The journey of Centurion University of Technology and Management (CUTM) began in the year 2005 by a group of ambitious academics with aspirations to provide high quality education both nationally and internationally. The first step in this direction was to take over an ailing engineering Institute, the Jagannath Institute for Technology and Management (JITM) in one of the most challenging tribal districts of Odisha and one which was considered to be a left-wing extremist affected area. Subsequently, JITM was transformed into Centurion University of Technology and Management in August 2010, through an act of Odisha Legislative Assembly. It became the First Multi-Sector State Private University in Odisha
On 19th& 20th January, 2019

Centurion University,
Bhubaneswar, Pin-752050,
The 3rd Pharm. Tech. IAPST International Conference on “Molecular Mechanism of Diseases and Novel Therapeutic Approaches” is going to be organized jointly by the School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, Centurion University, Bhubaneswar along with Indian Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists and Technologists, on 19th January 2019 and 20th January 2019 in the School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, Centurion University, Bhubaneswar, one of the premier University in India. Science and technology have answered many questions related to the insights and queries on various diseases and have provided the latest therapeutic approaches to combat them. This is the time to share information about the advancements as well as the challenges in the discipline. This is an opportunity for an exchange of idea between congress participants and experts on a timely topic. Our current knowledge will be reviewed by outstanding authorities in the field. Further, the delegates will also have the free access to the commercial exhibition. We are looking forward to renewing acquaintances with our colleagues from around the world as we enjoy the scientific, cultural and historical aspects of this wonderful city, Bhubaneswar
Instruction for Abstract preparation and Abstract submission:
There should be a title of the work followed by the name(s) and affiliation (s) of the researchers and then the body of the abstract. Body of the abstract should be written within 250 words describing the areas such as the brief background, methodology used, outlining of result and the inference drawn. Abstract should be submitted as an e-mail attachment (
Instruction for poster presentation Approximate area available for each poster is 1m x 1m
Registration Charges
Early Bird  On or before 5th December, 2018 
Adult: Rs. 2500/
(USD* 150)
Members Rs. 2000/-
Accompanied Rs.1200/
Person (USD 75)
Child Rs. 800
(3- 12 yrs) (USD 50)
Regular After 5th December, 2018
Adult: Rs. 3000/
(USD* 200)
Members Rs. 2500/-
Accompanied Rs.1500/
Person (USD 100)
Child Rs. 1000
(3- 12 yrs) (USD 75)
Payment Options
All drafts should be made in favor of “Indian Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists and Technologists” payable at Kolkata, India.
Bank/Wire Transfer:
Account Name: Indian Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists and Technologists Account No: 0103010604765
Address: United Bank of India, Jadavpur Vidyapith Branch, MCE Building, Jadavpur University Campus, Kolkata 700032, India
MICR Code: 110027010
Branch Code: JDVF51
(in case of RTGS/NEFT done within India) Swift Code: UTBIINBB (for foreign remittance)
Organized by
School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, Centurion University, Bhubaneswar, India

Para Medical Staff at Office of the District Magistrate

Malda is a district covering area of 3733 sq Km with Bihar and Uttar Dinajpur at North , Murshidabad at South , Bangladesh at east , and Jharkhand and Bihar at West. It shares 165.5 km international border with Bangladesh. Having a central location it is an important junction and entry point to Siliguri from South Bengal. The river Ganga makes its first entry in West Bengal near Manikchak of Malda. As it is a low lying basin, it is prone to flood.
Post : Para Medical Staff
Online application in prescribed format are hereby invited from Indian citizens(Female) for the following posts on temporary & contractual basis in Government run Children Home for Girls (CNCP & JCL), Malda as per ICPS guideline (revised).
Willing candidates shall be required to apply online in the District (official) website: from 10.10.2018. No application will be received after 5 p.m.on 15.11.2018. Only online application will be accepted. Any omission /suppression of information shall be liable to rejection of application or candidature at any stage of process without showing any reason. Reservation of post will be as per Govt. Rule.
No of Posts : 01
Gender Category : Female
Age as on 01.09.18.: 21-40 years
Educational qualification : H.S passed & Diploma in Nursing/Pharmacy.
Other preferred Qualification : At least three years experience in the relevant field.
Honorarium (consolidated ) per month : Rs 9000/
A candidate shall have to submit the following documents along with the online application -
1 . Age proof,
2. educational qualification ,
3. experience if any ,
4. Rresidential proof (issued by competent authority i.e. Prodhan/ Sabhapati / Panchayet Samity/ Member of Zilla Parisad/ MLA/MP/BDO, SDO )
5. Voter Card/Aadhar Card,
6. Computer Diploma Certificate ( SL 01),
7. Same coloured passport size photograph to be pasted on the application & admit card.
8. Caste certificate if any.
1. Only online application will be accepted submitted through the link from the website :
2. Click on the link" Recruitment for Government CCI, Malda 2018"
3. Maximum size of documents in a single PDF file should be 2MB for Education and Experience. Maximum size of others documents in PDF file should be 1MB; size of photograph should be 10-20 KB (Height :128px & width: 99px ). Size of signature is 10-20 KB (Height: 50px & width: 200px )
4. Fill up Application form & upload the required documents & recent coloured photograph .
5. After successful submission please note down the registration ID and print the application with registration ID

• Probable due date of issue of Admit Card: 29.10.18. to 30.10.18.(To be downloaded from website : ). Candidates are requested to check the site for final examination schedule for written test.
• Candidate without Admit Card & any photo identity document like EPIC/PAN Card/Aadhaar Card/Passport //Admit Card/Driving License/Bank passbook containing photograph /any other photo identity card issued by competent Govt. Authority shall not be allowed to enter the Examination Hall.
• Commencement of submission of online application : 10.10.2018.
• Closing date of submission of online application : 15.11.2018. at 05:00 PM.
• Tentative date of written examination : 24.11.2018. at 11:00 AM.
• Date of Computer Test    : 24.11.2018 at 01: 30 PM
• Date of Viva Voice Test : 24.11.2018. at 03.00 PM
Candidates are advice to follow & check the instructions & notice published time to time through website:
Application once submitted shall be treated as final .The candidates are advised to check the entries made against each column thoroughly before submission of application.
The selection committee deserves the right to accept or reject any application without showing any reason.
The selection committee reserves the right in all circumstances for any modification if required. The selection Committee reserves the right in all circumstances for cancellation or postpone as per order of Department of WCD & SW, Government of WB.

Require Research Analyst at Clarivate Analytics

Post : Associate Research Analyst/Research Analyst

Job Description:  
Responsible for the production, quality and functionality of specific content sets. Participates in specialist interpretation in the form of research, analysis, and writing to support the development and maintenance of clinical trial information in all media, and ensures that published information contains premium content.
Roles & Responsibilities: 
• Responsible for the curation & analysis of clinical trials content from various sources such as trial registries, press releases, scientific meetings, conferences, etc.
• Maintain good quality standards
• Content analysis from scientific posters and abstracts.
• Able to write abstracts

Interview Rounds:
1st round: Written test (Technical - Topics mentioned above)
2nd round: Interview discussion (Technical)
Additional Information
Experience: 1 - 3 years
Location: Chennai, Hyderabad
Educational Qualification: M.Pharm / M.Sc Chemistry, Biochemistry
Functional Area : 
End Date : 30th November, 2018

Applications are invited for Senior Research Fellow at IBSD

Applications are invited from suitable candidates for the post of 01 (one) Senior Research Fellow (SRF) to work in Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Govt. of India funded project entitled “Quantifying the microbial risk in protein-rich fermented foods of Manipur to identify the critical control points and development of LAMP based rapid diagnosis kit for major foodborne pathogens.”
Fellowship/ Consolidated pay : Rs 28,000/- per month + 10% HRA
Duration : Two years or till the completion of the project whichever is earlier
Fellowship : Rs. 28,000 per month + 10% HRA (As per ICMR guidelines)
Qualification : Post graduate degree in life sciences (Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Molecular Biology/ Bioinformatics or any relevant discipline), desirable with NET qualification and 2 years of research experience. or Postgraduate degree in professional course with two years of research experience.
Post : Senior Research Fellow
i. The above position is purely temporary and co- terminus with the project. Selected candidates shall not claim for regular appointment either in IBSD or DBT, New Delhi.
ii. No TA/DA will be paid to attend the interview.
iii.The upper age limit for Senior Research Fellow shall be 35 years.
iv. Eligible candidates are requested to bring all original and self-attested Xerox copy of the certificates and the verification will be done at 11:00 a.m. to 02.30 p.m. on 2nd November, 2018.
v. Candidates must fill-up the application in the prescribed format while appearing interview
vi. Advance application can be submitted through email to or the hard copy of the application can be submitted personally.
Walk-in-interview will be held on Friday the 2nd November, 2018 at 2:30 p.m. at the Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development (IBSD), Nursery Veng, Khatla, Aizawl-796005, Mizoram.

Apply for Junior Research Fellow at Agharkar Research Institute

Agharkar Research Institute (ARI) is an autonomous, grant-in-aid research institute of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Goverment of India. It was established in 1946 by the Maharashtra Association for the Cultivation of Science as MACS Research Institute and renamed as ARI in 1992 in honour and memory of its founder Director, late Professor S.P. Agharkar.
Post : Junior Research Fellow
Funding Agency, Title, Period of the Project & Post Code :
DST- SERB Sponsored Project "Valorization of methane from biogas to biodiesel and single cell proteins (SCPs) using methanotrophs (methane oxidizing bacteria)" (SP-286).
Period up to: 15/09/2021.
Post Code: ARI/SP-286/JRF
Group/ Division : Bioenergy
Qualifications Essential: 
i) M. Sc. First Class in Microbiology / Biotechnology or similar subjects.
ii) Qualified CSIR/UGC JRF/ NET or DBT-BET or INSPIRE/ ICAR/ICMR-NET OR GATE with valid score card.
i) Hands on experience in microbiological techniques. ii) Hands on experience in biochemistry and molecular biology..
Monthly stipend : Rs.25,000/- + HRA.
Age limit (as on date of interview) : Upto 28 years for General Category. Age relaxation of upto 5 years (Upto 33 years) for SC/ST/Differently abled/women candidates and 3 years (31 years) for OBC (Non-creamy layer) candidates
1. Candidates fulfilling above conditions may apply in the prescribed format available under this advertisement along with self-attested copies of qualifications, certificates, Passport size photograph, caste certificate issued by competent authority (for reserved category) and send it to The Administrative Officer, Agharkar Research Institute by 16/11/2018.
2. Non-refundable application fee of Rs.100/- (except SC/ST/women and PH candidates) to be paid online through or link available on Institute Website (Pay application fees on SBI Collect under Announcements). Candidate should attach the receipt of online payment of fees and indicate the online receipt number in the application form. The Institute is not responsible for any incomplete/pending/failed transactions of online application fee payments and they may contact the concerned bank in this regard.
3. The prescribed essential qualifications are bare minimum and mere possession of same will not entitle the candidate to be called for interview. The Institute reserves the right to select the suitable candidate.
4. In case of deserving and exceptionally qualified candidates, desirable qualification are relaxed at the discretion of the Competent Authority. 5. In case of non-availability of qualified JRF, candidates having M.Sc. degree in the above subjects with at least 55% marks may be considered for Research Studentship @ Rs.23,000/- (fixed) Per Month.
Last date for receipt of Application : 16/11/2018.
Display of the short list of candidates for interview : Will be displayed on Institute website by 26/11/2018.
Day, Date & time of Interview : Wednesday, 12/12/2018 at 10:00 a.m
Note: No T.A. is admissible for attending interview and selected candidate will have no right for appointment against any ARI or funding agency’s post/s

Associate Scientist require in Formulation Development at Novartis

Novartis has one of the most exciting product pipelines in the industry today. A pipeline of innovative medicines brought to life by diverse, talented and performance driven people. All of which makes them one of the most rewarding employers in their field.
Post : Associate Scientist - Formulation Development
Job Description
Position Purpose :
Plan and perform scientific/developmental experiments or GMP testing or develop manufacturing processes for the preparation and timely delivery of drug products (DP), processes and procedures; contribute to maintenance of equipment/infrastructure in lab or pilot plant.
Major Accountabilities
1. Plan, organize, perform and document scientific experiments/GMP testing/manufacturing process development activities under moderate supervision; - Take over responsibility for and utilize special tools/equipment or specialized facilities under moderate supervision; schedule and perform maintenance and qualification of instruments/equipment - Keep record of chemicals, intermediates, excipients, standards or consumables
2. Work according to appropriate standards as defined in Quality Manual, SOPs, ethical, health, safety, environment (HSE), and information security (ISEC) guidelines; actively participate in proactive compliance and continuous improvement.
3. Provide documentation of raw data, evaluate and interpret results obtained for advanced but established methods or procedures. Review and verify raw data generated by others
4. Write protocols, reports or lab procedures based on templates under moderate supervision
5. Recognize, communicate and provide input to the solution of complex problems (e.g. deviations and unexpected results from experiments); address and solve problems within own area of responsibility.
6. For technical development units: Contribute to development of new methods or optimize existing methods (lab or plant); Contribute to the evaluation of new lab equipment. For GMP units: ensure compliance to cGMP
7. For technology-focused role: Perform information searches under moderate guidance. Actively participate in knowledge exchange. Train and coach technicians, temporary employees and employees under training/education.
8. Support non-project activities as needed, such as Op Ex, GDP coordinator etc.
Key Performance Indicator
1. Successful execution of assigned tasks within given timelines at expected quality; right the first time & on time
2. Adherence to appropriate standards as defined in Quality Manual, SOPs, ethical, health, safety, environment (HSE), and information security (ISEC) guidelines
3. Refer to annual individual and team objective setting
Candidate Profille
Master or Bachelor of Science or Apprenticeship in industry (or equivalent technical education) with 3 years relevant experience in industry or equivalent Advanced knowledge of English (oral and written). Adequate knowledge in local site-language, as required for the position
• Awareness for safe handling of chemicals, potentially dangerous materials and equipment.
• Adequate theoretical and scientific knowledge in the relevant area (e.g. manufacturing, analytical, pharmaceutical)
• Good practical knowledge of laboratory and/or technical tools.
• Adequate knowledge of software and computer tools.
• Knowledge of current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) 

• Good documentation skills
• Basic presentation skills
Additional Information 
Qualification : M.Pharm, M.Sc
Location : Hyderabad, AP
Industry Type : Pharma
Functional Area : R&D
End Date : 30th November, 2018

4th International Conference on Clinical Pharmacy- CPCON 2019

The department of pharmacy practice at Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education is hosting the 4th International Conference of Clinical Pharmacy during 5-6 January 2019. "Transitioning towards multidisciplinary care and research" is the theme of CPCON 2019. 
Important dates to remember
15 October 2018- for abstract submission

Apply for Regional Sales Manager at Siemens

Post : Regional Sales Manager
Job Description
  • You will represent Siemens Financial Services to potential clients including Siemens companies and through direct communication in face to face meetings, presentations, telephone calls and emails.
  • You will be responsible for own lead generation and appointment setting, apart from following up on lead generated through the Vendor Management team
  • You will actively manage the sales process: lead generation; credentials presentation; asking questions; solution presentation; negotiation; close; handover to the counter party (internal team – Risk & Operations) and subsequent follow up and process management.
  • You will have individual responsibility for new business, and is expected to self-manage; however, he/she will be part of a particularly enthusiastic, successful and expanding team. Support is also available from the Regional Sales Head, National Sales Manager and Vendor Management.
  • You are the representative of SFSPL ( Siemens financials ) at internal and external meetings, your professional manner and polished appearance will aid your intention of gaining new business leads and contacts
Candidate Profile
• You have successfully completed a bachelor’s or Master’s.
• You have 7-10 years of professional experience in equipment financing either in Bank or NBFC preferably in equipment financing especially in segments of Healthcare Industry - Banks, Financial Institutions, and Equipment Sales.
• You have a strong selling financial product in Healthcare Industry.
Additional Information
Qualification : B
achelor’s or Master’s
Experience : 7-10 years
Job ID: 86445

Location : Bangalore
Industry Type :  Healthcare
Functional Area : Sales
End Date : 25th November, 2018

Requirement of Production Operator at Sanofi @ Apply Now

Sanofi is dedicated to supporting people through their health challenges. We are a global biopharmaceutical company focused on human health. We prevent illness with vaccines, provide innovative treatments to fight pain and ease suffering. We stand by the few who suffer from rare diseases and the millions with long-term chronic conditions.  With more than 100,000 people in 100 countries, Sanofi is transforming scientific innovation into healthcare solutions around the globe.
Post : Production Operator
Job Description
• Handling & Operation of formulation vessels, filtration skids and supporting equipment as per standards and procedures
• Ensure the execution of media fills and all periodic validations in formulation area
• Responsible for Batch manufacturing and aseptic filtration
• Performing CIP/SIP of equipment and filtration skids
• Perform the filter integrity tests
• Execution of process validations, cleaning validations in formulation area
• Execution of batch as per BMR
• Ensure the necessary documentation work related to formulation area and formulation equipment
• Responsible for reporting any equipment breakdowns/quality/HSE related events
• Ensure the HSE and 5S at work place
• Maintain proper communication with in the department and between departments
• Responsible for timely issue the required materials from warehouse
• Ensure the area and equipment with good housekeeping standards and hygiene
• Ensure the online documentation in working area with all necessary supporting documents to comply the batch manufacturing records
• perform the cleaning of all processing equipment
• Carryout all quality checks/line clearance in formulation area
• Responsible to prepare SOP’s related to formulation area and supporting equipment
• Prepare and maintain GMP documents as per the departmental requirement
• Flexible to come in all shifts
• Ensure to comply the weekly/monthly/periodic schedules for the formulation area and equipment
• Responsible for work closely with shift manager and production manager
• Responsible for audit compliance in his area
• Responsible for part of investigation team
Candidate Profile
• Bachelor or Master Degree in Pharmacy/Biotechnology
• Minimum of 3years to max of 4 years of Sterile injectable manufacturing /Sterile API manufacturing
• Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English are required
• Flexible in nature towards work
• Basic GMP knowledge
• Experience in handling of liquid filling machines preferably with isolators
• Experience in filling machine changeovers
• Knowledge on CIP, SIP & Filter integrity
• Audit facing skills
• Analytical, Presentation, & Problem solving skills
• SME in his working area
• Trending of data (Environmental, CPP’s)
Additional Information
Experience : 3-4 years
Qualification :  
M.Sc, B.Pharm, M.Pharm, B.Sc
Location : Toopran Mandal, Telangana
Industry Type : Pharma
Functional Area : Production
End Date : 25th November, 2018

Junior Research Fellow require at National Institute of Immunology @ last date 6 Nov 2018

Post : Junior Research Fellow
Name of the project & Duration of the Project
DST-INSPIRE Faculty Award Research Scheme
Educational Qualifications: M.Sc. in Microbiology/ Bioch
emistry/Biotechnology/ Biology/ Life Sciences or equivalent from a recognized University. The applicant should have qualified any ‘National Level Examination’.
Job description & Desired Knowledge: Research experience in bioinformatics, Molecular, Biology, Genomics and Proteomics data analysis etc.

Emoluments: The selected candidates will draw consolidated emoluments as per Institute Rules, depending upon qualifications & experience : Rs. 25,000/- p.m. plus 30% HRA (As per DST OM dated 21.10.2014)
General Terms & Conditions: 
1. The candidates selected for the above posts will be on contract for one year or duration of the project whichever is shorter, at a time.
2. No hostel/ housing facility will be provided.
3. Applicants may clearly mention the category they belong to i.e. SC/ST/OBC/PH and attach documentary proof of the same.
4. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview, if called for.
5. Apart from sending application in the prescribed format given below, candidates should send complete Curriculum Vitae along with the names of three referees. Curriculum Vitae should contain details of the experimental expertise and list of publications.
6. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
Interested candidates may apply directly, STRICTLY IN THE PRESCRIBED FORMAT GIVEN BELOW, through e-mail, to the Investigator of the project, clearly indicating the name of the project along with their complete C.V., e-mail id, fax numbers, telephone numbers. Only Short listed candidates will be called for interview and they required to submit attested copies of all their certificates and a Demand Draft of Rs 100/- drawn on Canara Bank or Indian Bank payable at Delhi/New Delhi in favour of the Director, NII (SC/STPH and Women candidates are exempted from payment of fees) subject to submission of documentary proof), at the time of interview.

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