Complete application duly filled in by the applicant should reach in Office of the undersigned on or before- 30th October 2018 (5.00pm)
Applications received incomplete in any manner and after due date are liable to be summarily rejected.
2. The selection of the candidate will be made as per the Odisha Pharmacist Service(Methods of Recruitment and condition of Service)Rules,2015 notified vide Govt, of Odisha H & F.W Deptt. Notification No.l4481/H dt.30.6.15 and ORV Act by the Staff selection committee, AHRCC, Cuttack.
3. Appointment is purely on contractual basis and may be terminated at anytime without assigning any reason thereof.
4. Age limit - As per the norm prescribed by the Odisha Pharmacist Service(Methods of Recruitment and condition of Service)Rules,2015 notified vide Govt, of Odisha H & F.W Deptt. Notification No.l4481/H dt.30.6.15.
5. In case of non-availability of Women candidates the vacancy will be filled up by eligible male candidates of the respective category.
6. Any legal dispute is subject to the jurisdiction of Court ( s) situated in Cuttack, Odisha.
7. Be a domicile of State of Odisha.
8. Be of Good Character.
9. Be of Sound Health, good physique and free from organic defects or bodily infirmity.
10. Have not more than one spouse living, if married.
11. One envelope should contain only one application only.
12. Applicant should clearly mention the Name of the post applied for and the Institution on the top of the envelope and application form also.
13. Candidates applying for different categories of posts for different Institutions should apply with separate application forms.
14. The Director, AHRCC, Cuttack reserves the right to reject / accept / cancel any application without assigning any reasons thereof.
15. Knowledge in Odia: The candidates must
a) be able to read, write and speak Odia.
b) have passed middle school examination with Odia as language subject or
c) have passed Matriculation or equivalent examination with Odia as medium of examination in non language subject: or
d) have passed in Odia as language subject in final examination of class - VII from a school or educational institution recognized by the Government ot Odisha or the Central Government: or
e) Have passed a test in Odia in Middle English School standard conducted by the School and Mass Education Department.
The candidates, who are intended to apply for the above noted posts (categorically) under Acharya Harihar Regional Cancer Centre, Cuttack, they have to apply to the Director, Acharya Harihar Regional Cancer Centre,Cuttack - 753007 by Registered post / Speed post only. Applications received through ordinary post will stand cancelled.
1. Complete application duly filled in by the applicant should reach in Office of the undersigned on or before- 30th October 2018 (5.00pm)
Applications received incomplete in any manner and after due date are liable to be summarily rejected.
2. The selection of the candidate will be made as per the Odisha Pharmacist Service(Methods of Recruitment and condition of Service)Rules,2015 notified vide Govt, of Odisha H & F.W Deptt. Notification No.l4481/H dt.30.6.15 and ORV Act by the Staff selection committee, AHRCC, Cuttack.
3. Appointment is purely on contractual basis and may be terminated at anytime without assigning any reason thereof.
4. Age limit - As per the norm prescribed by the Odisha Pharmacist Service(Methods of Recruitment and condition of Service)Rules,2015 notified vide Govt, of Odisha H & F.W Deptt. Notification No.l4481/H dt.30.6.15.
5. In case of non-availability of Women candidates the vacancy will be filled up by eligible male candidates of the respective category.
6. Any legal dispute is subject to the jurisdiction of Court ( s) situated in Cuttack, Odisha.
7. Be a domicile of State of Odisha.
8. Be of Good Character.
9. Be of Sound Health, good physique and free from organic defects or bodily infirmity.
10. Have not more than one spouse living, if married.
11. One envelope should contain only one application only.
12. Applicant should clearly mention the Name of the post applied for and the Institution on the top of the envelope and application form also.
13. Candidates applying for different categories of posts for different Institutions should apply with separate application forms.
14. The Director, AHRCC, Cuttack reserves the right to reject / accept / cancel any application without assigning any reasons thereof.
15. Knowledge in Odia: The candidates must
a) be able to read, write and speak Odia.
b) have passed middle school examination with Odia as language subject or
c) have passed Matriculation or equivalent examination with Odia as medium of examination in non language subject: or
d) have passed in Odia as language subject in final examination of class - VII from a school or educational institution recognized by the Government ot Odisha or the Central Government: or
e) Have passed a test in Odia in Middle English School standard conducted by the School and Mass Education Department.
i) Self-attested photo copy of HSC certificate in support of date of birth.
ii) Self-attested photo copies of all certificates, Mark Sheets and Registration Certificates for the post applied for.
iii) Self attested photo copy of Caste Certificate issued by the Competent Authority not below the rank of Tahasildar.
iv) Self attested photo copy of Nativity/ Resident certificate issued by the Competent Authority not below the rank of Tahasildar (issued within 6 months to the date of advertisement).
v) Two Self attested recent pass port size colour photographs.
vi) Two conduct and character certificates issued by Gazette officer.
vii) Two self-addressed envelope (size - 24 xlOcm) with postage stamp of Rs.42.00 (forty two).
viii) Two Self attested recent pass port size colour photographs.
ix) Xerox attested copy of the certificates in support of passing Odia as a language subject.
ix) NOC from present employer (in case of in service candidates).
x) Original service certificate issued by the present employer ( in case of in-service candidates).
xi) Photo ID issued by State/Central Govt.
i) Self-attested photo copy of HSC certificate in support of date of birth.
ii) Self-attested photo copies of all certificates, Mark Sheets and Registration Certificates for the post applied for.
iii) Self attested photo copy of Caste Certificate issued by the Competent Authority not below the rank of Tahasildar.
iv) Self attested photo copy of Nativity/ Resident certificate issued by the Competent Authority not below the rank of Tahasildar (issued within 6 months to the date of advertisement).
v) Two Self attested recent pass port size colour photographs.
vi) Two conduct and character certificates issued by Gazette officer.
vii) Two self-addressed envelope (size - 24 xlOcm) with postage stamp of Rs.42.00 (forty two).
viii) Two Self attested recent pass port size colour photographs.
ix) Xerox attested copy of the certificates in support of passing Odia as a language subject.
ix) NOC from present employer (in case of in service candidates).
x) Original service certificate issued by the present employer ( in case of in-service candidates).
xi) Photo ID issued by State/Central Govt.
Last Date : 30th October, 2018